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Cervical Spondilitis and Disc Herniation at C4-C5


2. Current complain - from how long:
Cervical spondylitis and herniation of the disc with acute pain in the neck. Suffering from this for the last 2 months and have been taking allopathic medicines.

3. Current medicine you are taking:
Gabapin, Pentocid, Dolonex, Nurokind

4. Sign & Symptom of disease:
severe pain in the neck when I wake up. Cannot work for more than an hour at a stretch in office. radiating pain in the left hand

5. Breif medical history:
Have a sensitive stomach. prone to acidity

6. Family Back Ground:
only child of my parent. married in 2011, living happily with mom, dad and wife in Mumbai

7. Education and Nature of Profession of Patient:
MBA, working as an IT manager in a MNC. Long work hours on the laptop in office

8. Desires and aversion of food:
Like ice creams, home cooked food, don't eat non veg. consume egg

9. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry..etc.:
- Happy go lucky
- very energetic with friends and known ones
- lot of emotions and sympathy towards others
- always think about others
- don't get angry easily
- at times impulsive in reacting
- think about family and friends before self
- very open and confident and can speak to strangers
- make friends easily
- confident of public speaking
- high performing individual
- always get the job done, once given to me - extremely reliable

10. What makes it worse and what makes it better:
- Don't like ambiguity specially in professional life, need a clear line of sight on deliverables, goals etc..

11. Thirst/Tongue/diabetic...:
Low Thirst, Tongue has white matter quoted, Non Diabetic

Have been suffering from the pain in the neck and cervical spondylitis since last 2 months. Have tried allopathy medicine with hardly any relief. MRI suggests Cervical Spondylitis and herniation of the disc at C4 and C5 vertebrates. Kindly suggest suitable Homeopathy medicine that I can start taking. I also have radiating pain in the left hand as the nerve root is getting compressed due to the herniation of the disc. Looking forward to your expertise advice as I am done with the pain killers and cannot take them any more..!
  jitenvithlani on 2014-04-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Will have more questions for you about the remedy.

First off tho, Has the doctor prescribed physical therapy ? bc you could use that.

Second, you are very young to have this, so it is probably due to your habits.
People can have herniated disc issues and no pain , fyi.

1. Be vigilant about knowing when you are bending your neck down. People
do this with the computer screen when it is not at eye level. They do it
looking down at their phone or ipad all the time. They do it reading in bed,
having the laptop on their knees etc. This is a repetitive motion and it pulls
the neck vertebrae out of alignment.
2. Sleep on your back with a pillow or pillows under the knees and a good support
under the neck. This allows the body to reset the spine - naturally during sleep-
sleeping in wrong positions will start to cause this problem.
3. Get up from work every hour and walk around for 5 minutes and stretch. Walk
everyday for 45 minutes and get the blood flow going.
4. Go get a shiatsu massage for the spine or if you do not have that get
acupressure to get everything back into alignment and proper blood flow going.

You have to start to eliminate wrong habits here and put in good ones. Usually
this is something older people have- but a lot of young people are having it
now due to the computer, phone, wrong laptop use causing repetitive
neck motion.
[message edited by simone717 on Mon, 07 Apr 2014 17:55:31 BST]
simone717 last decade
Please put your answers under the quesstions and use detail-

1. What is your MAIN COMPLAINT ?

2.Where exactly is the pain/problem ?

3. What is the pain like, please Describe.

4. Is there anything specific that brings it on?

5.How long does pain/problem last ?

6. If it is not constant, how does it begin and end ?

7. Do you experience stiffness ? Describe where and when.

8. Do you feel restless or desire to be still with the pain ?

9. Are there other symptoms or sensations in your joints or muscles ?

10. When and under what cirscumstances are these sensations felt, if any?

11. Are there symptoms in other areas that occure with your pain ?

12..What Medicine do you take now?
At what time of the day are you the worst? Morning? Evening? Night?
After waking? After sleeping? Etc. 13..How do you react to the weather? Cold-warm-humid-dry-foggy-windy?
How do you react to draft? Exposure to Sun? Snowing? Change of Weather?
How do you react to warmth? Warm rooms? Sun? Warm bathing? Warmth of bed?
How to you react to cold? Uncovering? Cold Water? Cold food and drinks?

14.Do you catch a cold easily? Cold feet? Cold parts of the body?

15..How is your desire for open air?

16.Do you sweat? In general or on special parts?
Sweat during sleep?
Suppressed foot sweat?

17.How is your desire for motion? How do you feel during sitting? Standing? Lying (left, right, back, abdomen?)

18..How do you react to the sea, the mountains?
How can you stand the pressure of clothing, touch?

19.How is your appetite?
Do you have desire for special food? (Sweet, sour, salty, spicy?) Meat? Fish? Cheese?
Do you have aversion to special food?
Do you have aggravation from special food (Fruits, flatulent, fat food? Milk)?
How is your thirst? Alcohol? Coffee? Cold or warm drinks?
Are you hungry at special times of the day?
How is the bowel motion? -describe the stool.

BETTER AND WORSE for this MAIN COMPLAINT- please go thru this and list Better or worse or N/A if nothing-
and add any additional- better or worse things that you notice- this is very important.

1. Time: Day, night, weekly, recurring at a specific time, etc.

2. Temeprature: Hot, cold. warm room, hot water, etc..

3. Weather: Damp, rainy, clear, stormy, foggy, etc..

4. Position: Lying,lying on one side or the other, sitting, standing, etc..

5. Motion. Exercise, stretching, stooping, rest, rising up, etc...

6. Bodily activities: Sleep. eating, urinating, coughing, etc..

7. Sensory: Touch, pressure, light, noice, smell, etc..
8. Psychological: When studying, from anxiety, anger, with stress, etc...
9. What is your mental/emotional state with this condition-sad, depressed, angry etc

Thank you.
simone717 last decade
Dear Simone,
Thank you so much for your detailed response. I would like to respond to your first post. You are spot on with the bad habits and the posture that is maintained..!! 2013 was a very stressful year, and now as I look back, I feel its taken a toll on the body. I have started having these issues from Jan 2014, which it is possible that they existed before that.

I did PT for 10 days and then the PTist suggested that I continue the exercise at home, these are neck muscle strengthening exercises and I do them 3-4 times a day. They really help.

I totally agree with your point on neck bending and I have taken care to adjust the monitor at eye levels and have an ergo chair in place at workplace

I have started sleeping on my back, as suggested by the PT and also have a shawl around my neck to give it support during sleep. This has helped me a bit

I have also started frequent breaks at workplace and at times I just go down in the lobby and walk for 10 mins to make sure the body can gain some rest

On shiatsu massage and acupressure I have to start finding out if there are reputed people in my area.

Like you said, I am willing to do everything to correct this as I understand this is too young an age to get this and I am sick of taking pain killers. I am willing to be patient and give Homeopathy a chance to cure my pain and make postural and lifestyle changes as required.

I used to walk 1 hour daily since Jan, but had to stop it as the pain was severe when the herniation was detected. After reading your response I felt motivated again to start my walking and I did go for a 30 mins walk early morning. I am feeling better now :)
jitenvithlani last decade
Fill out the form if you wish, and I will look that over-
good you understand the causes and are working on it.
simone717 last decade
Will try to answer to the best of my ability

1. What is your MAIN COMPLAINT ?
Stiffness in the neck during morning and restricted motion - up and down, and radiating pain in the left hand
2.Where exactly is the pain/problem ?

Neck and Upper shoulders

3. What is the pain like, please Describe.

While I touch the area there is no pain, but mild pain is constant and some awkward movement of the neck causes severe pain. It looks like the some part of the spinal cord is getting pressed or some muscle is getting stiff

4. Is there anything specific that brings it on?

In correct posture and movement of the neck specifically in the incorrect posture. Also prolonged sitting in a single position too starts the pain

5.How long does pain/problem last ?

slight pain is there throughout the day, but the severe pain subsides as soon as the posture is corrected or the shoulders and neck is stretched a bit..!

6. If it is not constant, how does it begin and end ?
mild pain is constant
7. Do you experience stiffness ? Describe where and when.

Stiffness is there early morning, but it goes as soon as I take a bath and let some hot water flow over my neck and shoulders

8. Do you feel restless or desire to be still with the pain ?

feel irritated since all my attention goes to the pain. cannot concentrate on anything else

9. Are there other symptoms or sensations in your joints or muscles ?

left hand feels a bit heavy in the morning, but as the day passes by, it gets normal. Sometimes due to prolonged typing, my palm and fingers get stiff and experience severe pain. I have to stop typing and stretch the fingers

10. When and under what cirscumstances are these sensations felt, if any?

Explained above..!

11. Are there symptoms in other areas that occure with your pain ?

Nopes.. Shoulders and left hand for the timebeing..

12..What Medicine do you take now?
Pain Killers and Gabapin to improve blood supply. I have mentioned the medicine names in my first post

At what time of the day are you the worst? Morning? Evening? Night?
After waking? After sleeping? Etc.

Stiffness is max at morning when I wake up

13..How do you react to the weather? Cold-warm-humid-dry-foggy-windy?
like cold weather.. enjoi it.. also enjoi windy weather... during warm weather prefer to stay indoors

How do you react to draft? Exposure to Sun? Snowing? Change of Weather?
Am ok to exposure to sun. Never experienced snowing. Feel a bit uncomfortable with the sudden change in weather

How do you react to warmth? Warm rooms? Sun? Warm bathing? Warmth of bed?
Generally would prefer air conditioning in warm rooms... However take warm water bath everyday... am fine with the warmth of the bed

How to you react to cold? Uncovering? Cold Water? Cold food and drinks?

Enjoi cold.. prefer room temperature water v/s cold water... dont like cold food... enjoi cold drinks

14.Do you catch a cold easily? Cold feet? Cold parts of the body?

Not easily

15..How is your desire for open air?

I get suffocated in a closed room... need fresh air very frequently

16.Do you sweat? In general or on special parts?

Sweat a lot in humid parts.. hands, armpits, chest.

Sweat during sleep?
Suppressed foot sweat?

17.How is your desire for motion? How do you feel during sitting? Standing? Lying (left, right, back, abdomen?)
Need back support generally for sitting, cannot stand for long times as feet start paining (am overweight by about 8kgs), I used to sleep side ways for the last couple of years, but last 1 month has been a conscious effort to sleep on the back

18..How do you react to the sea, the mountains?

Love them both.. best vacation spots
How can you stand the pressure of clothing, touch?

No issues

19.How is your appetite?
Do you have desire for special food? (Sweet, sour, salty, spicy?) Meat? Fish? Cheese?
Have acidity problems, stomach is sensitive, hence dont prefer spicy food... love ice creams, love eggs

Do you have aversion to special food?
Spicy food
Do you have aggravation from special food (Fruits, flatulent, fat food? Milk)?


How is your thirst? Alcohol? Coffee? Cold or warm drinks?

Thirst is very less.. Dont take coffee while in India.. prefer tea... No Alcohol..
Are you hungry at special times of the day?
Nopes - standard .. Lunch and Dinner timings.. and try to take some light evening snack
How is the bowel motion? -describe the stool.
Daily, as soon as I wake up... stool is like dumplings

BETTER AND WORSE for this MAIN COMPLAINT- please go thru this and list Better or worse or N/A if nothing-
and add any additional- better or worse things that you notice- this is very important.

1. Time: Day, night, weekly, recurring at a specific time, etc.

Night - Better
Morning - Worse

2. Temeprature: Hot, cold. warm room, hot water, etc..

Better - hot water

worse - warm room

3. Weather: Damp, rainy, clear, stormy, foggy, etc..

Better - Clear
Worse - Damp

4. Position: Lying,lying on one side or the other, sitting, standing, etc..

Better - Lying
Worse - Sitting

5. Motion. Exercise, stretching, stooping, rest, rising up, etc...

Better - Stretching

Worse - Stooping, constant position

6. Bodily activities: Sleep. eating, urinating, coughing, etc..

Better - Sleeping

7. Sensory: Touch, pressure, light, noice, smell, etc..


8. Psychological: When studying, from anxiety, anger, with stress, etc...
Stressed at times due to work pressure and health issues ..!

9. What is your mental/emotional state with this condition-sad, depressed, angry etc - feel sad and really want to do everything possible to correct it
jitenvithlani last decade

Take 3 doses of Rhus tox 12 c 6 hours apart. Do not eat or drink
half hour before or after the remedy. A dose is 3 pills dissolved
in a quarter cup of water. Take a tsp. out of that for one dose.

Report after a couple days what the effects were of this.

simone717 last decade
Thanks for the prompt response. Have ordered the medicine and will report back in a couple of days..!
jitenvithlani last decade
I took Rhus Tox as suggested... Here is the response..
1-2 hours after taking the medicine the shoulder and acute muscular pain just vanishes.. my radiating pain to the hand also was a bit better... However it has started coming back.. I took the medicine on 12th March..

Another thing I would want to bring to your notice is that the neck and shoulders feel very stiff during the morning when I wake up.. but once I start out for walk and take a bath.. they are back to normal.. I have also seen that the crackling sound on my back and shoulder joints has increased .. not sure coz its becoz I have just started doing exercise and walk or it has anything to do with the pain...

Let me know what you think and how we should approach this further.. I am doing everything that I can with changes in lifestyle.. I hope the pain will subside soon ..!
jitenvithlani last decade

Take the Rhus tox 12c again, this time dissolve in the water
same way as before, but hit the bottle 6 times with your hand
or on a book before you take a teaspoon.( hit the bottle for each dose
from now on)

Take two doses, morning and evening and then after that
try one dose in the morning. See how long the relief lasts for.
Take another dose when the pain returns. Let me know
what goes on after a few days of doing this- how many doses
you need. This is a low potency and it is working and the dosing
schedule after a while should get longer and longer apart.

Do you have a chiropractor in your area that is well regarded?
That would help with the cracking of the joints going on- bc
they put your back into alignment or try the massage for this.
[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 15 Apr 2014 16:30:34 BST]
simone717 last decade
Hi Simone,
I took 2 doses of Rhus Tox yesterday... Morning 11 am. The pain vanished... Late in the evening at around 7:00 I started getting a burning sensation and some pain in my shoulders.. So I took a dose of Rhus Tox around 7:30... Post tht ... No pain till now... Today Morning was also better...

Also I would like to thank you for motivating me to start walking again... Walking is helping me a lot..!!

I was wondering if we can start some medicine for the strengthening the nerves as there is nerve compression and also to make the bones stronger.. There was some minor scratching of the bone on the left joint visible in the x-ray, however the doc dismissed it saying tht it is not he priority for him and the focus should be the disc herniation and cervical spondylitis..

let me know what you think...

I am really confident that homeopathy can help me and slowly and steadily it is showing its effect..
jitenvithlani last decade

we want to do one thing at a time and not confuse what the remedy
is doing. Remember to Take the Rhus tox as the pain returns, and
lets see if you gradually reach one dose a day and then one dose
every other day and so on. Keep up the new habits. I know people who
are in your age range who have rid themselves of this issue, by walking,
stretching, and massage alone.
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 17 Apr 2014 15:52:21 BST]
simone717 last decade
Hi Simone,
Wanted to quickly give an update...

I have not taken Rhus Tox since Thursday evening... I got some mild pain at times but it was bearable and I continued without medication. Exercise and walking helped a lot... Another thing is that staying in hot climate helps as when I tried sleeping with the AC on, I had a very stiff neck the next day morning... Hence I have moved away from AC...

I have been to office today without any issues..

I have to say that Rhus Tox plus exercise and walk is helping me .. slow and steady..!!

Only 2 complains I have are from the beginning ..
1. Shoulder joint pains at times
2. Morning neck and shoulder muscle stiffness which vanishes as soon as I start out to walk

Let me know what you think and what should be the next course of action..
jitenvithlani last decade

1. Hope you are still sleeping on your back with neck support.

2. Try taking the Rhus tox dose ( remember to hit the bottle) at night
before sleeping. Keep a record of how this is affecting the morning stiffness.
If you get up and it is not there- then don't repeat the dose. If it is gone
or a lot less then wait and repeat the dose again at night the next time you get up and
stiffness is increased.

3. Report back after a few days how this is going.
simone717 last decade
Hi Simone,
1. Yes.. I do sleep on my back with neck support but the catch is.. when I wake up in the morning I am on my left shoulder ... sleeping sideways.. and thts the shoulder and arm tht pains the most :(

I will have to take a very conscious effort to correct this..!

2. I took Rhus tox at night and the stiffness was better in the morning.. I have not repeated it since the stiffness is there but its low intensity and bearable...
jitenvithlani last decade

sometimes it works if you put some object that
won't move very well on either side of you- that
way you wake up when you go for your old
sleeping habits while asleep.

I think now you can see how that old position
is affecting you and doing something to your neck.

Try doing the Rhus tox at night now for 4 nights in
a row and then see how you are- report on day 5.
simone717 last decade

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