The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Stomach pains, diarrhoea won't go away
I caught a tummy bug from my grandchildren and 3 days later it's still lingering.I wasn't sick but felt sickly. I've taken arsenicum, ipecac, nux vom, carbo veg...but tonight I still had pain and smelly diarrhoea
Haven't eaten now for 10 hours
Was chilly with two coats on and blankets and hot water bottle and heating whacked up to 25 degrees, took a carbo veg and nice and warm now.
Still got a pain in right side at back, like trapped wind. Burp a lot but things quiet now.
I have a remedy machine so I can make anything you suggest.
I take a daily probiotic as I do have problems with digestion and bowels. Also take colloidal silver, turmeric
Lissalyon on 2013-12-28
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