The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Abscess, silica. arnica & blood
Dear Sajjad/Joe,To treat the abscess and drainage on my butt, I started taking silica 5 weeks ago and also started arnica 2 weeks ago. Abscess seems to dry up quite a bit but it burst this morning after using the bathroom. Blood & all.
I was having a fair bit of seafood the last 2 weeks. Could that be the cause? Crabs/lobsters/prawns/coffee/tea/garlic--these are what i started consuming again last 2 weeks.
I haven't lost faith in silica/arnica but how long would it take for me to get back to normal?
Really need advice please. Thank you.
izaac on 2005-11-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It's probably way late for this advice now but someone on the board mentioned Berberis Aquifolium Q working in 100% of abscess cases. You could check out the details for yourself.
Courtney last decade
Actually just to clear it up he said that Berberis Aquifolium works in 100% of cases but it was in another post that he talks of Berberis Aquifolium Q.
Courtney last decade
It is always best to report your progress on the thread where you first posted your problem with your Fistula as those of us who have helped you will get an email alert.
As I remember you received some relief from your ailment with the Silica/Arnica therapy and I would suggest that you continue with it. As you may know the cure of a fistula is somewhat long drawn out as it takes time to heal the reason for the lesion that forms in the skin tissue which leads to the fistula.
You may if you wish, reduce your dosage of Silica but it is quite safe to continue with the Arnica as it will promote the flow of blood in the affected tissue and will eventually cure the problem. You may however have to take it for the rest of your life and I can assure that it is quite safe to do so as I have taken it once daily for over the last 10 years.
As I remember you received some relief from your ailment with the Silica/Arnica therapy and I would suggest that you continue with it. As you may know the cure of a fistula is somewhat long drawn out as it takes time to heal the reason for the lesion that forms in the skin tissue which leads to the fistula.
You may if you wish, reduce your dosage of Silica but it is quite safe to continue with the Arnica as it will promote the flow of blood in the affected tissue and will eventually cure the problem. You may however have to take it for the rest of your life and I can assure that it is quite safe to do so as I have taken it once daily for over the last 10 years.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
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