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penis weakness and pain

Dear Sir,

I have been masturbating since age of 14 . now im 30 yrs of age. i experience pain on right side of my penis and pain sometimes goes in between right thigh and scrotum. Also i tried to have sex many times with gf but my penis doesnt get hard all ( only 40% )at and erect (remains soft and bulky)to have sex. I had showed my organ to allopathy (sexologist) doctor and he said that the nerve of penis has become weak ( where it pains )due to excessive masturbation all these years.
iam aware of side effects of allopathy .So kindly suggest me a permanent solution in homeopathy only so that i get back my confidence and sexual life. also advise if any other information or history is required...Thnx
[message edited by harshk on Thu, 03 Apr 2014 07:17:28 BST]
[message edited by harshk on Thu, 03 Apr 2014 07:21:26 BST]
  harshk on 2014-04-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take three doses of China 200 as follows and see how that affects in next 15 days (only 3 doses in 15 days).

day 1 morning
1st dose

day 1 evening
2nd dose

day 2 morning
3rd dose

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade
Thanks for your reply sir. I have a confusion.... just want to confirm...whether i have to take 3 doses just once (n wait for 15 days) or have i to take it everyday (3 doses) for all 15 days ?
harshk last decade
Dear Harshk:

Its only 3 doses, 12 hours apart as detailed by Respected Dr. Kadwa, then wait for 15 days and do not repeat the medicine. After completion of 15 days, report back on the same post, so you could be advised further.

[message edited by mani_jee on Wed, 09 Apr 2014 09:47:31 BST]
mani_jee last decade
All rite sirs. thank you, will report after 15 days.
harshk last decade
dear Dr. Kadwa,

The pain has reduced to quite an extent (60 percent) but its still there. As far as erection is concerned i have not indulged in any sexual act so far so i dont know.
[message edited by harshk on Sun, 20 Apr 2014 06:29:11 BST]
harshk last decade
Hello Dr.Kadwa and Harsh,

I too have the similar peoblem,,, plz help and suggest.. I feel like suicide...

i've been mastubating for 3 years for once or may be twice a day. recently, a week back i've mastubated and after mastubation i got a mild pain which i expected to subside the next day. The next 2 days was more painful and its been a mild dull ache since then. its been 10 days now but haven't completely recovered.

i've completely stopped masturbation, but i still have the moderate persistent pain

Plz suggest some homeopathy medicine, it is curable and temporary,, if so,how long would it take to recover completely???

plz help,,i'm depressed a lot reg this :(
johnpunto last decade

Please don't repeat the remedy if there is improvement in pain on it's own. Please repeat the remedy in the earlier way if the improvement stops.
kadwa last decade

Please take a single dose of Psorinum 200 and see how that affects over 7 days. Only one dose, not daily.

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade
hello Dr.Kadwa.

Thx a lot for your fast reply. I'm very thankful to u.

i will take Psorinum 200 and update you.

Further, a week back i took hypericum 200 on my own as i knew that hyp 200 helps with nerve pain.May i was completely wrong

The pain i have feels like little burning (very little) and nerve pain on penis left side may be due to rough mastubation, so i was in vain and took hyp 200 as i has some pills with me.

I will use Psorinum 200 and update you soon, plz let me know incase of any further info or change in remedy due to this info..

Thanks a lot sir
johnpunto last decade
Thank you dr. saab. I ll keep you posted when the pain goes away completely.
harshk last decade
Dear Sirs,

I wish to know if there is any homeopathy cure for schizoprenia like conditions?
harshk last decade
There is cure in homeopathy for anything and everything. The patient should show patience and he should come forward with all details.
kadwa last decade
Dr saab thank you for prompt reply. I wish to meet you and consult you personally. i mm staying in mumbai...can u tell me how when and where i can meet you for consultation... Also if u can msg your number...it will be of immense help.

Thanks and warm regards
harshk last decade
Hello Dear Kadwa Sir,

I've used Psorinum as prescribed for 7 days but i didnt notice any diffrence.

Sir, I came to know the root cause of the problem by diagonosis.

There is a cyst in my prostate measuring 7mm which is blocking the right ejaculatory duct, and 2-3 calculi stones formed there because of the cyst, highest calculi mesuring 5mm ( Confirmed with trans rectal ultra sound test). The cyst also is slightly pushing the urethra

There is a surgery option TURED which may have some complications.

My question is sir, is there any treatment in homeopathy which can help with the removal of prostatic cyct and dissolving of calculi ????

Can homepathy offers any treatement options in this specific case???

I've attached the TRUS report for reference, plz suggesttt???

Thanks a lot for your time

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johnpunto last decade

Please take Thuja 30 twice a day for 30 days and report back.

Other instructions on dosing etc remain same.
kadwa last decade
Thanks for your reply Sir.

Will this medicine remove the cyst or something like that???

is this sort of treatment possible in homeopathy???
johnpunto last decade
This is for cyst mainly and it should address other issues too.
kadwa last decade
sure sir, will take the medicine for 30 days and retest for the Cyst.

Will there be any side effects for taking this medicine for a month??

Thanks for your suggestions
johnpunto last decade
There won't be any side effects.
kadwa last decade
Thanks sir, will report back..
johnpunto last decade
Hi Dr. Kadwa,

I am Dinesh. I have been suffering from impotency for the last 6 years. It started when I was 17 and now I just turned 24. I started losing my erection and it has been increasing over the years. My penis has shortened. And does not erect at all and gives a mild leak whenever excited and I lose the desire immediately. And also the penis shrinks even smaller than normal size when aroused with desire. I used to masturbate a lot before 17, once in two days. I did not have any knowledge on penile problems and so was ignorant. But after knowing it is harmful I reduced it to once in 50 days or so. And now it has been 6 months since I tried masturbating. Slowly losing sexual desire too but still get tempted to masturbate when seeing adult pictures and all. Do not have morning erections and used to have before 17. But only after reducing frequency of masturbation at age 17, i started developing Erectile dysfunction slowly. I have curved penis towards my left and before 17 i used to get an 8 inch erection and is a curved one towards my left and now with ED it is not even 3 inch. There is a bulged vein developed in the right side. It used to be there even before ED but was strong and expands rapidly till the shaft with erection before, but now it seems swirled in my shorter penis with shrinkage and is bulged more. Penis seems a little disconnected and the lower part of the penis which is attached to the body has become leaner and weaker than the shaft. With this small erection the skin on the shaft does not go behind exposing the shaft, and over all the erection is soft and weak. Whole penis is painful during erection and with predominant pain in the two big veins on either side, especially in the right side vein, left side vein is less bulgier than the right one. At max even when I massage I get a 2.5 inch erection and is now not curved because of small size and is painful and seems to cease with ejaculation with in 10 to 15 seconds. Semen has become less thick and watery over the years after ED. I am from Chennai. I feel very down because of this problem. I am a little short tempered and have a very warm body. But I am a humorous guy but feel sad Most of the times when I am alone because of this problem. I am very ashamed to consult a doctor and not sure who is the right one and is open minded to consider me not as a sinful person and treat me. I know I have done a mistake because of ignorance and for my own pleasure. But now I have realised and am searching for a cure. Can you please help me with this ? I can give some more information if you need. Or if you have any of your friends in Chennai who can treat me open mindedly I can consult him too. I am having gastritis and mild ulcer for the last one year and could not go for allopathy also now. Please help me and I will be very thankful for all my life.

Thank You.
dinesh7482 7 years ago

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