The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Antidoting Remedies
Hi All,I've been suffering with chronic ankle, achilles and foot pain for 18 months now and my homeopath has just started prescribing me Causticum LM which I'm taking daily.
I've also been receiving other treatments including Chinese herbs, acupuncture and vitamin and essential oil supplements. Can any of these anti-dote the remedy?
More of concern is that I've been having problems sleeping and sometimes get a bit panicky (about my health) and have been taking St John's Wort. However, I'm thinking of switching to amitrityline (a very mild anti-depressant) which will help me sleep. I know you're not supposed to take allopathic drugs together with homeopathy, but if I can't sleep then I end up feeling ten times worse and the problem escalates. In other words, I really need to take the amitripyline for a short while until I get my sleep pattern back.
What are your views on taking the above whilst taking homeopathy?
TinTin1976 on 2005-10-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
wait a while and see whether the causticum begins to help improve your sleep pattern.
erika last decade
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