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Little boy with rash on calves

My boy - 6 years old.
He has had this rash on his calves since about the age of 2. Not sure what made it show up. It is dry and itchy in the winter and moist painful and very itchy in the humid summer time.
Right now it is open, red and moist. He is complaining that it is itchy and hurts.
Any ideas would be great.
  momofthree on 2004-06-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi, I read about your son, and I can tell you from what my own sister went through, I think it to be so true for alot of skin conditions,the toxins we have every where around us, effect our skin so much we dont realize it truely does,If you want to find out more,[phone number removed by moderator]
thanks Doris, I promise you that your sons condition will only improve.

[if you have information please post it to the forum - do not ask people to contact you. Thank You!
blonde1128 2 decades ago

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