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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Severe foot pain and cramping

Experiencing severe pain in archs, also feet and ankles are swelling. My feet are starting to turn in (pigeon toe) and it is very painful to try and straighten. Regular doctors are shooting in the dark. Traditional medications, ie pain relief, arthritic medicines, anti-inflamatories are doing nothing but upsetting my stomach.
  alwaysintegrity on 2005-10-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It should be possible to handle this case to success.

Please throw some light on the causative factors and the sequence of events leading to the present condition giving an idea of time factor at various stages. How much and for what special purpose you use your feet(just constitutional walk for health, games or athletics, body building/weight lifting etc.), your age, your physical build, pain is on top curved surface or bottom(sole), take more mental pains to describe your condition because we are not seeing you, what is your profession, what other diseases you are having.

You can appreciate that we have to have a picture of the whole system to be able to select the remedy.
sahai last decade
I am in the Army, 140lbs, 5'7 3/4" tall, 21 years old. Pain started 5 months ago, at the time was running 2 miles twice a day. Now I sit most of the day, wear prosthetic boots at night, even massaging my feet is unbearable. Pain is excruciating upon rising in the morning and then again in the evening. Pain is in the bottom arch towards the rear of the foot and the inside and rear ankles.
alwaysintegrity last decade
Buy Ruta Grav. 30,1 drachm liquid medicine. Put in the ratio of 1 drop in 1 ounce of distilled water/non-medicinal spring water(boiled)/rain water(collected after it has rained for a few minutes)/drinking water(boiled to drive out chlorine) and shake it vigorously at least 10 times. Out of this, use 1 tea-spoonful as a dose.

Take next dose when the improvement from the previous dose starts wearring/fading off. Shake,as before, every time, just before taking the next dose.

Do not put strong smelling things in the mouth e.g. raw onion, garlick, mint, smoke, tooth paste, strong tea/coffee/spices, 1 hour before and after taking medicine.

Keep reporting regularly changes in detail.
sahai last decade

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