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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

insomnia and irritability

my son is two years old ,hates the bitterness of allopathic tablets and syrups.when he developed fever yesterday,we consulted a homeopath who suggested us to give eupatorium 30 thrice in a day.The fever reduced but he doesnt sleep and is extremely restless and is irritable.
is it due to eupatorium 30.?am confused.Kindly enlighten me.
  chitra24 on 2013-12-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Give him just one dose of 5 Pills of CYPRIPIDIUM 200 & forget for a week.
God willing he will e OK,
daktersaab last decade
thanks doctor.
but what about the fever?does the remedy you suggested cure fever as wełl ?and does eupatorium 30 cause insomnia and restlessness?
chitra24 last decade
Yes This me will cover all the symptoms.
daktersaab last decade

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