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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Antidote for Baryta Carb???

Dear Doctors,

kindly tell me what are the antidotes for baryta carb effects.

I have tried camphor with little success.

Warm Regards
  ramheight6 on 2014-01-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Why do you want antidote, what happened.
fitness last decade
Dear Doctor,

I am replying after 2 and half years.

I took baryta carb 200c for 45 days , 3 drops 3 times a day and after 45 days I was left with the following major symptoms:

1.I feel my brain is vibrating. I feel same vibration in center of stomach, in heart , in legs and hands.Doctors dismiss it as simple pulse and anxiety. But this vibrating state came only after using baryta carb,

2.Weakness in sex. Penetration is impossible for me. I prematurely ejaculate. I mean I cannot hold long. I have deepest pain while insertion and i cannot have sex at all. For this reason, I did not have kids so far. The nerves in head of penis pain extremely. Only after use of baryta carb.

3. I am an IITian. But now I cannot even think for few minutes. My mental powers have come down so much I cannot express that.I cannot absolutely come to conclusion at all. Impossible for me.

Baryta carb which is a constitutional remedy has changed my constitution all together and I am completely different person now.

What should I do? Its been 7 years I am living in this same state.

ramheight6 8 years ago
I am not a doctor but one website gives a list of these antidotes for baryta carb

Antidotes: Anti. Tart; Belladonna; Camphora; Dulcamara ; Zincum met;
sweetsarah 8 years ago
dear sir, if u get any solution here,its great. if u do not setisfied then pls go to a good homeo clinic and tel ur mejor problem to a good doctor. i heared about it from a doctor of homeypathy that has a remedie in homeo that antibiotic any medicine like homeopathy, even aloepathy. 1 doctor is said me that. i using now bartya carb 30. and i get fear to listen ur words. take care. and do ur best. bless u.
payel1 8 years ago
The sulphate of soda or magnesia is an antidote. So you can try natrum sulphuricum 200 only a single dose but please visit a hormeopathic doctor soon.you have massively overdosed yourself...any 200 dose of any homeopathic medicine whatsoever is never to be used beyond 3 doses that too never on the same day ... Please please visit a homeopath.
Indrani 8 years ago

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