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ABC Homeopathy Forum




Cinchona ( China ) Officinalis:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

China side effects (30c versus 200c)


I recently started taking China (200 dose) where previously I had been taking it in the 30c dose. I noticed immediately I had a hard time sleeping that same day and my left leg was very restless.

In a previous post on this site (abc Homeopathy) by 'bad.shape' I read that diluting the amount in 1 cup of water and then taking a single teaspoon might be a solution (to prevent the side effects).

My question is: Do I just take the 1 Teaspoon a day until I have taken the whole cup and then start over, or am I supposed to take the entire diluted cup each day?

Thanks very much for your help. :D
  healthynow14 on 2014-03-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Sounds like you are self prescribing which is not a good idea in
any kind of chronic problem. You don't take remedies

You wait to see remedy effect-so if you had an aggrvation
of previous symptoms on taking Chine 200 then you stop
taking it. You wait to see if the aggravation wears off and then
you start to have good effects. Then you don't take more unless
previous things return and if the remedy is correct the gaps
between taking it should get longer and longer.

Everyone reacts differently to a remedy and the potency and
amount of doses is based on each persons reaction.

So you would take the one teaspoon out of the water and
throw the mixture away. Make it up again new again only
when another dose is indicated.

You are best off having someone take your case and being
supervised on the entire thing.
simone717 last decade

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