The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Weak Memory and Bad thoughts
Hi Dr's,I am 29 year old.weight 77 hight 5f 11 inch.I am suffering a very serious problem which made me so upset and that is My weak memory.plz help me.My symptoms are:-
- Weak memory. Difficult to remmber things, just read things go away,
- Difficult to memorize
- Absent minded
- Very forget full, Often forget the bank card code, some times even code that I have been using for months. forget the name of the person just told or asked in introductio
- Forget what was about to do, come in the room to take some
thing, but forget what I came to take, When in shopping forget the
purchases and leave just after making the payment,
- Forget what what was about to do, what have just thought. Memory just like very old people. Very difficult comprehansion.
- Lowered intellect.
- Stupidity, Speak whcih did not wanted to speak, when speaking
seems mind is not controlling the tongue,
- Slow in thinking and decision making. Feels there is some kind
of lack of communication between mind and body,
reactions are slow.
- Low IQ.
- Feels I have too persons in side me, one command or prohibts
other, and this makes decison also dificult
- Slow in collecting thoghts,
- Difficult to concentrate
- Mind switches to other objects when studying, or when some
body is talking with me, or even when I am alone and concentrating on
something.For example some friend or colleage starts discussing some
thing with me, and I listen for a while to him and soon later my mind will
switch to some other thought/event which may be qite irrelevent to the situation. After some moments I come back , often
forget what person has said or at least loose the thread.
- When reading want to skip and quickly want to get what the end of story and get idea what it about is. Not very through.
Get tired of mental work very soon, want to siwtch lighter job. Can not exert mental effort. Mental or physical smal task feels big.
Lazy to dig information. Just inclined to overview.
- Mental work feels hard, get bored and tired quickly, and starts feel sleepy.
- Sever lack of will power. Cannot full fill comitment and dedicate to aim
- Mind feels exausted, Mental work feels heavy task.
- Mental operations are very slow, espacialy mathmatical and logical
- Mind not any more creative, defficency of ideas.
- sever lack of Confidance
- Thought tormet with each other, can noth think clearly
analaticaly and concentrated.
- Thoughts sexual, imagine naked woman, want to have sex for long period , Lustful
- Tension in back under the neck in left shoulder level.
Tension starting from the shoulder level goes up to neck muscles.
please help me,thanks
[message edited by uskhan on Fri, 15 Nov 2013 16:08:26 GMT]
uskhan on 2013-11-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
mani_jee last decade
Anacardium Orientale 30C
Dissolve 2 drops or 5 pills in 3 tablespoons water in a cup, stir a few times using a spoon and drink. Do this once everyday for 5 days and update me.
Restrictions: Coffee, raw onion/garlic, drugs.
Dissolve 2 drops or 5 pills in 3 tablespoons water in a cup, stir a few times using a spoon and drink. Do this once everyday for 5 days and update me.
Restrictions: Coffee, raw onion/garlic, drugs.
♡ Zady101 last decade
Zady is telling you above- to buy the remedy Anacardium Orientale
in a strength called 30c potency. Buy it in liquid if you can
or if not get pills.
Directions on how to use drops or pills are above. and
take this ONE time a day for 5 days and then report back in
here on it.
Zady is traveling right now, but you can click his name and
see his email.
Don't know where you are, if you don't know where to buy remedies
post your location and I will give you the needed info.
Zady is telling you above- to buy the remedy Anacardium Orientale
in a strength called 30c potency. Buy it in liquid if you can
or if not get pills.
Directions on how to use drops or pills are above. and
take this ONE time a day for 5 days and then report back in
here on it.
Zady is traveling right now, but you can click his name and
see his email.
Don't know where you are, if you don't know where to buy remedies
post your location and I will give you the needed info.
♡ simone717 last decade
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.