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Lighter skin on upper lip area

Hi guys,

I have a problem. My skin between nose and lips is much lighter than the rest of my skin. It really shows clearly, especially in the daylight.

I think it has been this way for a year or two, slowingly getting lighter and lighter. I have no idea what has caused it, but I read that the upper lip area reflects reproductive organs. I know it is usual for women to get darker upper lip area, but haven't heard of anyone else getting it lighter.

I would be really gratefull if someone knows what I can do about this discoloration. Thanks so much :-)))
  varnsen on 2014-05-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please post here or email me a picture of the affected skin area.
fitness last decade
Unfortunately I am not able to post a picture now :-(

But the upper lip area is whiter than the rest of my face, I'd say about 2-3 shades whiter. It really sticks out especially in the daylight and if I'm tanned.

I have hypothyroidism but haven't got a spesific remedy for that either, except Thyromin from Plantamed. I have been using it for almost a month now but haven't noticed any effect to my pigmentation problem, so I guess the reason lies somewhere else what comes to my upper lip area.

Hope someone could help me...
varnsen last decade

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