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Neck, shoulder and arm pain ... right side only.

I am having neck, shoulder and arm pain on right side only from last couple of weeks. First I thought it's because of playing tennis, it's been more than month I stopped playing and the pain is increasing. From last two weeks it's worse. Sometimes tingling sensation in shoulder and arm. Sometimes accompanied with sinus congestion and pressure.

Movement and massage helps. I Feel better

Worse when working on computer or sleeping. Can't sleep at night because of this.

I think it's more in cold weather/winter.

I had similar problem 4 years ago and did all kinds of tests, went through physical therapy but no use. The problem went away eventually.

Depression and tension makes it worse.

I am 36, male and Dr. Kadwa said I'm perfectionist.

I have tried Rhus Tox and Mag phos so far.
  shanti2013 on 2013-11-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try RHUS TOX again in 200C potency every 6 hours for two days max. Wait for 7 days and report.

Try a different pharmacy.
rishimba last decade
Thank you.

Should I take pills or in drops in water?
shanti2013 last decade
Take 3 drops in about 10 ml of water as one dose.

Follow general rules of taking homeo remedies.
rishimba last decade
Will do.

Thank you.
shanti2013 last decade

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