The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Using Calc phos for teething
I am using 30c from boran of calc phos for my 9 month old . I dissolve 4 pellets in 1 oz of water and then give one tsp when irritable from teething. Lately though he has been irritable a lot as he has more teeth coming in. Can I dose twice in a day ? Is it ok to dose more than one day?daniellec on 2014-03-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try putting 3 pellets in the oz of water,
then hitting the bottle hard with your hand or on
a book 3 times. This slightly increases the vibration
of the remedy and notice if dosing this way lasts longer.
And yes you can give another dose in a day after
he gets irritated after some hours. Teething can be
a difficult time, make sure you are doing all the other
things like having iced teething rings and cold things
to chew on.
then hitting the bottle hard with your hand or on
a book 3 times. This slightly increases the vibration
of the remedy and notice if dosing this way lasts longer.
And yes you can give another dose in a day after
he gets irritated after some hours. Teething can be
a difficult time, make sure you are doing all the other
things like having iced teething rings and cold things
to chew on.
♡ simone717 last decade
I usually shake the 4 pellets in the oz then give ... Is that ok? Or do u suggest 3 instead? Can I give 2 doses in one day? And 2 day after if needed. Or is it excessive?
daniellec last decade
Hi- From homeopath Dr. Judyth Ullman
suggests using the 30c and if it is working
then do not give more unless it gets way worse again.
You can also give the child diluted chamomille tea,
not more than 2 cups. If you find cal phos does not
seem to work well, then switch to Chamomilla 30c.
It is not going to hurt anything giving 2 doses a day
of either one to get thru this.( and btw I would use 3 pills and
shaking the bottle is ok)
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 02 Mar 2014 22:23:26 GMT]
suggests using the 30c and if it is working
then do not give more unless it gets way worse again.
You can also give the child diluted chamomille tea,
not more than 2 cups. If you find cal phos does not
seem to work well, then switch to Chamomilla 30c.
It is not going to hurt anything giving 2 doses a day
of either one to get thru this.( and btw I would use 3 pills and
shaking the bottle is ok)
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 02 Mar 2014 22:23:26 GMT]
♡ simone717 last decade
There are quite a lot of remedies for teething. If neither Calc-p or Cham seem to give any real help, you can list the symptoms for us and we might be able to give you some guidance on the correct remedy.
♡ Evocationer last decade
i have spoken to this person quite a bit on here and by email-
about several different things. She wrote, I have given the Calc Phos. for teething as she suggested. It has worked for that.
Yes I know there are many remedies for teething and I have a lot of
books on babies by other homeopaths besides using them myself on
my own kids.
You might want to click on a name and look at the history before you
make comments that are just going to undermine what already has
been worked out,
And I might add it is very annoying for you to come into a post that
I have answered and then repeat what I have just said basically-
I don't need the 'headmaster' looking over everything I write.
[message edited by simone717 on Mon, 03 Mar 2014 01:39:53 GMT]
i have spoken to this person quite a bit on here and by email-
about several different things. She wrote, I have given the Calc Phos. for teething as she suggested. It has worked for that.
Yes I know there are many remedies for teething and I have a lot of
books on babies by other homeopaths besides using them myself on
my own kids.
You might want to click on a name and look at the history before you
make comments that are just going to undermine what already has
been worked out,
And I might add it is very annoying for you to come into a post that
I have answered and then repeat what I have just said basically-
I don't need the 'headmaster' looking over everything I write.
[message edited by simone717 on Mon, 03 Mar 2014 01:39:53 GMT]
♡ simone717 last decade
Unfortunately with all these new threads being started with no reference to previous ones, it is pretty much impossible to know this. To me this just looks like a new enquiry. It might be more helpful if people linked their previous threads so that it is clear they are already being treated or have already given the information in detail.
I am in clinic doing this between patients. I don't have time to be reading through multiple threads just to check whether this is a new thread or not. It is up to the person asking for help to be a little clearer I think. It would be appropriate for them to direct the enquiry directly to the person treating them at least.
[message edited by Evocationer on Mon, 03 Mar 2014 01:38:39 GMT]
I am in clinic doing this between patients. I don't have time to be reading through multiple threads just to check whether this is a new thread or not. It is up to the person asking for help to be a little clearer I think. It would be appropriate for them to direct the enquiry directly to the person treating them at least.
[message edited by Evocationer on Mon, 03 Mar 2014 01:38:39 GMT]
♡ Evocationer last decade
You know how to use this forum. All it takes
is one click on a posters name to see what
they have been doing on here and get a feel for it-
takes 10 seconds.
is one click on a posters name to see what
they have been doing on here and get a feel for it-
takes 10 seconds.
♡ simone717 last decade
Simone717 my intention was not to interfere. I apologize if it seems that I was.
I really feel the onus is on the poster to let us know what the situation is. This website is one of the busiest I have ever seen, with posts appearing at a very rapid rate. The posters need to make sure they are clear in their requests to avoid this kind of conflict. Unlike an actual practice where I can keep track of individual clients, there is no reasonable way to do that here. I don't want to have to read several other threads just to see if I should respond to this one. The poster knows this, why not let us know straight away?
Generally speaking, if it is obvious someone is under another practitioner's care, I will avoid interfering, unless they are asking a question about philosophy that I feel has no impact on the treatment plan which has been suggested.
I have seen you telling posters this exact thing in other threads, when they have asked for advice but have already received prescriptions from other practitioners.
Again, I apologize if this has come across as me interfering.
I really feel the onus is on the poster to let us know what the situation is. This website is one of the busiest I have ever seen, with posts appearing at a very rapid rate. The posters need to make sure they are clear in their requests to avoid this kind of conflict. Unlike an actual practice where I can keep track of individual clients, there is no reasonable way to do that here. I don't want to have to read several other threads just to see if I should respond to this one. The poster knows this, why not let us know straight away?
Generally speaking, if it is obvious someone is under another practitioner's care, I will avoid interfering, unless they are asking a question about philosophy that I feel has no impact on the treatment plan which has been suggested.
I have seen you telling posters this exact thing in other threads, when they have asked for advice but have already received prescriptions from other practitioners.
Again, I apologize if this has come across as me interfering.
♡ Evocationer last decade
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