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pain in right knee and right neck pain and stiffness

Age-38 years,female
Occupation = office work,sitting on chair as cashier for 6 hours.

Main problem- 1.Pain in the right knee
2.Pain and stiffness/tightness in nape of neck and right trapezius area.

onset of pain - both pains starts in morning after waking up,and after walking for while and activities of daily life pain slowly decreases but does not stop completely unless treated with pain killer

Side= Pain on right side only(knee,neck and low back)

Pain intensity= severe unbearable to sometime moderate pain

pain time = mostly thrombing type pain,and sometime dull aching pain

When pain is there,pain in knee and neck continues to trouble,even after rest i.e. in sitting or in lyiing

Aggravating factor- sitting more time in chair continuously or after standing for long time.

Relieving factor- morning knee pain decreases with activity slowly till afternoon. Neck pain better after lying down supine.
all pains slightly better after pressing or rubbing affected area

Associated complaints : before few days there was also pain in right and left side of lower back but now its not there.But it is on and off nature.

warmth - better by warmth
cold- not much effective.

Muscles in neck are tight and stiff and neck range of motion is also restricted by 10 degrees on moving to sides

sleep-sound sleep but tend to wake up sometimes.FREQUENTLY dreams at night,but do not remember in the morning.LIKE to sleep for long time,want to sleep till late in morning,but can not sleep till late,due to job and household works

Bowel and urination- normal ,no complaints

Breathing normal,no difficulty in breathing.

Body type- weight 45 kg,height =5.5'
moderate body,no fatty ,not thin either.

Food likes= fishes and nonveg

Also suffers from mild to moderate acidity and erructions ,feeling of sour taste in mouth after regurgitation

Have habit of doing fasting once in week regularly.

Stomach troubles more ,when sleep late night and sleep do not get completed.occasional constipation,only when urge to evacuate in the morning is suppressed voluntarily,by some reasons such as busy in some other work,otherwise no constipation.

Generally feel very weak and tired in evening after coming from job only,but when in home on holiday,no tiredness.

Mind= can not keep anger in mind,when angry scolds to related person and then feel comfortable.If can not express anger then feel discomfort and more angry.
Busy in own work,but if somebody troubles will not bear for long.Otherwise extrovert,like to mix in people,good in talking to others.But if somebody is considered as bad once,he or she bad for lifetime.
Believes lot in superstitions.

Walks fast,eat fast,talk strongly and fast.Completes give work fast.

Helpful to others.
Not short tempered can bear circumstances,but if somebody criticizes,specially in her absence ,then feels angry very much.

Menstrual cycle is regular and no complaints for that.

Please suggest constitutional remedy,that may help in RIGHT SIDE KNEE,NECK PAINS.
  dranandpt on 2014-04-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
rhus tox 30 twice daily for 7days .8globules as one dose.or 4drops of liquid med in two table spoon of water as one dose .
akshaymohl last decade
ok sir,I will start and update here.
But I would be rather more happy,if constitutional remedy is also suggested for above described patient.
dranandpt last decade
After taking rhus tox 30 twice daily for so manydays from 12th to 28th april there is no improvement in original symptoms of pain and stiffness ,in the morning and overall in day.Also there is no increase in symptoms also.Or there is no new symptom appearing.
Please suggest me with further treatment ,sir .
dranandpt last decade
mag phos 6x 4 tabs three times with hot water for 15 days .rhus tox 30 one dose evening time to continue for 15 days
[message edited by akshaymohl on Tue, 29 Apr 2014 14:45:30 BST]
akshaymohl last decade

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