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Barthonlin's Cyst & BV


I am beyond stressed about these conditions, and really could use some help. I am detailing my list below. Thank you for any suggestions or help!

1. I am 35 years old

2. I have had a persistent Bartholin's cyst for approx. 5-6 years.

3. I have had it lanced about 4 times. a wick was put in the last time, and helped while the incision remained open. I had a word catheter put in one time. It did not stay in for 24 hours before falling out.

4. I am currently suffering with persistent Bacterial vaginosis additionally.

5. I have tried the homeopathic insets for the BV and it works, but bv comes back after my menstrual cycle.

6. Symptoms I am currently experiencing:
- Redness, and swelling of the inner vag.
- A hardish lump on the opening, on the left side.
- Swelling in my lower abdomen.

7. I have normal periods.

8. I have anxiety.

9. I have tried silicea and calc for reducing cyst. additionaly I have taken sitz baths.

10. I am about the start the sitz baths again, but I would really like to get to the root of this. I know that these symptoms can be a result of a deeper emotional issue. I am not sure what this issue is. I would like to try to take some more homeopathic remedies to resolve these issues.


  dreadoll on 2014-06-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
PL stop all other medicines
Pl take
1. Merc Sol-200 (200c) 6 pills twice a day for 10 days and then give feedback

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
Thank you so much for the speedy reply!

When you say stop all medicines do you mean vitamins and herbs as well?

Thank you!
dreadoll last decade
you can take vitamin but not herbs.

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
Thank you very much.

I will report back in 10 days.

dreadoll last decade
I just wanted report, that I have taken the first does of 6 pellets, I had a large amount of discharge almost immediately .

Got home and took a sitz bath.
Now the cyst feels to be throbbing a bit.

Should I be concerned?
dreadoll last decade
Yes, you continue the medicines

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade

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