The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Cat with severe dental issues
My 7 year old female cat currently has tooth decay. Worse on the right side, back molars are calcified and look like stalagtites with spacing inbetween the teeth. Right upper eye tooth socket is and has been swollen for the past 2 months. This makes it difficult for her to eat. Gum area around the eye tooth is red. The tooth itself is elongated and beginning to decay at the base by the gum.She has a past of being attacked by another cat and ever since this incident lives a life of solitude and suspicion. Easily angers and growls at anyone she thinks is a threat. Resents any new cat that has come into our home.
If she gets angry enough her tongue turns bright red and she pants heavily.
Her pattern is-Senses fear, cries, growls, and either strikes or lashes out. This can simply be from another cat sitting too close to her or interrupting me while petting her.
Spends her life sleeping-Ontop of the fridge or on a pillow on our bed.
Left eye is green and right eye is brown. It turned brown as if it is revealing some darkness or anger within her.
Right side/fear/jealousy/company
Being brushed/anger
Better:Solitude/being the only cat in the room/gentle petting/feeling safe/being babied and treated like she is the only cat in the universe.
Thank you,
Namaste27 on 2005-10-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Wanted to add that yes when she was attacked by the other cat it set her off to be on alert at all times. She had two other older cat playmates whom she was close with until after spaying. They all got spayed and on her way home in the carrier she attacked both girls and has never been the same since.
So I am thinking her problem is hormonal as well?
So I am thinking her problem is hormonal as well?
Namaste27 last decade
erika last decade
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