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Fever of Unknown Origin - Concerned Hubby Page 2 of 4

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Hi Rajan,

I was going over this again and noticed the daily aspirin use.

This should be stopped. How long has this been taken?

Temperature in the body is regulated by the hypothalamus, located in the brain. When given a trigger for a fever, such as an injury or infection, the body releases prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). PGE2 then in turn acts on the hypothalamus, which generates a systemic response back to the rest of the body, causing the body's temperature to rise. Higher temperature is not always a bad thing. Among other things, it can directly kill some bacteria, increase the body's immune response, increase the flow of blood to damaged or infected areas, and increase enzyme activity. As most natural healers know, if you artificially suppress fever when you are sick, you may temporarily 'feel' better, but you are actually hampering your body's ability to get rid of the disease. And in fact, some healers use a technique called the 'cold sheet treatment6' to actually force body temperature higher during times of illness to accelerate healing -- the exact opposite of 'Take two aspirin and call me in the morning.'

Daily aspirin use increases your risk of developing both stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers. And, if you have a bleeding ulcer, taking aspirin will cause it to bleed more.
While daily aspirin can help prevent a clot-related stroke, it can increase your risk of a bleeding stroke (hemorrhagic stroke).
If you're allergic to aspirin, taking any amount of aspirin can trigger a serious allergic reaction -- even to the point of anaphylactic shock and death.
Overdosing on aspirin can cause tinnitus and even hearing loss in some people.
If you're taking regular aspirin and are in an accident or require emergency surgery, you risk excessive bleeding during surgery.
And finally, alcohol and aspirin don't mix. In fact, the FDA warns that people who regularly take aspirin should limit the amount of alcohol they drink because of its additional blood-thinning effects and additional potential to upset your stomach.
simone717 last decade
Ok, she had fever all day today, only minor fluctuations, range 99.1 to 99.7deg F. Her legs are achy and have uneasiness. Her cough is still bad but now she says she feels the cough is coming from the chest. Her chest feels congested and hurts when she coughs.

Her congestion (nasal) was lot better yesterday but today its worse (but still better than before starting the treatment). Throbbing in the head is better than before. As for her headache, she did have it this morning but got better after getting up. Headache is mostly in the whole head.

With regards, to the sensations when she was getting the feeling that she is on the verge to get the headache, she said that her head felt stuffiness / congestion and mild 1% pain in the head and eye sockets.

She is having bowel movements daily but frequently she feels that quantity is less and doesn't get a clean feeling.

With regards to your other points, will buy Hepa Filter/Cleaner asap/soon. I have bought the Host Defense Reishi and will start today. I have not yet found the Rosemary tea and still looking for it.
Don't have any pets. No water damage or damp areas in the house. Don't use any humidifier.
Last dental checkup was about ayear ago. No teeth or gum issues but used to get swollen gums which would get better on their own after a week or so but has not had this problem for about last 6 months.
Can get the allergy testing started but geting the appointment and all this taken care of will take quite some time.

She has been taking Aspirin 81mg (baby aspiring) now for couple of years. This was just started as a precautionary basis due to family BP/ heart attack history. Quitting aspirin will have to be done under my Dr's supervision as I am afraid it may have some serious repurcussion if we stop it abruptly. She takes it with food and lot of our friends take it for the same reason. I doubt this may be cause for her problems.. but I understand the risks you have addressed.

Continuing on the three cell salts and starting on Reishi, will update you on Monday.

Thanks for all the help.
RajanTX last decade

'swollen gums that would get better on their own'

Was this discussed with the dentist? if so, what did the
dentist say?

You need the teeth cleaned at least every 6 months. Swollen
gums could mean there is periodontal problems going on
which often is a low grade infection. She could very well
be being drained of energy to keep the gum problem from
getting worse. This would lead to low energy and harder
to get rid of allergies and not much stamina.

I feel there is something else going on besides the allergies
and this could be her gums. She should get this checked out

I have known several people that no one could figure out
what the problem was and it turned out to be a hidden
gum infection not showing up or a hidden tooth problem.

btw- I don't think you can find Rosemary tea that has only
Rosemary- I think there is some that has other things including
Rosemary. You could buy Fresh Rosemary and make a dilution
of it and drink it with some local honey. Local honey would also
be great to get bc it helps with the pollen in the area one lives in.
[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 05 Jul 2014 06:11:15 BST]
simone717 last decade
Hi Simone,
She had been getting the teeth cleaned twice a year. Her gums had been checked by the dentists and were not an issue ... no infection.

Yes, there may be something else going on besides allergies ... highly possible and that's the reason of my concern but all tests so far have been negative. Have not been able to pin point the problem.

Do I need a cause identified to proceed further with the homeopathic treatment? I was under the impression that homeopathy is symptom based and not have to have a cause identified...

RajanTX last decade
Last night fever was there till about 12AM. This morning fever is 99deg F at 10AM so probably no change...

Any suggestions?

RajanTX last decade
I would explain it like this. Lets say, you do not know that everyday you
are eating lunch from a place that has bad health practices. So everyday,
there is some digestive upset and you go get 'treated' for the 'disease'-

either acute or chronic. This is not going to work out very well.

In the case of teeth, gums, there can be an irritant going on that has
to be physically removed,

Sometimes people are taking vitamins, supplements, that are throwing
the body out of balance everyday and they don't tell you, or they are
drinking bad water everyday and they don't know it ( especially where you
are with the fracking going on at distances making people sick thru
the water supply)

There are millions of people with allergies, who do not have a temp. for
2 years. The temp rise is the bodies way of killing infection or virus.
Since she is taking aspirin everyday, and that will suppress the temp,
we don't know if the temp would go up and then kill this off if she stopped the aspirin.

There is something going on here besides allergies. You have to
think like a detective-She is weak from this but when she goes out in the open
air she feels better altho weak-Allergies make a person drained. You do
not have them so if there is something in the house or water or ?? it is
not bothering you bc you are not weak from allergies. So whatever is
going on with the Temp has to be found out.
[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 05 Jul 2014 16:55:03 BST]
simone717 last decade
The rise in temp is minimal-it is the bodies way to keep something
in check.

Until that something is found it probably will keep doing this,
and treatment will take time.
simone717 last decade
Normal human body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. But as with most measurements, “normal” has a range. With current technology, don’t be surprised if your actual measure temperature is rarely 98.6. That’s because “normal” temperature was based on the average temperature of hundreds of people using oral, mercury thermometers. Current thermometers are not only much faster, they are much more accurate and document two things known even in the days of mercury thermometers: There is variability in body temperature over the course of the day, and there is variability between different people.

In fact, from what is now known, the case could be made to abandon 98.6 as the definition of normal body temperature and instead recognize the range of normal. Thermoregulation — the body's mechanisms to maintain body temperature within a certain range — is a key bodily function, but it does allow perfectly healthy persons to drift higher or lower than 98.6 rather often.

Based on research measuring the body temperatures of thousands of healthy people, normal oral temperatures range from 97.5 to 98.9; perhaps one in 20 people have temperatures even a bit lower or higher. It also varies over the course of the day, varying one to two degrees — from a low from 2 a.m. to 4 a.m., to a high 12 hours later. Other normal temperature variation occurs during the menstrual cycle (lower temperature for a week or two after a period, elevation by one degree or so with ovulation) or pregnancy (higher temperature during the first trimester). The elderly have lower temperatures, perhaps because metabolism slows with age.
In addition, abnormalities in temperature can suggest a cause of illness; the most common cause of elevated body temperature is infection, and almost any infection in the body can cause fever. But there are other causes, including heat stroke or a drug reaction. Doctors record the vital signs first when listing the findings on a physical examination because they are considered so essential. Although you can be sick with a normal temperature and well with an (slightly) abnormal temperature, body temperature is clearly an important and useful indicator of health. That’s why the body has such an elaborate thermoregulation system — mechanisms that keep the body’s temperature close to ideal most of the tim
simone717 last decade
I agree with all that but in her case the elevated temperature is not normal as she feels sick, not normal.

I am struggling and thinking like a detective too, and looking for a cause but have not found anything nor have the allopathic doctors. I live in a nice neighborhood & no issues with the house, water or environment. If there was any possibility of these I would have brought it up.

So I guess till I bring further evidence on the cause, I am coming to a dead end.

Thanks for all the help.
RajanTX last decade
She is having some type of allergy
reaction- so if you treat the allergies
then the temp issues should stop.A fever that develops from allergies is not caused by the allergic reaction, according to MayoClinic.com, but it is most likely a secondary infection caused by the allergic reaction. For example, someone who suffers from nasal allergies can develop chronic sinusitis, according to MedlinePlus.com. Chronic sinusitis can cause a fever in the body in order to fight the infection.

So we are trying to give her some relief from possible allergens-
if she gets some relief and a break ( such as sleeping in a room
closed off with air cleaner, her body will gain more energy and
she will feel better the next day).

If you see the allergy dr. they can tell you in 15 minutes what
she is allergic to from the skin test.
simone717 last decade
Understand that the place she lives in is full of trees...so allergy from pollen grains cannot be ruled out.

I see a similimmum in RHUS TOX which is to be tried in 12C potency for some days to create a response.

Please give her once every 4 hours for some days...maximum for a week and let us know if she responded to it.

Higher potencies will not work in case of fevers.
rishimba last decade
Hi Simone / Rishimba,

Thanks for all the help / responses. I had bought a Hepa Filter & had her started on that.

I gave her Rhus Tox for a few days, did not see any difference. Then her periods started and she ended up taking Advil for menstrual cramps. After that got over, gave her a few doses of Rhus Tox... did not see any changes but she got her usual headaches and ended up with Advils again.
She has continued with the biochemic remedies recommended; Nat Mur, Ferrum Phos & Silicia alongwith the Reishi capsules. Her cough did not show any changes and I added Kali Sulf but that did not help either, so her cough continues in the night. Currently she sounds very congested. She snores in the night, seems that her nose is blocked. She wakes up frequently due to snoring but she quickly goes back to sleep. Her present condition / update in her own words:

'Update:I started taking nat phos, Ferrum Phos and Silicia, did not see any changes for few days. Along with these med, i started taking reishi mushroom also as advised. We did buy hepa filter. After using the filter, I started seeing some change. I would get fever only whenever I would talk on the phone. Energy level was improved a bit. I did get couple of times bad headache and I had no choice but to take Advil. After headache became better I resumed my homeopathic meds. Right now I am feeling miserable as I have bad nasal and head congestion. I do have some some nasal drainage. Congestion is so bad that I can not have a conversation with any body without blowing my nose in the middle. I do feel fluid presence in my ears, specially my right ear and there is throbbing in that ear. At night I have to cover my head with a woolen cap, otherwise my head feels very heavy and tired. I used to get taste and smell once in a while but for last few weeks it's totally missing. Overall I do have achiness all over my body. My head is extremely tired, I feel like keeping it tightly covered.
After couple of weeks in,taking my medicine,my stomach started clearing very well but now for last few days again I feel like its not clearing up in the mornings.
Right now I need help with the severe congestion.'

Please advise, she is currently continuing only on her biochemic remedies.

Thanks for all the help.
RajanTX last decade
Adding further, she feels better in the open. She only has nasal discharge, there is no expectoration from chest, just dry cough in the night.

RajanTX last decade
Hi- Please switch cell salts.

Start taking Kali Mur, Calc Flour and
Nat Sulph - all 6x.

3 tabs of each at the same time, 3 times
a day. Continue with the mushrooms,
2 a day, they are food, you don't feel
them, but they boost the immune system.

If you got the salts from Whole foods,
you can buy what is called Wellness Formula- this is a combo of vitamins and
herbs and has been around for 30 years.
It will boost energy right away to clear
things- follow bottle directions.

Please report how things are going
in 4 days- it is important to report
so effects can be evaluated .

The fact the air cleaner helped means there is a definite dust/pollen allergy going on of some kind.
simone717 last decade
He needs Sulphur200C one dose, so pls consider it in your analysis.
Zady101 last decade
Hi Rajan,

Zady would like to take over treatment
and see what his prescription can do.

I am in agreement with that- please disregard my suggestion and try what
Zady suggested. I think you will have to
order the 200c from this site or online.

Zady will tell you how to make the dose.


simone717 last decade
Thanks Simone!

Rajan, please order Sulphur 200C. If Sulphur 30C is available at a nearby pharmacy, I can work with that.
Zady101 last decade
Hi Zady,

I have both; Sulphur 30C & 200C, please advise.

Thanks for the help.
RajanTX last decade
Sulphur 200C

Dissolve 2 drops/ 5 pills in 3 tablespoons water in a disposable cup. Stir a few times using a spoon. Take 1st tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 2nd tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 3rd and last tablespoon.

1 tablespoon = approx 2 teaspoons.

Update after 5 days. Pls stop all other homeopathic and Ayurvedic meds. You must continue taking all your allopathic meds.
[message edited by Zady101 on Thu, 31 Jul 2014 13:10:33 BST]
Zady101 last decade
Hi Zady,

Update in her own words'

'I took sulphur 2000C as suggested on Wednesday, that same day I started feeling worse by the evening, got feeling of drained out and my congestion got worse along with the fever 99.8degF. Since then my congestion has gotten bit better but still no taste and smell. Fever has been cropping up. Yesterday I had around 99.3 or so but when I have conversation weather on phone or in person, it goes up sometimes around 99.7, and after resting for few minutes, it comes down. This morning I felt very achy so when I got up and checked my temperature it was 99.2, then went up to 99.4 after I was done receiving a phone call. Right now I checked again, it's 98.5.
Lately I have been noticing whenever I eat some oily food and after eating couple of hours of eating, my cough gets worse.
Looks like I do not have a set pattern of the fever, but on the whole I do not have a feeling of well being. Still no smell or taste which is quite bothersome. My left knee pain is also bothering me very much, because of the pain in that knee my walking is all messed up. I am putting more stress on my right knee, which has started hurting now.
Congestion is still there. Once In a while when I blow my nose I do get mucus,which is sometimes white and sometimes clear.
Cough is still there when I go to sleep. I did not see any improvement in that.

One more thing I would like to add that I am always cold and like to be covered all the time. At night I wear a woolen cap and and 2 or 3 layer at night to get a comfortable sleep even though it's summer time here. Do not like any draft of air such as fan or AC draft.'

She is really getting tired/exhausted and frustrated with this fever as this has been going on for quite some time. So basically no change observed so far ... she feels that her condition may have even gotten worse if not better.

Please advise, thanks for the help.
RajanTX last decade
Ok, no worries. We will soon find the right medicine for her.

Can u pls make a list of all homeo meds with potency she has taken till date.
Zady101 last decade
Homeopathic medicines tried on her (not in any order):

Lachesis 30C
Natrum Mur 30C
Calc Carb 200C
Sepia 200C
Rhus Tox 30C, 200C
Acid Phos 3X

RajanTX last decade
Bacillinum 200C

Dissolve 2 drops/ 5 pills in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this ONCE only.

***No Repeat***

Use disposable cup and spoon, to be thrown away after dose. Please also buy Kali Carb 30C. I 'may' need it later.

Update after 1 wk.
Zady101 last decade
Hi Zady,

I am nervous with nosodes as I did have good personal experiences in the past.

Quite a few years ago, for her congestion and headaches, she did take Tuberculinum 200C & it did not make any difference.

She does not have any exposure to Tuberculosis, even the skin test showed no exposure.... no family history of TB.

She has no ringworms etc, does Bacilinum still fits in the picture?

RajanTX last decade
Yes, please go ahead without any fear.
Zady101 last decade
Also she has tried Ars Alb 200C & Kali Carb 200C ... no improvement.
RajanTX last decade

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