The ABC Homeopathy Forum
something like a cyst
ok..first of all i dont have a propoer english name for the i call it a cyst.dont know if it really right to call niece has this thing just on the corner of her forehead.close to her some mucus is stored inside appears to be filled with is from her birth..we discussd with some homeopath when she was 3 years said that this will disapper automatically..she is now 8 and it doesent..few days ago we discussed some homeopath again and he advised calceria flour and belladona...i just wanna inquire is these are the right medicines..??there is no pain..just a skin overgrow area..we dont want to operate it because it is close to eye..any advise.?m.yahya on 2014-07-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
This is probably a chalazion.
You can try what the homeopath advised and see how it goes.
If nothing happens come back on here and I suggest you ask
for Zady in your headline, as he has cured some cases of this.
You can try what the homeopath advised and see how it goes.
If nothing happens come back on here and I suggest you ask
for Zady in your headline, as he has cured some cases of this.
♡ simone717 last decade
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