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lower back pain, neck and right arm pain

my wife aarti is suffering from lower back pain for the last few years no treatment except using moov and jhandu balm but no relief. she can't bend down easily. aged 54 years, weight appr. 70 kg, height-5'1'', emotional, sensitive, jolly natured, digestion ok, hunger ok, menopause finished, no other problem.
for the last one month she is having stiffness around her neck and right arm, she is not able to turn to right easily and painful to move right arm and work with right arm, it is really painful so much so that she can't comb her hair. a little bit swelling can be seen in the whole body.
pl advise some homeo medicine so that she may relief in her back, neck and right arm pain
  nirmal kumar on 2014-03-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please answer this questions.

1. What is your MAIN COMPLAINT ?

2.Where exactly is the pain/problem ?

3. What is the pain like, please Describe.

4. Is there anything specific that brings it on?

5.How long does pain/problem last ?

6. If it is not constant, how does it begin and end ?

7. Do you experience stiffness ? Describe where and when.

8. Do you feel restless or desire to be still with the pain ?

9. Are there other symptoms or sensations in your joints or muscles ?

10. When and under what cirscumstances are these sensations felt, if any?

11. Are there symptoms in other areas that occure with your pain ?

What things make the pain worse or better ?

1. Time: Day, night, weekly, recurring at a specific time, etc.

2. Temeprature: Hot, cold. warm room, hot water, etc..

3. Weather: Damp, rainy, clear, stormy, foggy, etc..

4. Position: Lying,lying on one side or the other, sitting, standing, etc..

5. Motion. Exercise, stretching, stooping, rest, rising up, etc...

6. Bodily activities: Sleep. eating, urinating, coughing, etc..

7. Sensory: Touch, pressure, light, noice, smell, etc..

8. Psychological: When studying, from anxiety, anger, with stress, etc...

Parakletos; practioner of classical homeopathy.
Parakletos last decade
Main complaint is lower back pain which is almost constant and problem in bending forward, if she is supposed to pick up something or work bending forward, she can't. In the morning waking up from sleep, it is increased but reduces after some movement and freshening up. no joint pain in other parts of body.
for the last month she is having pain in the right side of neck and more in the right arm, she is unable to apply power with the right arm.
we are not using allopathy, no pain killers, but she is taking shelcal-500 and evion capsules daily for the last few months- is it due to these medicines, side effect or what, should we stop taking it.
otherwise she is working right from morning till evening standing in the kitchen but after 5.00 pm she feels tired and takes a nap of 1 hr and feels better but then sleeps in the night very late almost at about 1.00 pm because she does not feel sleepy and sometimes complains of no sleep in the night and wakes up at 9.00 am in the morning.
pl advise so that she may get rid of pain.
nirmal kumar last decade
Not much to go on, but she can try Rhus tox 12C. Take one dose three times a day for 5 days.
A dose is 3-4 pills, poured into the lid of the container and then directly into the mouth. Leave pills melt under the tongue.
Take your medicine at least half an hour before or after food, and please do not drink coffee, or other caffeine-containing beverages.

Give me an update about 5 days, or sooner, if something special happens.

Parakletos last decade
thanks Dr started today and will report after 5 days.
nirmal kumar last decade

my wife is taking rhus tox for the last one week and there is relief almost 50% in the back pain but pain in the right arm that in the upper part and around Elbow is not relieved. she is having a little pain in the feet also not in the legs.
please advise us what to do. sorry I could not respond a bit early because i was a little bit busy.
nirmal kumar last decade
She can try with Rhus tox 30C, but only one dose. She can take the medicine in the evening, before bedtime. Please give me an update after 5 days.

Parakletos last decade
she has been taking one dose in the evening, relieved 25% but still pain in the right arm is there that too in the upper part and surrounding elbow, should she continue one dose every day.
nirmal kumar last decade
Give her one dose of Rhus tox 200C. When I say one dose I do not mean one dose every day, but just one dose of Rhus tox 200C.
Report back in 3-4 days.
Thank you.

Parakletos last decade
ok sir, one dose of 200 and i will after 3 days, thnx
nirmal kumar last decade

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