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Posts about Acne

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Adult acne - face and head

I am a 38 years old female. I have had some acne all thru my life but it was controllable. About 3 years ago I started having severe stomach pain and tested positive for H-pyloric bacteria. I got 2 rounds of strong antibiotics to treat it. It took about 1.5 years to get better. After that I got yeast infections. One and half years ago my dad had a stroke and was hospitalized. I traveled back and stayed at the hospital for 5 weeks. That was a very stressful time. He wasn’t getting well. I had to return while my other sibling stayed. He passed away after 2.5 months. Something happened in my body during that time maybe because I couldn’t take care of myself – like eating healthy or get enough sleep etc. My acne broke out severely on my face, chest, back and even head. I couldn’t touch those places for pain. My PMS also stopped. I went to the OBGYN with yeast infection again. After two more yeast infections (over 1 year time and with antibiotics) I have been free of that for 10 months now. They tested me to see if I was early menopausal. Hormone levels came out normal. I got my PMS back after 3 or 4 months. During that my acne continued. I started using shampoo and face wash with salicylic acid. I was having some hair loss before but during this it became very very bad. The washes helped some but I’m still getting at least 1 new pimple each day. My face have scarred really bad over this 1.5 years. Can you please help?
  shishu on 2014-07-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl take
1. Hepar Suplph-200 6 pills in morning
2. Pulsetilla-1m 6 pills at bed time

Pl take this treatment for 15 days and then give feedback

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade

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