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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Frequent urination and PE

I am 32 years, 5 feet 8 inch weight 72 kg. weak and thin. I have frequent urination problem. Every hour i have to go for urination. My scrotum is very much loose and hanging down. My penis is very weak. It has no erection though i take many medicine such as Titanium, Selenium, Yohimbinum, Sulpher, Lycopodium. I have bad habit of masterbation and othe sexual abuse. As a result my penis do not erect and i can sex only 1 minute. Please help me and save me from this acute problem. I want a great medicine for cure from it.
  abedin00 on 2014-04-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please urgently suggeste
abedin00 last decade
Dear dr. Kadwa
plz suggest me and save me from this acute problem. I am eagrly waiting for ur reply. Thank u advance
abedin00 last decade

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