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my husband semen analysis report

semen analysis report


here is my husband semen report ,

its normal or not ?

quantity : 0.8 ml

colour : greyish white

viscosity : viscous

time of liquification : 30 min

ph :7.5

semen analysis chemical fructose : positive

sperm counts :45 mill/mil

live counts :20 mill/mil

sperm per ejaculate :36 mil


percentage motile sperm :44 %

rapid linear progression : 20 %

slow/non lin progression : 50 %

non progressive : 30 %

{sperm morphology}

normal form :30 %

{head abnormality}

small oval :30 %

amorphous :30 %

round :10 %

{mid piece abnormalities}

germ cell :00

wbc's :02

rbc's :00

squamous cell :00

above is my husband semen report with complete details from

agha khan hospital khi ... is this normal or anything is less ?

humari shadi ko 2 years ho gae hen , we wany kid , but in my report folicle size is small for concive .. im having medicine ,, mashallah se no cyest issue ... but i want to know about my husband report .. its enough to get a pregnant ... plz reply me soon
  Honey kz on 2014-04-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Plz do reply .. it's urgent
Honey kz last decade
Its a normal report.
[message edited by anindya384 on Fri, 25 Apr 2014 15:31:18 BST]
anindya384 last decade
Then why still trying to concive :(
Honey kz last decade
My Gynecologist proscribed some taste of mine
Fasting Serum Insulin
I wana ask that above taste when will conduct ? I remember my doctor said after period .. but on which day of period It will be conduct I don't remember.. plz guide me ...
Why doctor proscribed me all these taste ???
Honey kz last decade
LSH is done to ensure whether you are ovulating, when you are having trouble getting pregnant or have periods that are not regular. This will be done in a particular day after periods. U need to stop all medicines before u go for this test.

Prolactin triggers lactation. It plays a vital role in reproductive health of both men and women.

TSH test is used to detect problems affecting the thyroid gland, which again plays a vital role in reproduction.

Fasting Serum Insulin test is associated with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), gestational diabetes, and type two diabetes. Here, in ur case the doctor has ordered to determine whether u have PCOS or not.

These all are blood tests.

Get these tests done and come back with the reports. Tests are always good to obtain perfect situation of ailment, if any. Getting tests ordered for u does not confirm that u have any disease. It's a way to know ur biological situation better. So dont worry and go for the tests with a cool mind.
anindya384 last decade
Ok Thanx for Ur detail Answer
I'll go for these test .. but plz tell me in which day after bath of Period I hv to go for tests ???
I'm having only Folic acid on daily basis .. should i discontinue before these tests ??
Honey kz last decade
Which two type of Dibities ?
I shouldn't hv sugar in daily Routine?
Honey kz last decade
The day shall be determined by your doctor.

U'll be asked to stop medicines before the test when u approach the pathologist.

Its Type-two Diabetes ...and not two types of diabetes.

U can have sugar as usual in ur daily routine, u'll be asked to do so if any abnormality is observed in ur reports.
anindya384 last decade
thanx for Ur Response :)
I'll let u know all my Test Details..
I hv next period date is 9th May ..
Let c what happens this month ..
I pray I get Concive this month INSHA'ALLAH :)
thn no need to all Test :P
Hope for the Best
Plz remember me in Ur prayers
In any condition I'll let u know
Plz u reply me everytime .. I need Ur moral Support & guidance
Have a good day
Take care
Honey kz last decade
Sure !
anindya384 last decade
hi doctor
i hope u good :)
im here after my all tests report .. yesterday was my 2nd day of my periods .. n i gave a sample of blood for tests,, lsh + tsh +prolactin + serum insuline .. now blow r my all tests reports plz check this out & tell me its normal range or what??

# serum tsh = 2.297 uiu/ml

# serum prolactin =33.60 ng/ml

# serum fsh = 10.05mlu/ml

# serum insulin = 19.20 uu/ml

these all are the result of my reports .. plz do me reply soon ,, im so worried .. if any of them rang is highy or low then whats the effects on get pregnant ?? whats the treatment as well ... plz reply me in detail ... thanx in advance .. im looking forward ur early reply
Honey kz last decade
They r normal
anindya384 last decade
thanx Dr for ur response :)
nice to hear it they r normal :)
but I want to know that Prolactinis in normal rang in female or not??
im trying to conceive since last 2years .. if my hubby semen report also normal & my all Hormns r in normal range then whats the issue im still keep trying for get pregnant
I really need ur suggestion & guidance .. plz
Honey kz last decade
plz doctor reply me .. im waiting ur response .. plllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Honey kz last decade
Ur prolactin is a little high than normal range. Which generally happens as side effects of some medications. Have u ever taken any medicine for Thyroid issue ? Or r u presently taking any medicines for any hormone related issue ? If yes, then please stop them and this problem will subside on its own.
anindya384 last decade
Just stop all medication and concentrate on good diet and healthy mindset. U r completely normal to get pregnant.
anindya384 last decade
Thanx doctor for Ur reply ..
I'm not having any medicine..
I'm just taking Folic Acid on daily basis ..
Here is showing any issue of Thyroid ?
'coz I didn't check or test my Thyroid .. I didn't take any medicine for thyroid ..
Honey kz last decade
here my thyroid rang is normal or not ??
& for prolactin which medicine should I take ?
my insulin is normal or near to maximum range ?
im so worried n hv many question in my mind :(
Honey kz last decade
today i went to my ultrasound.. its my 6th day of my cycle ..
below is my ultrasound report in detail.. plz check this
#urerus: normal in size

#endometrium: 0.4 cm

#focal masses in uterus: no fibroid seen

#ls:6.0 cm

#ap:3.2 cm

#ts:4.2 cm

#right ovary : 3.7 * 2.2 cm

#right ovary number of follicles :14-15

#right ovary size of follicles :0.7 * 0.5 cm
0.6 * 0.5 cm
0.6 * 0.4 cm

#left ovary : 3.6 *1.9 cm

#left ovary number of follicles : 24-25

#left ovary size of
follicles: 0.7 * 0.4 cm
0.6 * 0.6 cm
0.5 * 0.5 cm
Honey kz last decade
one more thing .. plz suggest me good healthy died ,,, thanx
Honey kz last decade
Follicles sizes are very small, need to check the changes in their sizes on subsequent days to check whether they are growing properly or not. ie. on 8th, 10th, 12th days.... For healthy diet for u ....please visit this link:
anindya384 last decade
Which medicine should I take in this period for increase follicles size.. plz suggest me Doctor
Honey kz last decade
As u said about Prolactin level is little bit high thn normal range as effect of any medicine .. but I m not having any medicine.. I'm just taking Folic Acid on daily basis .. Here is showing any issue of Thyroid ?'coz I didn't check or test my Thyroid before it .. I didn't take any medicine for thyroid ..
here my thyroid rang is normal or not ??& for prolactin which medicine should I take ?my insulin is normal or near to maximum range ?im so worried n hv many question in my mind
Honey kz last decade
Is there any cysts mention in ultrasound ? Or any abnormalities ?
Plz Doctor help ne in this matter ..
I'm so worried
Reply plz
Honey kz last decade
Take Aurum Metallicum 200, 2 drops in half cup water twice daily for 3 days

Report after three days
anindya384 last decade

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