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History of Homeopathy in Pakistan
Before independence, during British rule, Homeopathic, Unani and Ayurvedic act was passed in 1937 in Indo-Pak subcontinent with the efforts of many prominent personalities. The role of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah at that was also instrumental. At that time, the progress in homeopathy was slow. Only high-class gentry were rarely using that system.The City of Lahore in Pakistan has the privilege of being the first city of undivided India, where Homoeopathy was introduced by Dr. J. M. Honigberger, a German Physician. He was the first homoeopath to settle in India in 1835. He remained in the East for thirty-five years practicing Homoeopathy. Dr. Honigberger cured the ruler of the Punjab, Maharaja Ranjit Singh with Dulcamara, who was sick at Lahore.
Lahore being the capital of the Punjab was the center of socio-economic activities. The first homoeopathic college of the Punjab was opened in Lahore in early 1920. It was started by an American Missionary, Dr. Freeburn and Maj. Dr. Sadiq Ali. This institution, the Central Homoeopathic Medical College, produced many eminent homoeopaths of India. The prominent homoeopaths of the Punjab during that period were Dr. Diwan Jai Chand, Dr. Nizamuddin. Dr. Khanchand Dev. Dr. R. D. Ghazi, Dr. Mohd Masood Qureshi. Dr. Mohd. Ismail Akhtar and Dr. Mohd Ismail Nami.
Although there were a number of homoeopathic associations during that period in India, the first All-India Homoeopathic Medical Association was formed in 1932. The first Congress session was held in Calcutta, second in Bombay and the third at Madras. In 1936 it met in Agra where it was decided that the homoeopaths should struggle for State recognition. This Congress also decided to register the homoeopaths of India. Dr. Goswami from Mathura was nominated as the Registrar. Dr. Ghazi, Dr. Masood and Dr. Nami were nominated to authenticate the applicants from the provinces of the Punjab and the Frontier.
Pakistan became independent on 14th August 1947. One College, one Pharmaceutical Company in Lahore, were all its assets. A large number of homoeopaths migrated to Pakistan from India and similarly many migrated to India from Pakistan. Dr. U. A. Pasha, Dr. Hamid and many eminent homoeopaths settled in Karachi. Karachi became the center of homoeopathic activities. The city of Lahore enjoyed second position to Culcutta regarding homoeopathic activities in undivided India, but after independence there was a break for a short period. Then Dr. M. Masood Qureshi took the initiative and the Pakistan Homoeopathic Association was formed but this Association was very short-lived. Another body, Pakistan Homoeopathic Federation was formed in 1949, at Karachi. The first Pakistan Homoeopathic conference was held under the auspicious of the Federation in Sept. 1949 at Karachi.
The Homoeopathic Bill was placed for the first time before Pakistan Legislative Assembly by Syed Noor Ahmed on 5th Jan 1950. Syed Noor Ahmed had also moved a bill in the Legislative Assembly of undivided India on 1.4.1945. The Legislative Assembly voted in favour of the publication of the Bill for public opinion. A proposal by Dr. A. M. Malik, the Minister for Health for opening Medical Colleges that would teach allopathy during the first four years and Homoeopathy in the final year was turned down by the homoeopaths. They had learnt a lesson from what had happened in the U.S.A.
In 1951 the Government appointed a Health Committee consisting of the following members:
1. Mr. A. R. Armaghan, Jt. Secy. Ministry of Health.
2. Lt. Col. Jaffar, Director General of Health.
3. Dr. A Hamid. Karachi.
4. Dr. U. A. Pasha. Karachi.
5. Dr. Zakir Hussain, Chittagong.
6. Dr. Nurul Wahab, Dacca.
7. Mr. S. S. Haider. Deputy Secy., Ministry of Health.
The committee recommend the following:
1. The procedure for the Registration of Homoeopaths.
2. To prepare the syllabus for the Homoeopathic Medical Colleges.
The committee submitted its report in October 1951. Pir Ali Akbar Shah had in the meantime placed the Homoeopathic Practitioners' Bill in the Provincial Assembly of Sind in April 1951.
Ultimately after many years of toil and hard labour the National Assembly of Pakistan passed the Unani, Ayurvedic and Homoeopathic Practitioners' Act, which provided for the registration of practitioners and the framing of the syllabus for the Homoeopathic Colleges. Under the provisions of the Act the Board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine was formed by the Government.
The Board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine soon started working in full swing but the Military Regime, which took over the Government in October 1958, repealed the Homoeopathic Act in 1959.
There was a short period of depression but the homoeopaths again started once again with reformed struggle. Dr. A. M. Malik and Alhaj Abdullah Zahiruddin Lal Mian, the Federal Minister for Health provided great help The Government of Pakistan officially recognized homoeopathy in 1965 and the Board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine was established under the Unani Ayurvedic and Homoeopathic Practitioners' Act. 1965 (II of 1965). The Board was formed with Dr. U. A. Pasha as Chairman and 17 other members. The registration of homoeopaths was done in 1967.
The objectives in front of the board were, to consider applications for recognition of homeopathic colleges, to make arrangements for the registration of duly qualified persons in accordance with the provisions of the Act and to promote homeopathic awareness among the general public plus to recommend ways and means to Ministry of Health of Pakistan for the uplift of homeopathy at official level, to provide for Research in Homoeopathy and to do such other acts and things as the Board may be empowered to do by the Act or the Rules.
At that time, due to higher illiteracy level in the country, minimum education for getting admission in DHMS (Diploma in Homeopathic Medical System) was set to materic (Science or Arts). Board approved Homeopathic Medical Colleges, which were set up in private sector after careful inspection. The Board adopted a code of ethics for the Registered/Enlisted Homoeopathic Practitioners duly approved by the Government of Pakistan and started registering them (under Section 26/27 of the Act). Under the Act, the examinations in all the recognized homoeopathic medical institutions were conducted by the Board in accordance with the Government approved syllabus. The D.H.M.S. Diploma was conferred by the Board on those students who qualify for the Diploma after four-years course.
The development of Homoeopathy in Pakistan was parallel to its development in India. One has to have background of Homoeopathy in undivided India to know its development in Pakistan.
A Commission for Indigenous Medicines was appointed by the Government of Pakistan in March 1975. This Commission was headed by Dr. Salimuzzaman Siddiqui, a scientist of international repute. The other members were eminent scientists, doctors, hakims, vaids and homoeopaths. Dr. Mohd. Ismail Nami was nominated from amongst the homoeopaths.
The Commission has recommended the utilization of the services of homoeopaths in the Health System in Pakistan. The Government of Pakistan intends to utilize the services of homoeopaths in the new health scheme. The vacancies for homeopathic medical officer in the govt hospitals have been created since long. Now the officials of the homeopathic organzations in Pakistan are approaching to ministry of the provinces to create vacancies for basic health units (BHU). (Ref. See pictorial coverage of meeting of homeopaths with minister of health of Punjab)
The history of homeopathy in Pakistan will not be completed if we do not commend the contribution of the prominent homoeopathic personalities, who rendered duties for the uplift of the system in the country at their own end and worked day and night. These stars include Dr. Sajjad Hassan Khan (Ex-President of Asian Homoeopathic Medical League, International), Dr. Azhar Intisar (President Asian Homoeopathic Medical League, Pakistan), Dr. Abdul Rehman (Secretary Research AHML), Dr. Afsar Imam (Executive AHML), Dr. Saleem Hameed (Chairman Homoeopathic Doctors and Pharmaceutical and Chemist Association, HPCA and Chief Editor Monthly Baba-e-Homeopathy), Dr. Nasir Ahmed Choudhry (President Pakistan Homeopathic Doctors Association PHDA), Dr. Kausar Naheed Anwar (President Pakistan Homoeopathic Medical Association, Punjab and Chief Editor Leopard Fortnightly), Dr. Banaras Khan Awan (Ex Editor Homeopathic International Magazine), Dr. Israr Ahmed (Writer of Urdu Translation of various homeopathic books), Dr. Inam Ullah Mirza (Chairman Free Camping Unit), Dr. MAS (Chief Executive World Homeopathic Computer Club WHCC, Founder Member Pakistan Homeopathic Society PHS, Chief Organizer and founder of Gujrat Homeopathic Doctors Association and Coordinator Homeopathic Learners Forum), Mahmood Ali Wasiq (Chairman All Pakistan Homeopaths Association), Dr. Amjad Ali Jaffery (writer of so many books), Dr. M Yousaf (Personal Physician to Chief Minister Sind), Mr. Mansoor Yousaf (Editor Monthly Moalij), Colonel Qasim Hussain, R (Famous Writer), Dr. Ijaz Ali (Rawalpindi), Dr. Aman Ullah Bismil (Chief Editor The Homeopathic News), Dr. Rafaqat Hussain Raja (President NCH Azad Jammu Kashmir), Dr. Amjad Ansari (President Kashmir Association of Alternative Medicine), Dr. Muhammad Iqbal (Gen Secretary Pakistan Homeopathic Society), Dr. Haseeb, Dr. Imran and Dr. Iftikhar Mugal (Gujranwala), Dr. Misba Ul Haque Qureshi (Patron in Chief Monthly Quat-e-Hayaat Multan), Dr. Anwar Elahi (Chief Executive Warsan Homeo Pharma), Dr. Chun Mubarak (Haripur), Dr. Tahir Rauf Sheikh (Lahore), Dr. Mian G N Ghazi (Sialkot), Dr. M Irfan Sheikh (Karachi), Dr. Irfan Asghar (Faisal Abad), Dr. Rasheed Niaz (President Old Boys Jhelum Homeopathic Medical College Association), Dr. Liaqat Ali Rajput (Writer of one thousand homeopathic books), Dr. Ras Masood (Karachi), Dr. Ikhlaque Ahmed (Ex-Registrar NCH), Dr. Col Iqbal Shaheen, R (NWFP), Dr. Razzaq Ahmed Ghaffari (Chief Editor Ninja Monthly), Dr. Jaffar Imam (President Islamic Homeopathic Medical Association IHMA), Dr. Ghulam Murtaza (Executive IHMA), Dr. Mian Muhammad Jamil (IHMA), Dr. Abdul Razzaq (Chief Editor IHMA Karachi), Dr. Abid Ali (webmaster homeoweb), Dr. Ahmed Hussain (President Pakistan Homeopathic Medical Association PHMA), Dr. M Hussain Munas (Chief Editor Monthly Elaj Bil Misal) and Dr. Pervaiz Akhtar Qureshi (Ex-President NCH and Chief Editor Monthly Kamal) and many many more
The National Health Laboratories at Islamabad, has a homoeopath research officer working in collaboration with the experts of the other systems of medicine. The State Life Insurance Corporation, Oil and Gas Corporation and other Corporate Bodies have appointed homoeopaths on their panel of doctors.
Dr SS on 2005-11-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
This I found the most comprehensive and detail history of homeopathy in a region. is the official website of National council for homeopathy that provided article.
I would like to read more detail about history in all part of the world.
I am happy to say, beside lancet bogus report homeopathy is flourishing....
I am now convinced. is the official website of National council for homeopathy that provided article.
I would like to read more detail about history in all part of the world.
I am happy to say, beside lancet bogus report homeopathy is flourishing....
I am now convinced.
Dr SS last decade
Too much information you have Given about history of Pakistan homeopathy.
You didn't mention the name of Dr Sarwar-e-Zaman Khan (HMB Gold medal, Culcutta University ), the founder chairman of Pakistan homeopathic medical board.
Could you review the history and give us some details.
You didn't mention the name of Dr Sarwar-e-Zaman Khan (HMB Gold medal, Culcutta University ), the founder chairman of Pakistan homeopathic medical board.
Could you review the history and give us some details.
Dr M Suhail Sufi 5 years ago
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