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Power of staphysagria -really?

Hello fellow seekers,
I worried a lot for a long time, read quite a bit and tried praying sincerely to somehow overcome the habit of masturbation that I've had for the past 18 years. I found plenty of people with identical problems on this web-site who had talked about Staphysagria. I purchased a 100 ml bottle (200 potency) about 9 days ago. I've been taking it twice a day. I really want to go on, but, may I ask if this is the right forum to discuss symptoms in detail and how I feel now?
Kind regards,
  udayshiva on 2005-10-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
This is not the way to take homeopathic remedies.You should take one dose and then wait for at least two weeks to see the remedy's response and then repeat when the effect of the previous dose seems to be wearing off.You should not take any more doses of Staphysagria 200.You have already taken enough.Now wait for at leaast a month to see how your body responds.As long as the urge to masturbate keeps decreasing don't repeat the remedy.If it doesn't affect your sexual urge at all then obviously it is not right for you.

rajivprasad last decade
Hello Rajiv,
Thanks a ton for the advise. I am a little surprised because I purchased the medicine from the most respected source in Sydney. They said depending on the problem I could either go for a lower potency or higher potency of Staphysagria. I did'nt come across any material that suggested a single dose and pause of a week before resuming. I will wait for at least a month as suggested. I have to admit that I feel amazingly fresh, clearer thoughts, short-term recollection seems to have improved and most of all I have absolutely no urge whatsoever to masturbate. My sincere thanks again to you Rajiv.
p.s: since I've taken quite a few doses, will this have any negetive effect?
Kind regards,
udayshiva last decade
I am glad to know that you feel better.No harm will be done.Just concentrate on your work and perhaps this will become a distant memory.If the problem returns, you may take another dose, but not before a month.

rajivprasad last decade
Thanks Rajiv. I am praying sincerely so that I may never ever get into this again. Helps me feel pure that way. One more question if I may. What do I do about deep, dark, black circles around my eyes?
udayshiva last decade
They will go away with time on correct homeopathic treatment.

rajivprasad last decade
Hello Rajiv and all,
It has been almost a month since I started taking Staphysagria 200. At first I took it once a day for 9 days and then stopped. I felt extremely happy because the urge to masturbate had totally vanished. But just last night (after about a 15 day gap) the urge started and I yielded. The urge is so sporadic and strong that I drop doing what I'm doing and just yield. I've been meditating every morning and feel immensely good after that.
Is this normal?
Do I start taking a few more doses of Staphysagria?
udayshiva last decade
Make a solution of two drops of Staphysagria 200 in a glass of water and then take one teaspoonful as a dose.Throw the rest of the solution away.

rajivprasad last decade
how often do u/did u masturbate....surly its o.k to masturbate some of the time... do u feel sex is dirty????
do u feel dirty??
whats maybe more important is ure need to feel pure..
in which case another remedy may be needed
all the best
cornelius last decade
Thanks Cornelius,
I used to 3/4 times a day between the ages of 18-26. From 26-36 about once a day. From 36 to now about 3 times a week.
I don't feel sex is dirty, but, here is how I feel after masturbating:
Physical weakness
Strong sense of guilt
Tend to over-sympathise with anyone who comes across.
At the same time, I can snap very quickly.
Makes me feel "unfit" for everything in life. This affects me deeply while trying to meditate, I keep getting these lustful images in my mind and it tries to drag me in that direction.
Become very unstable emotionally.
Start to feel very very heavy in the head and sleepy.
Rings under eyes seem to go deeper after the act.
Yellowness of the eye increases.

Thanks and look forward to hearing from you.
udayshiva last decade
Dear Murthy
I know your post is five years old, but maybe they will notify you of comments to it. You say 'What do I do about deep, dark, black circles around my eyes?' That is itself a classical symptom of Staphysagria. You are completely on the right track with that remedy.
doggy66 last decade
Hi, can anyone here help me in suggesting a really good homeo-medicine to overcome ---shyness,timidity,fear of public places,low self esteem,ability to express my view(very strong views),stop chronic masturbation and alopecia aereta. Would appereciate a helpful response.
Taydman last decade
i seen a potency of staphysagria of 84 LM is that heigher than ML and CM dosage ? is there a chart of potency from lowest to highest??
eternaljjay8365 last decade
When I tool Staphysagria for first time

I went 20 days without masturbating and watching porn..
Whenever the sexual urges arises
I suppressed it by rational thinking. It was like my Conscious mind was much more powerful that subconscious.

I was in charge for my body for the first time in 12 years.
zainuu163 last decade
i m Male of 31yrs, in 2009 may i went to a psychiatrist for getting out of masturbating.
i used to feel numbness, or weighed on head.. low back pain
he prescribed me
(slightly spelling mistake, but correct)

after using those i found unable to clear my bowls morning.
after a year later, one day after my stool in bathroom i immediately became very weak, heavy burning at anus that continued for a week daily after i go for motion every time and almost fallen but consciously controlled my self holding tap and wall.

In 2010 august i approched a gastroentrologist he said IBS and pilesstarting stage.
gave 5 tabs and 1 hematonic, easaphagul powder and lidacine ointment fine for 2 months and again story comtinues same.

later again after 4 months i went to other some MBBS and MS doctor and explained same; he too wrote same (IBS) and extra qualification he given is CONSTIPATION
AND he gave DUPHALAC tonic. This is the wonderful dirty tonic on the earth, after i in took this my motion is slurry and unexplainable worst situation for a week and i stoped it.

in 2011 oct i went to a homeopathic and told same what has happened and here extra qualification is I found erectile dysfunction with those symptoms of IB, CONSTIPATION;
he told some FP medicine and FP ointment and took 320 rs for 1 month course. REALLY i saw the GOD in the form of homeopathic doctor exactly for 1 year no problem. later again symptoms started.

1 day on 2013 dec i found blood fall drops after urination and i got checked my urine analysis and doctor told all is well and gave me ofloxacin for days.

later in 2014 jan i went to another homeopathic doctor and explained same above he prescribed
carbo veg 4 tiny spoons
hydrastis 2drops
and some granules like no name
REALLY ITS MIRACULOUS NOW MY CONSTIPATION IS ALMOST CONTROL, but i feel very much frustrated about penis erection which is not happening at all since a year.

now my problem is
>frequent burning in anus after my stool,
>since a year (2013) i found all my arousals are lost.
l>ow backpain and sciatic pain are there.
>less frequently i feel sever sciatic pain and very little weigh like or continuosly touched at right side of my stomach near liver after going to motion the pain relifes slowly.
>all my abdomen is as if not under my control and no communication.
>when sit stool in indian style bathroom i found veins are bulging on legs, after standing slowly reduce/disappear.
>no arousals
>if i take pudhina (mint leaves), or corrindar (kothimeer) chutney or little leaves fine.
>little frequently i feel stomach is little weight/tight and hanging (i eat very less and NO smoking, drinking, non-veg) even i m writing the symptoms here even now i feel something touching near liver area and very slightly some thing poking like near anus and penis ending area.
> since excatly 4 months i found is i m unable to pour cold water from head if do cold shower i feel some thing like congestion and almost about to die couldnt breath.
>in summer exactly in may i eat only curd rice evening. thats my position.
>summer or winter cooling things wont allow me to intake.
>in winter or very chill area i feel whole body numbness.
navtal007 last decade
hi Rajiv sir
i m addicted to masturbation
plz help me...
i have also mailed on ur email address
plz sir.....
rohitdr 9 years ago
waiting for ur reply Rajiv sir
rohitdr 9 years ago
Dear rohitdr

Rajiv has not been on the forum for 7 years.

When you click his name you can also see his
last post on here.

If you want someone who is currently on here to
help you - you can click prescribers names
and make a new thread and put that person's
name in your headline.

To make a treatment thread to to the top of the
forum and see the button- Post New Topic,
click it and create your own thread.
simone717 9 years ago
oh thanks a lot Simone717
rohitdr 9 years ago
i have posted it Simone717...
can u help me?????
rohitdr 9 years ago
Leave the other thread open,
you can email Dr. Mohla on
here, let him know your poster
name-ask him to help you out.

akshaymohl At yahoo dot.co.in.
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 28 May 2015 05:25:13 UTC]
simone717 9 years ago

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