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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

For Dr. Parakletos Sub Frozen Right Shoulder

Hi Doctor

I have frozen shoulder in the right arm in the shoulder joint. But my whole arm has a burning ache all the times. There is always pain at any time.

I do have problems sleeping on the right side and I can't keep my right arm on my body vertically when I am sleeping or lying down on my left side. I must tell you that I had frozen shoulder syndrome on my left arm too in the year 2011 to 2012. I went for Physiotherepy and got cured in the left arm. Now the same thing is happening in my right arm

There is one difference:
Previous ailment I could not raise my left arm straight up.

This time I can raise my right arm straight up but cannot take it to my back without having a stabbing pain on the upper part of my shoulder and the upper sides of my arm

Kindly prescribe medicine for my ailment


  Dennis190 on 2014-05-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please answer this questions:

1. What is your MAIN COMPLAINT ?

2.Where exactly is the pain/problem ?

3. What is the pain like, please Describe.

4. Is there anything specific that brings it on?

5.How long does pain/problem last ?

6. If it is not constant, how does it begin and end ?

7. Do you experience stiffness ? Describe where and when.

8. Do you feel restless or desire to be still with the pain ?

9. Are there other symptoms or sensations in your joints or muscles ?

10. When and under what cirscumstances are these sensations felt, if any?

11. Are there symptoms in other areas that occure with your pain ?

What things make the pain worse or better ?

1. Time: Day, night, weekly, recurring at a specific time, etc.

2. Temeprature: Hot, cold. warm room, hot water, etc..

3. Weather: Damp, rainy, clear, stormy, foggy, etc..

4. Position: Lying,lying on one side or the other, sitting, standing, etc..

5. Motion. Exercise, stretching, stooping, rest, rising up, etc...

6. Bodily activities: Sleep. eating, urinating, coughing, etc..

7. Sensory: Touch, pressure, light, noice, smell, etc..

8. Psychological: When studying, from anxiety, anger, with stress, etc...
Parakletos last decade
Hello Doctor

Thanks for your reply.

My main complaint is that I am having frozen shoulder/adhesive capsulitis symptom in my right shoulder.

The pain is in my right shoulder and I cannot take my arm to my back.

The pain is always there. and is like a throbbing pain in my whole arm.

I can take my right arm straight up but not to my back.I take a painkiller everyday.

I am a female aged 54

I do not have diabetes.

Kindly help

Dennis190 last decade
Well you can try Bryonia, start with 200C one dose. But I must add that painkillers can antidote homeopathy so the best is to not take this under homeopathic treatment.

1 dose is 3-4 pills. Take your medicine at least half an hour before or after food, not drink coffee when treated with homeopathy. Pour the pills in the lid of the container and then into the mouth. Let the pills melt under the tongue, swallow.

Wait 3-4 days, then give me an report. Thank you.

Parakletos last decade

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