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Antimonium Arsenicicum:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Antimonium tartaricum - 4 month old

Hi there.

My 4 month old has been coughing for the past week. They are wet coughs with gurgling mucus in her throat but she cant spit it up. No other symptoms.

I am new to homeopathy. I went to Whole Foods today and bought antimonium tartaricum 30c. It says to give 5 pellets but has no age indication. A friend suggested I dilute 3 in a pint of water and give her a teaspoon. Any thoughts?

What should I do?

Thank you for any advice you can offer.
  Stelmyra on 2014-04-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dissolve those 5 pellets into 250mls of water. Stir thoroughly. Give one teaspoon every 4 hours for no more than 3 doses. Make sure you stir before you give each teaspoon. Stirring should be vigorous and be for at least 20 seconds.

Stop if one of two things happen.

1. She gets noticeably better even if not 100%
2. She gets noticeably worse, even if only a small amount (10-20%)

Homoeopathic remedies often make you worse before you get better, but you must stop if this happens to allow the positive change to occur.
Evocationer last decade
Hi, thank you so much for your response. I know this was like two weeks ago but I took your advice and baby is all better now. Thanks again!
Stelmyra last decade
That is good to hear.
Evocationer last decade

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