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growth delay and speaking Page 3 of 4

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Everything that I wrote there were negative changes are not created
fotini2705 last decade
akshaymohl last decade
Good evening Today I spoke with the director of schools goes my child said it is very concerned that the boy has neither makes no progression.He said he did not execute orders, there has a 99% no eyes contact with their teachers,he dont listenig to them.
is to ignore for the teacher or the kids
she told me again to go to a doctor to see him to see what to do to help him.
His behavior has changed not sleep the night in bother the sheet that covered.
not eating the afternoons has stopped the fruit and other foods are selective in ride continues not to listen to us and then runs into dangerous places not to be interesting if not the following short.
THINK to go back to see his ears lest the problem continues.
we need your help desperately what to do and really do not know what my child have
thank you
fotini2705 last decade
hello anyone?
fotini2705 last decade
baryta carb 30 one dose evening time for three days along with kali phos 6x 4 tabs twice daily but after three days for 15 days.
akshaymohl last decade
hello yesterday evening i give the first baryta carb 30 ch
i have one question
we have stayed 2 more times natrum mur 30ch ones a week i have to stop this treatment?
fotini2705 last decade
pl stop for some time.
akshaymohl last decade
ok thank you very much
fotini2705 last decade
hello we have started the treatment that you have given us no big change
May I ask what exactly helps the homeopath medicine kali phos 6x giving me?
fotini2705 last decade
Any small change.kali phos is tonic for brain.
akshaymohl last decade
ok is that for the eye contact?
fotini2705 last decade
pl keep on informimg whatever change you notice.
akshaymohl last decade
Dear fotin- Kali Phos helps to heal and protect the entire
nervous system.
simone717 last decade
hello I would like to tell you some improvements son is very happy and which interact much with us has too much energy these are the positive comments.
As for now the negative began to not enjoy eating meat bad thing is still very irritable with the games not engaged and does not matter at all except by the throws and disperses throughout the room.
yet has increased his vocabulary but will only speak if it needs something never speaks to questions also continues to ignore us when yell the name.
[message edited by fotini2705 on Wed, 11 Jun 2014 20:59:50 BST]
fotini2705 last decade
Seen his video.he is improving .
akshaymohl last decade
tell me you I put a video for proof correctly;
fotini2705 last decade
the treatment about kali phos 6x its finish.now what else should i give?
thx you
fotini2705 last decade
Give one dose of baryta carb for three days .one dose of natmur after three days wait and report.
akshaymohl last decade
i finish the treatment know i see the child let more quiet and patiently sometimes.I wanted to let you know that I have an appointment in a few days with an otolaryngologist and auxologist to see what is the problem a let you know what they say .
[message edited by fotini2705 on Sun, 29 Jun 2014 15:54:43 BST]
fotini2705 last decade
I am waiting for the report after examination by doctor.
akshaymohl last decade
we went on the Wednesday we went ATHENS FIRST went to the Otorhinolaryngology we had seen the child last November and have found that not listening and has liquid in drum made ​​us tympanogram net tells me has not wet the child and most certainly hears Already I can see why the a character from the last time the sounds of the put and the stimulus makes us otoacoustic emissions and to listen and see if comes out clean from me tells me we're fine the child hears normally.We went to the post ayxologist and assistant in another room called out the name of the child and immediately to return to their previous doctor when we went there had ever done was to take us right back after a few historic tells us to go through Mr. Nikolaos see him tucked inside says you will not sit here and you'll be talking to you can deal with the doctor the child without knowing what's going on and see what's the problem we say okay have carried out several test card I gave him some games I can say that he did poly poly flawless but the children despite being so crummy the trip let him do BRICKS sat around long enough with him to begin after Bible says I will not even tell me Why did you come and what you worry I will tell you what I first saw in See you okay my child tells us the applicant that you wrote us wrote 35 months Gross Motor minute mobility 34 months 34 months perception speech understanding 28 months here's the problem and I'll tell you why expression of talk 33 months and let him speak to my proposal says the word to is half the child had issue with aids self-service 34 months 31 months because of sociability speech be back writing is impulsive hyperactive but creatively trained collaborative communication and has good perceived level.understands few simple commands-cards the list and uses immature expression speeches are little cheirstikos. DIAGNOSIS NORMAL comment psychomotor developments with slight voice delay (limit) WITHIN likely conductive hearing loss and intense personality (hyperactive).
fotini2705 last decade
fotini2705 last decade
Are you feeling some improvement if yes pl continue with nat mur one dose weekly for one month along with kali phos prescribed.
akshaymohl last decade
for hyperactivity what we can give to the child;
fotini2705 last decade
Pl inform what you mean by hyperactive.I want total detail from wake up to sleep and also during sleep.
akshaymohl last decade
I mentioned how old and the behavior of the child is
disobedient and and during the day throws things everywhere then runs and sometimes makes a move strangely. also does not asleep if not go with me to sleep and fall asleep and leave wakes feels insecure when he is alone in bed.the ayxologist say to me hyperactivity has is his character and not PATHOLOGY.
If you have any other questions gladly tell you
thx you very mych
fotini2705 last decade

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