The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Arnica the Miracle Remedy - Brief case histories Page 4 of 5
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
first i am soory my english is not good.
I want to say that you collect all the remedies in one post which you used for different
nat phos 6x for 1.....2....3...
nat mur 6x for 1....2....3....
and like this all under heading drug used by joedelivera or under heading
i also check your web but on that also you post in the abc fourm manner
I want to say that you collect all the remedies in one post which you used for different
nat phos 6x for 1.....2....3...
nat mur 6x for 1....2....3....
and like this all under heading drug used by joedelivera or under heading
i also check your web but on that also you post in the abc fourm manner
hoskspl last decade
To Hoskspl
It will take me too long to do my own Repertory and I cannot spare the time to do so.
I am building up my website which I started just 3 months ago and it will contain many of my choice cases which others can read and hopefully use the therapy that I have pioneered.
It will take me too long to do my own Repertory and I cannot spare the time to do so.
I am building up my website which I started just 3 months ago and it will contain many of my choice cases which others can read and hopefully use the therapy that I have pioneered.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you you understand my what i want to say.
you can summarize some remedies which you think more effective other than arnica.
as you summarize many uses of arnica in the same way you can summarize some other remedies in a single post.
you can summarize some remedies which you think more effective other than arnica.
as you summarize many uses of arnica in the same way you can summarize some other remedies in a single post.
hoskspl last decade
What you are requesting me seems simple to do but I can assure you that it is not as easy as you imagine.
Many have requested me to write a book but I felt that my website is a better medium of sharing my therapy with the rest of the world especially those who like me, do not believe that classical homeopathy is the answer to Homeopathic therapy.
Many have requested me to write a book but I felt that my website is a better medium of sharing my therapy with the rest of the world especially those who like me, do not believe that classical homeopathy is the answer to Homeopathic therapy.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
hi joe!
very impressed with ur achievment and pray for u to heal ppl like dis forever!
sir i hav a problem child of 7 yrs.he had a poor stomach since infancy due to egg allergy,caused vomiting and diarreahe, very foul smelling.but that is healed now with some homeo help,i dunu which meds the age of 2 he had pneumea after 1 fibrile fit,had to b hospitalize and u name it.after that episode, hes had an attack of cough,fever,loose motion,and sore throat almost every month or two.change of season aggaravtes this ,so doz cold.he grinds his teeth while asleep and has a weak immune system.wondering if ur miracle remedy could relieve my sons symptoms.
it will b an honour for me !
very impressed with ur achievment and pray for u to heal ppl like dis forever!
sir i hav a problem child of 7 yrs.he had a poor stomach since infancy due to egg allergy,caused vomiting and diarreahe, very foul smelling.but that is healed now with some homeo help,i dunu which meds the age of 2 he had pneumea after 1 fibrile fit,had to b hospitalize and u name it.after that episode, hes had an attack of cough,fever,loose motion,and sore throat almost every month or two.change of season aggaravtes this ,so doz cold.he grinds his teeth while asleep and has a weak immune system.wondering if ur miracle remedy could relieve my sons symptoms.
it will b an honour for me !
sohail75 last decade
To Sohail
Thank you for your kind thoughts on my involvement with Homeopathy.
I regret to inform you that Arnica cannot help your 7 year old son who seems to be suffering from some chronic ailments.
I would suggest that you copy your post on the Home page of the ABC to enable other Homeopaths to read it and advice you.
Thank you for your kind thoughts on my involvement with Homeopathy.
I regret to inform you that Arnica cannot help your 7 year old son who seems to be suffering from some chronic ailments.
I would suggest that you copy your post on the Home page of the ABC to enable other Homeopaths to read it and advice you.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Yes Wet dose = In water.
I shall copy some information on the Wet dose which can interest you below:
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.
This is because the pellets are activated by using the Ethanol product of which a few drops are inserted on the dry lactose pellets in the ratio of about 4 drops on 100 pellets. It will be seen that when 4 activated pellets are inserted into a 500ml bottle of spring water, the concentration of the original liquid Ethanol in which the remedy is carried cannot equate the 3 drops that I recommend.
I have had instances where the patient's ailment was not responding to the pellets but reacted positively as soon as the 3 drops of Ethanol were dropped into the same bottle which he had originally activated with the pellets.
Homeopathic remedies are usually marketed in the standard No 20 or 2mm Ø pellets which are used sublingually as the dose but the Wet dose is best taken as a teaspoonful or for convenience, a capful of the bottle. The succussion by shaking hard adds to the power of the remedy and the ailment responds quickly and the patient is cured.
This therapy has been labelled 'Joepathy' by classical homeopaths as the dry pellets cannot equate my therapy in the rate of cure.
You may like to know that I first observed how effective the Wet dose was when Dr Luc de Schepper, an Internationally recognized Homeoapth who was here in Sri Lanka in 2005 for a few weeks to help the survivors of our Tsunami on December 26 2004, used this method of giving remedies to his patients. They were all instructed to bring a small bottle of water when they came to consult him into which he would insert about 4 dry pellets of the remedy which of he had a stock of about 100 remedies. It was after I observed that this method was working better than the dry pellets taken sublingually that I too converted from the dry lactose pellets to the dose in water which he pointed out was not his invention but was first referred to by Hahnemann in the 5th and the 6th Editions of the Organon. The reference however was to the 'Split dose' where a teaspoonful of the remedy is mixed into a half a cup of water from which the patient sipped a mouthful. This technique was prescribed for ailments like Asthma but I soon discovered that it was not effective for others as the dilution of the remedy was too extreme. It was then that I coined the term 'WET DOSE' which I have used exclusively since 2005 and I am gratified to note that it is now being used by many homeopaths internationally and refered to under the same title 'Wet dose' in the Homeopathic Forums.
You can read more about the 'Wet dose' if you type these words into Google to read the many thousands of hits, many of them cases that I have treated, that result.
I shall copy some information on the Wet dose which can interest you below:
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done at least 6 times before sipping a capful of the bottle as prescribed.
This is because the pellets are activated by using the Ethanol product of which a few drops are inserted on the dry lactose pellets in the ratio of about 4 drops on 100 pellets. It will be seen that when 4 activated pellets are inserted into a 500ml bottle of spring water, the concentration of the original liquid Ethanol in which the remedy is carried cannot equate the 3 drops that I recommend.
I have had instances where the patient's ailment was not responding to the pellets but reacted positively as soon as the 3 drops of Ethanol were dropped into the same bottle which he had originally activated with the pellets.
Homeopathic remedies are usually marketed in the standard No 20 or 2mm Ø pellets which are used sublingually as the dose but the Wet dose is best taken as a teaspoonful or for convenience, a capful of the bottle. The succussion by shaking hard adds to the power of the remedy and the ailment responds quickly and the patient is cured.
This therapy has been labelled 'Joepathy' by classical homeopaths as the dry pellets cannot equate my therapy in the rate of cure.
You may like to know that I first observed how effective the Wet dose was when Dr Luc de Schepper, an Internationally recognized Homeoapth who was here in Sri Lanka in 2005 for a few weeks to help the survivors of our Tsunami on December 26 2004, used this method of giving remedies to his patients. They were all instructed to bring a small bottle of water when they came to consult him into which he would insert about 4 dry pellets of the remedy which of he had a stock of about 100 remedies. It was after I observed that this method was working better than the dry pellets taken sublingually that I too converted from the dry lactose pellets to the dose in water which he pointed out was not his invention but was first referred to by Hahnemann in the 5th and the 6th Editions of the Organon. The reference however was to the 'Split dose' where a teaspoonful of the remedy is mixed into a half a cup of water from which the patient sipped a mouthful. This technique was prescribed for ailments like Asthma but I soon discovered that it was not effective for others as the dilution of the remedy was too extreme. It was then that I coined the term 'WET DOSE' which I have used exclusively since 2005 and I am gratified to note that it is now being used by many homeopaths internationally and refered to under the same title 'Wet dose' in the Homeopathic Forums.
You can read more about the 'Wet dose' if you type these words into Google to read the many thousands of hits, many of them cases that I have treated, that result.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Yesterday just I tried how it feels with Arnica 30C in wet dose method, and today I feel the difference. I took three tea spoonfull of the miracle water remedy just before sleep, and today feeling like some miracle medicine I have got really. From the very first dose itself I feel energetic, feel a calm mind also, feel a glow in my face also, etc.etc..
No words will be sufficient to describe thanks to sir Joe De Livera, you are serving humanity in real sense.
No words will be sufficient to describe thanks to sir Joe De Livera, you are serving humanity in real sense.
soumen last decade
To Soumen
Thank you for recording your response to Arnica 30c.
I note that you are taking what can be considered as an overdose 'I took three tea spoonfull of the miracle water remedy just before sleep, and today feeling like some miracle medicine I have got really.'
You must understand that although an overdose cannot do you any harm, it is just a waste of the liquid remedy as just a few drops or preferably a capful as I recommend it or a teaspoonful of the remedy water will be equally effective. For the record you may like to know that even a full bottle is the same as a capful of the remedy. It is the frequency of the dose that matters and you must always remember to shake the bottle violently before each dose is sipped.
I know that this is difficult to accept this information logically but this is Homeopathy or more correctly 'Joepathy', as the average homeopath does not use or recommend the Wet dose which I use and recommend exclusively.
Thank you for your kind words which I appreciate deeply.
I am copying my standard instructions to make the Wet dose below:
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Thank you for recording your response to Arnica 30c.
I note that you are taking what can be considered as an overdose 'I took three tea spoonfull of the miracle water remedy just before sleep, and today feeling like some miracle medicine I have got really.'
You must understand that although an overdose cannot do you any harm, it is just a waste of the liquid remedy as just a few drops or preferably a capful as I recommend it or a teaspoonful of the remedy water will be equally effective. For the record you may like to know that even a full bottle is the same as a capful of the remedy. It is the frequency of the dose that matters and you must always remember to shake the bottle violently before each dose is sipped.
I know that this is difficult to accept this information logically but this is Homeopathy or more correctly 'Joepathy', as the average homeopath does not use or recommend the Wet dose which I use and recommend exclusively.
Thank you for your kind words which I appreciate deeply.
I am copying my standard instructions to make the Wet dose below:
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
I want be clear about this Ethanol pack word. I have posted this also as a new post. I want to know whether I'll have to mention my chemist specifically in Ethanol pack like that or what ? I have bought a bottle of Arnica 30C.
Sorry, I am a lay man in homeopathic knowledge.
I want be clear about this Ethanol pack word. I have posted this also as a new post. I want to know whether I'll have to mention my chemist specifically in Ethanol pack like that or what ? I have bought a bottle of Arnica 30C.
Sorry, I am a lay man in homeopathic knowledge.
soumen last decade
You will order Arnica Montana 30c in Ethanol aka Liquid Dilution in the US.
I have found that 3 drops of the remedy in 500ml water is far more effective than the standard pellets which you can get anywhere. These pellets are activated by the manufacturers of the remedy and as long as you use the dry pellets for a dose, they are OK. However for the Wet dose that I use and recommend you must use the Liquid remedy in Ethanol which is the original product.
I have taken Arnica 30 nightly since 1996 and have recommended to many like you who have used it and confirmed that it opened up a new page in their lives.
I hope that you too will follow my example and also recommend it to your friends.
I have found that 3 drops of the remedy in 500ml water is far more effective than the standard pellets which you can get anywhere. These pellets are activated by the manufacturers of the remedy and as long as you use the dry pellets for a dose, they are OK. However for the Wet dose that I use and recommend you must use the Liquid remedy in Ethanol which is the original product.
I have taken Arnica 30 nightly since 1996 and have recommended to many like you who have used it and confirmed that it opened up a new page in their lives.
I hope that you too will follow my example and also recommend it to your friends.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Dr. Joe - I am new to your forum and sought advice on chronic illness. BrisbaneHomeopath has suggested I take Nat Mur.
I was wondering, I too have been suffering from severe hair loss as well as I've lost much of my knee cartilage to the point of needing surgeries.
Can I:
1) take the arnica internally for the hair loss as you suggest by dissolving in water, while taking the Nat Mur?;
(2) use the arnica/cocount solution externally for the hair loss while taking the Nat Mur?; and
(3) take the Aregntum Metallicum, Arnica, and Ferr phos for wastage of Cartilage while taking the Nat Mur? or do I need to wait?
I have many problems that I'm hoping the Nat Mur will help with but my knees are very painful and hair loss scary, both of which I'm not sure the Nat Mur will help?
thank you kindly and in love.
[message edited by antied77 on Fri, 15 Apr 2011 15:38:51 BST]
I was wondering, I too have been suffering from severe hair loss as well as I've lost much of my knee cartilage to the point of needing surgeries.
Can I:
1) take the arnica internally for the hair loss as you suggest by dissolving in water, while taking the Nat Mur?;
(2) use the arnica/cocount solution externally for the hair loss while taking the Nat Mur?; and
(3) take the Aregntum Metallicum, Arnica, and Ferr phos for wastage of Cartilage while taking the Nat Mur? or do I need to wait?
I have many problems that I'm hoping the Nat Mur will help with but my knees are very painful and hair loss scary, both of which I'm not sure the Nat Mur will help?
thank you kindly and in love.
[message edited by antied77 on Fri, 15 Apr 2011 15:38:51 BST]
antied77 last decade
To Antied
You may suffer from Remedy Overload if you use so many remedies for your multiple ailments. It is in your hands to identify which of your ailments is the most urgent for resolution and use the remedies that you have identified correctly.
My advice is to first treat your knee problem which can handicap your life and after it has been stabilized you can then treat your Hair loss.
You have not indicated the reason why David has prescribed Nat Mur and I presume that he has some good reason to do so.
You may suffer from Remedy Overload if you use so many remedies for your multiple ailments. It is in your hands to identify which of your ailments is the most urgent for resolution and use the remedies that you have identified correctly.
My advice is to first treat your knee problem which can handicap your life and after it has been stabilized you can then treat your Hair loss.
You have not indicated the reason why David has prescribed Nat Mur and I presume that he has some good reason to do so.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
I have just posted a question on the forum titled 'Panic attacks, anxiety and quitting smoking' which asks about arnica. would you please give me your opinion on that question? thank you so much
emmjay last decade
Dear Sir,
My father is 90 years old. Still active. Except BP (which came 5 years back) he is fine. He eats only once a day. Off late, some days he gets tired. After reading about Arnica, I want to give him Arnica 30c wet dose in the night. Is it ok. Please replay. Further, I know some friends who suffer from Diabetics. I want to suggest them to take Arnica 30c Wet dose.
My father is 90 years old. Still active. Except BP (which came 5 years back) he is fine. He eats only once a day. Off late, some days he gets tired. After reading about Arnica, I want to give him Arnica 30c wet dose in the night. Is it ok. Please replay. Further, I know some friends who suffer from Diabetics. I want to suggest them to take Arnica 30c Wet dose.
Sudhee last decade
To Sudhee
You will give Arnica 200c in the Wet dose to your 90 years old father thrice daily as the 30c you have suggested may not be sufficiently powerful.
For your Diabetic friend you will give Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
Report progress from both patients in a week.
he Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
You will give Arnica 200c in the Wet dose to your 90 years old father thrice daily as the 30c you have suggested may not be sufficiently powerful.
For your Diabetic friend you will give Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
Report progress from both patients in a week.
he Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
To Emmjay
I have just read your post of April 16 as I did not get the email alert for it due to some problem in the software.
Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily is the remedy to help Smokers to QUIT smoking.
Many hundreds have been helped to quit this habit.
I have just read your post of April 16 as I did not get the email alert for it due to some problem in the software.
Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily is the remedy to help Smokers to QUIT smoking.
Many hundreds have been helped to quit this habit.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Thanks for your quick reply. I will start the said dose for my father and will report the development. Further, he as lot of gas problem. When he goes for toilet, lot of gas comes out. Some times only gas and nothing more. Will Arnica 200c wet will cure that also? Please let me know.
Sudhee last decade
I would like to have more data on your father.
Please complete the Patient's Questionnaire on:
Please complete the Patient's Questionnaire on:
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
hi Joe,
Recently I found that I have diabetes.Fasting 124,post 220.I also have insomia.So what doses of Arnica would you suggest for me?I willbe very greatful.
Recently I found that I have diabetes.Fasting 124,post 220.I also have insomia.So what doses of Arnica would you suggest for me?I willbe very greatful.
crayonn last decade
The therapy I have prescribed for many patients who present Type II Diabetes is as follows:
Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily made according to the instructions below.
Mag Phos 6x dose 3 tablets taken thrice daily before meals.
Exercise is essential and the patient is expected to avoid Sugar and reduce Starch and to avoid the consumption of Alcohol completely.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Report progress weekly.
It is my hope that you will be able to control your BS level with the Arnica therapy alone. If however your BS level does not respond you may have to add Metformin to control it with the Arnica 6c.
The therapy I have prescribed for many patients who present Type II Diabetes is as follows:
Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily made according to the instructions below.
Mag Phos 6x dose 3 tablets taken thrice daily before meals.
Exercise is essential and the patient is expected to avoid Sugar and reduce Starch and to avoid the consumption of Alcohol completely.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
Report progress weekly.
It is my hope that you will be able to control your BS level with the Arnica therapy alone. If however your BS level does not respond you may have to add Metformin to control it with the Arnica 6c.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe,
You have not made clear when to take arnica 6c wet before lunch and dinner or early morning empty stomach and at night before going to bed.also I take Eltroxin 50mg in the morning empty stomach.then after tea i take Angizaar H and nebistar SA for my bp.Sorry to trouble again
You have not made clear when to take arnica 6c wet before lunch and dinner or early morning empty stomach and at night before going to bed.also I take Eltroxin 50mg in the morning empty stomach.then after tea i take Angizaar H and nebistar SA for my bp.Sorry to trouble again
crayonn last decade
It is best to take Homeoapthic remedies before a meal to enable it to be picked up by the blood stream quickly.
I recommend however that the last dose for the day be taken just before bed as I have observed that I and those who use it daily sleep more deeply at night.
What is your BP?
I recommend however that the last dose for the day be taken just before bed as I have observed that I and those who use it daily sleep more deeply at night.
What is your BP?
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
I am Indian currently in Netherlands 27 yrs/F. Travelled to Netherlands a month ago.
Since last 10 days I am suffering from acute rash in between fold of index & middle finger. One morning I woke up with red spots at the same region with intense itch. I got irritated due to continuous itching. I thought this itching was a result of dry and cold weather; thought using moisturize would cure same. But after 2-3 days a small crack developed on the edge at above located site (snap attached).
The region of redness eventually became dry, and white scales developed. But, redness & itching sensation and affected area continued to increase. Although now it has covered almost 1cm circled portion there is not any discharge/oozing. Skin is red and dry.
I wake up every day with intense itch and burning sensation. There is much pain as I try to stretch my fingers.
As day progresses pain & itch reduces but redness persists. It seems like indurate and I feel irritated due to same lesion.
I am afraid, if not treated and cured on time it may become eczematous disease.
I had never suffered from any skin disease in past. And I am very conscious about my health. Netherlands is much clean country, no pollution, no insect bite, no allergic history. Only concern I think may be extensive use of room heaters, very less room ventilation, very less direct sunlight. Room heaters may be drying air out of humidity.
I may be suffering from some skin disease?
I am married since last 3yrs & trying for conception.
one more thing i forgot to mention that, about 1 month ago i took a single dose of rhus tox200 for sholder joint pain due to over exercise.
There was no any change for few days but now i remember as soon as shoulder pain reduces my skin compailnts appeared.
I just read rhus tox for skin and i found same picture.
so,can i take it as psoric outburst. Or really it is disease manifistation?
And if it is due to rhus tox , will it disappear on its own?
because, today i am feeling itching is much reduced,crack also slightly minimized.
only redness persists.I also minimized heater effects so that dryness in air will decrease.
should i wait for 1-2days?
should i wait and watch rather than taking medicine?
Because as per law, cure shold take place from within out so, can i consider it as cure of my joint pain?
Because i am not finding any causative factors for my skin problem?
Since last 10 days I am suffering from acute rash in between fold of index & middle finger. One morning I woke up with red spots at the same region with intense itch. I got irritated due to continuous itching. I thought this itching was a result of dry and cold weather; thought using moisturize would cure same. But after 2-3 days a small crack developed on the edge at above located site (snap attached).
The region of redness eventually became dry, and white scales developed. But, redness & itching sensation and affected area continued to increase. Although now it has covered almost 1cm circled portion there is not any discharge/oozing. Skin is red and dry.
I wake up every day with intense itch and burning sensation. There is much pain as I try to stretch my fingers.
As day progresses pain & itch reduces but redness persists. It seems like indurate and I feel irritated due to same lesion.
I am afraid, if not treated and cured on time it may become eczematous disease.
I had never suffered from any skin disease in past. And I am very conscious about my health. Netherlands is much clean country, no pollution, no insect bite, no allergic history. Only concern I think may be extensive use of room heaters, very less room ventilation, very less direct sunlight. Room heaters may be drying air out of humidity.
I may be suffering from some skin disease?
I am married since last 3yrs & trying for conception.
one more thing i forgot to mention that, about 1 month ago i took a single dose of rhus tox200 for sholder joint pain due to over exercise.
There was no any change for few days but now i remember as soon as shoulder pain reduces my skin compailnts appeared.
I just read rhus tox for skin and i found same picture.
so,can i take it as psoric outburst. Or really it is disease manifistation?
And if it is due to rhus tox , will it disappear on its own?
because, today i am feeling itching is much reduced,crack also slightly minimized.
only redness persists.I also minimized heater effects so that dryness in air will decrease.
should i wait for 1-2days?
should i wait and watch rather than taking medicine?
Because as per law, cure shold take place from within out so, can i consider it as cure of my joint pain?
Because i am not finding any causative factors for my skin problem?
hpathica last decade
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