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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Excessive hair loss possibly due to thyroid Page 5 of 5

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hello dr. just wanred to update
today when i brushed my hair (did not wash) with every stroke of comb i had 15 strands coming out
i had around 150 hair by the end
my restlessness and tension has increased so much that i start crying due to it as soon as i get up in the morning,
i am not able to study a word in the entire daay.
i also feel that no one undersrands me and even my parents dont care
should i still take arsenic alb?
prachi21 last decade
What stopped u from taking ars alb
Zady101 last decade
i am not feeling as restless as i was. just having diffculty inn concentrating. when i read somethibg, i cant read it in mind, but have to read it aloud
otherwise i have to re read a single line 3-4 times to understand it. its like somethung is blocking my mind.
also, what shall i do with hair fall? they are falling in heaps and i can already see yhe scalp on one side.
prachi21 last decade
hello dr, please help me! my hairfall is 120 per day!! and one side of my scalp isgetting thinner each day. i have even got my hair a bit short tilly shoulders. but i dont know why they are fallong so much. i am able to study and all and i feel hopedul for my exam too, but my haurdall is not stopping. please tell me some med, i am really scared!!
prachi21 last decade
Phosphorus 30
Dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water in a disposable cup. Stir a few times using a spoon. Take 1st tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 2nd tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 3rd and last tablespoon.

Mix the following oils together in equal measure and heat up a bit to make them warm, and apply: parachute coconut oil + bajaj Amandrops oil + figaro or some other olive oil. You may store the mixture in bottle.

Update after 1 wk.
Zady101 last decade
Hello doctor. I took the meds as you told me and also applied the oils. But still my hair fall has not reduced at all. It's been around 200 on days I wash them and 70otherwise. My hair has become very very thin. Also I do feel quite nervous after evening with respect to my exam prep although I feel confident I will be able to do well. What shall I do ?loss of hair really makes me feel like not combing them. Please help.
prachi21 last decade
Please repeat Phosphorus 30 again.

Please mix 15 drops of Jaborandi Q into approx 1 cup mixture of oil.

Update after 1 wk.
Zady101 last decade
Hi dr. I have some complications in my tail bone due to which I am not able to even sit properly. I have shown it to a doc who has prescribed some allopathic meds. How shall I continue with the homeopathic meds?
prachi21 last decade
Hi dr. I have been taking the meds as told by you for one week now. But my hairfall has not improved at all. It's around 170-200 on days I was hand 70 on other days.
Also I have not been able to study at all. My procrastinating habit is getting worse though I feel hopeful about getting thru. But at the same time I know that if I don't study I won't get thru.
One more prob that I have been feeling for quite a few days is that after I get up from sleep, my hand esp my wrists and fingers and my legs feel almost dead and very weak.
Please help doctor. All these things are really worrying me.
prachi21 last decade
Also I did get my thyroid and Hb checked and both are normal.
prachi21 last decade
See a doctor to ascertain the cause of hair loss
Zady101 last decade
Thank you doctor for helping me out. The meds have had a positive effect on my mental well being to a great extent.
It would have been really great if you could carry my treatment further but I understand the situation.
Thank you once again for all your help :)
prachi21 last decade
Hello dr.
For a week now I have been having problem while studying due to short attention span. I am facing difficulty in concentrating even for 15min. I have an exam coming in another 10 days and don't have much time to go see a doc. I already have a stock of meds that you prescribed me earlier. If you can help me wade over this it would be really helpful. I am sorry to bother you with it but I need your help.
Please reply as soon as you can.
prachi21 last decade

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