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frequent urination without itching

sir,i am 26 year old boy. i have a problem of frequent urination.During urination, urine flow is not constant.urine stream start & stop. and i can not empty my bladder at once..after urination,sometime(15min-30min) later i again feel like urge to urinate.
there is no itching during urination...
  nk111 on 2014-07-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
For how many days you are facing this problem? Do you have any catheter in place recently? Do you have any other illness before this problem i.e. diarrhea or fever?
Usehomeopathy last decade
i have facing problems from 2 years..
no i never have catheter.
no other illness i had before this problem...
nk111 last decade
In my opinion you should first examined by any good urologist as already lots of time you had lost.Till then you should take Staphisgarsia 30 4 drops with half cup of water daily three times. You should stop/minimize masturbation if you do that because it may make your problem worse. Please visit a good urologist and have a proper investigation. Once again till then take Staphisgarsia 30 and start healthy lifestyle which include early wake up, exercise, healthy diet (no junk food) and early to bed. Stay positive.
Usehomeopathy last decade

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