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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Infant gas/colic

My sisters new baby he is 7 weeks old. He is soley breastfed and suffers from much gas pains. He is very fussy all times hard belly and seems to strain very hard with red face when bowel movements. Can not sleep well due to gas. She has tried tummy calm homeopath medicine and gripe water. Any help will be much appreciated
  Lj2013 on 2013-11-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You can try nux vomica 30c-

Try one dose and then wait to see what happens.
Do not give more unless symptoms return.

A dose is 2 pills dissolved in a tablespoon of water,

If the first time does not work, you can try this
2 more times after gaps of 5 or 6 hours. If none of this
works then you need a different remedy.

Nux Vomica has symptoms of gas pains and very much
straining to have a bowel movement.
simone717 last decade
I seriously doubt that Nux Vomica will work here.

I'll try two doses of Calcarea Phosphorica 30c first and if it fails then try something else.

One dose is made by dissolving one pill of the remedy in half a glass of cooled, boiled water. Stir it and give one tea spoon from it.

Give two doses, 12 hrs apart. That's it.
fitness last decade
Cal Phos does not have constipation and straining
for stool. I have a homeopathy baby book by a famous
classical homeopath for common childhood acutes.

On the acutes you match with the symptoms and while
Cal phos is NOT listed as one of the top 10 remedies
for colic for babies, that is not to say it won't work.

But straining hard for stool is considered a keynote
on colic remedies pointing to using Nux vomica.

Please try the nux vomica and advise how it worked.


[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 05 Nov 2013 00:34:52 GMT]
simone717 last decade

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