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severe sleep apnea -can't find answers

I am wondering if homeopathics might help my husband?

He has what I believe to be severe sleep apnea. He is gasping for breath all night. He has slept in the spare room for years hes so loud. It is worse. yes he is 30lbs overweight but he has had this even when he wasn't.

He is an ox, never complains, rarely gets sick, is always warm, sweats easily, hum drum personality nothing excites nothing makes him angry, little motivation but does whatever needs to get done, all is black and white, he's 41 and a libran, doesn't like to talk much, doesn't like to excercise or walk anywhere, hates crowds, had severe reflux for years until we started changing our lives 7 yrs ago and eating better, using natural remedies etc. Now reflux is infrequent. some headaches lately, very stressed about finances etc. 2 yrs ago at this time he was suddenly buried alive in a ditch at a friends while they were working on a water line. the friend saw where he had been and got to his face in time and they were able to use the backho to remove enough dirt to dig him out. He was squeezed while in there and had great difficulty breathing. He broke collar bone and ribs but pushed himself beyond imagination to recover quickly. used homeopath and herbalist to help. Didn't talk about it much. Not an emotional guy. Shoulder still aches everyday he says- this is the first i've heard of it.

I've been looking for 2 yrs into herbs, parsite cleanses, allergies etc. We have 2 small children and I am very worried and looking for some answers or ideas. There isn't alot of information about dealing with it except for CPAP machines and conventional methods.

I would appreciate any thoughts.

  wendypape on 2005-11-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please present your complain in this format for the help of prescribing the correct medicine.

1. Age
2. Sex
3. country
4. climate
5. current complain
6. current medicine you are taking
7. sign & Symptom of disease
8. Slight back history
9. family back ground
10. qualification of patient
11. Nature of working
12. desire and aversion of food
13. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatientÂ…and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behaviour,love and affection. If any secret thing can not want to discus at forum then you can share your talk directly to email by clicking on doctor. For a good prescription mental detail is must be.
14. Aggravation & Ameliration
dr. deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Thank you.

1. 41
2. male
3 canada
4. flux high of 6 lows of -2, some snow, but has melted
5. sleep apnea
6. no medicine (he wont even take an aspirin but is open to homoepathy)
7. sleep apnea during night. gasping for breath, heavy snoring. (i have taped it for him to see the severity)
8. Interesting to note around 10 yrs of age his glands and area swelled up past his chin- they thought he had mumps, hospitalized for a week then released- end diagnosis 2 yrs later was possible hands foot and mouth type illness. Had hernia around 17 yrs, has broken nose several times, straightened surgically once. Circulation issues, legs sometimes go purple with veins moreso as younger. Ski boots or skates cut off blood from getting to feet.
9. 5 brothers, 1 sister, most brothers snore too, not sure about apnea. Father died of massive heart attack, mother is dealing with lung problems which enlarged heart - had surgery, currently on cumadin and gets blood tranfusions (i'm not 100% sure of 'diagnosis'.)
10. qualification of patient? self employed?
11. owns restaurant/bar
12. LOVES MILK can't drink enough. LOVES bacon, butter and meat of any sort if he has access to it. Cereals, fruit. Doesnt crave sweets. Likes most things if they are available for him, except overcooked foods such as stews.
13. Presently is an ox, never complains, rarely gets sick, is always warm, sweats easily, hum drum personality nothing excites nothing makes him angry, no motivation but does whatever needs to get done, all is black and white, he's 41 and a libran, doesn't like to talk much, doesn't like to excercise or walk anywhere, hates crowds, had severe reflux for years until we started changing our lives 7 yrs ago and eating better, using natural remedies etc. Now reflux is infrequent. some headaches lately, very stressed about finances etc. 2 yrs ago at this time he was suddenly buried alive in a ditch at a friends while they were working on a water line. the friend saw where he had been and got to his face in time and they were able to use the backho to remove enough dirt to dig him out. He was squeezed while in there and had great difficulty breathing. He broke collar bone and ribs but pushed himself beyond imagination to recover quickly. Didn't talk about it much. Not an emotional guy. Shoulder still aches everyday he says- this is the first i've heard of it.
13.he is standing here with me: he hates arguing, impatient, no fear at all about anything, life is pretty much cut and dried black and white, not visually affectionate, hard working without complaining ever - just does it, cranky when he doesn't eat, dislikes public speaking, dislikes crowds, is very social though when needs to be, loves the children and playing-very involved, very goal oriented, enjoys small scale gambling, likes sci-fi stuff. Getting this from him is like pulling teeth, he says he doesn't understand. Not an emotional person- doesnt understand why others are ruled by it.
14. aggravations for sleep apnea? he says nothing except people who wake him up to tell him to roll over. ;-)

..note: a year ago a homeopath locally prescribed opium 30c 2 pellets every other day for 2 days for him and mused about tuberculinum 200c after that. we did not see improvement with the opium and due to sickness with the kids and I, we never went back and then she went on maternity leave.

i hope this is what you are looking for. Some I was not sure of.

wendypape last decade
Very good presentation of your complain. And this format is helping me to come near the medicine. Please continue the LAUROCERASUS 6C DAILY one dose early in the morning for a month and report us
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
thank you, I will order that locally. Liquid or pellet? When you said "please continue the Laurocerasus" I was confused. We haven't used that before.

Did you mean to begin taking Laurocerasus 6c 1x daily for 1 month?

2 pellets?

what time of day is best?

is he to avoid any food or beverage?

I appreciate your time on this.

wendypape last decade
my apologies, I see you said early morning is best time.

upon waking? before food?

thank you.

wendypape last decade
A few points on sleep apnea.Pay attention to the sound and pattern of snoring. If it is a steady/regular snoring and there is normal breathing, it is not sleep apnea. If the snoring is loud, frequent, occurring in periodic bursts, punctuated by periods of silence, and/or stopping breathing, gasping for air, moans and mumbling, body movement, it is a sure indicator of obstructed sleep apnea.

Apnea of duration less than 10 seconds and 5 in 1 hour is of no importance.

Un-refreshed in the morning after sleep in the night and tired feeling during the day is an indication of apnea.

How did his nose break several times? Is the shoulder pain constant? If not and if it is there when he gets up in the morning, does it fade out gradually as he goes about his routine during the day and return heavily when he goes to rest? Does the pain decrease by pressing or warming the shoulder. Does the pain increase as he goes about his routine, due to movement? Did the shoulder pain start due to his getting buried in the ditch? Is the pain there since that accident?

Above all, since his parents had/have heart problem, he has to reduce his weight by controlling his diet and taking regular exercise(even walk will do), if he is serious as guardian of his family. Over weight also inceases chances of apnea.
sahai last decade
If the snoring is loud, frequent, occurring in periodic bursts, punctuated by periods of silence, and/or stopping breathing, gasping for air, moans and mumbling, body movement, it is a sure indicator of obstructed sleep apnea.

--------yes this is what he has.

How did his nose break several times?

----playing lacrosse when he was younger- once with a lacrosse stick, and with someones fist the 2nd and.or 3rd time.

Is the shoulder pain constant?

------ no

If not and if it is there when he gets up in the morning


----- light work using it makes it feel better but heavy heavy work makes it worse.

return heavily when he goes to rest?

--yes at rest it usually aches.

Does the pain decrease by pressing or warming the shoulder.

-------- hurts while rubbing or pressing it, but yes feels better after.

-------- yes, warmth helps.

Does the pain increase as he goes about his routine, due to movement?

------no decreases, feels better when going about routine.

Did the shoulder pain start due to his getting buried in the ditch?

-------YES he says!

Is the pain there since that accident?

----- YES he says!

Above all, since his parents had/have heart problem, he has to reduce his weight by controlling his diet and taking regular exercise(even walk will do), if he is serious as guardian of his family. Over weight also inceases chances of apnea.

----thank you so much for your advice. he says he agrees with you and we are currently devising a plan.

wendypape last decade
We can sum up his ailments and remedial measures as below:-

Injury to nose:
As a result of so many impacts, does he have any permanent deformation like deviated septum(partition between nostrils)? Does he have any pain at present?

Injury to shoulders:
Give Rhus Tox 1000C, 3 pillules under the tongue,more than one hour after putting any strong smelling things in the mouth (including tooth paste) and after rinsing the mouth, before going to bead once only and report condition.

Sleep Apnea:

Opium is one of the medicines(less important). There are others also. I wish to handle it after you have tried laurocerasus prescribed by my friend deoshlok.

Acid Reflux:
In future give(putting under the tongue) two tablets of biochemic medicine Natrum Phos 6x, twice a day, at least one hour before and after putting any strong smelling things(including tooth paste) in the mouth. It is the best remedy.
sahai last decade
Injury to shoulders:
Give Rhus Tox 1000C, 3 pillules under the tongue,more than one hour after putting any strong smelling things in the mouth (including tooth paste) and after rinsing the mouth, before going to bead once only and report condition.

----------we just received the Laurocerasus 6c. His first dose was this morning. we will continue for 1 month and report back.

--------is rhus tox 1000c the same as 1M? (I have it in 30c and 200c would that work?)

--------should I wait for awhile to see response from Laurocerasus before doing 1 dose of Rhus Tox 1000c?

thank you

wendypape last decade
Rhus tox 1000C = 1M
When we start the treatment, we will use 30 and 200 first and finally 1000 to close this old case.

Please do not give both Lauro and Rhus at the same time. Let Lauro be tried out first, otherwise there will be a mix up of results.

Nat Phos for Acid Reflux can be taken alongside both Lauro and Rhus.
sahai last decade

Tomorrow will be day 30 of taking the Lauro as instructed.

Interestingly day 1 and day 2 of taking the lauro THERE WAS NO APNEA noticeale at all in the 6 hour span I listened to him through the monitor either night. He was sleeping sound as anything on his side which normally is painful for him! I was stunned but wondered if it was then connected to the dietary adjustments we've made for the kids that started at the exact same time. (and so for him and I too) ie. no wheat/gluten or butter

Day 7 there was also very noticeable improvement in the apnea.

As of today (day 29), although still noticeable I believe the pnea is not as severe. He is still snoring loudly and there is a long spell where he "goes quiet" as there is no breath for what seems like a very long time but instead of gasping like before it is much subtler .

He was helping on a construction job 4 days ago and has injured his back badly although he's functioning through clenched teeth . As well he began sneezing many times today as if he is coming down with something. (unusual for him as he rarely gets sick)

I gave him some herbal tinctures the last few days for the pain and then arnica 200c today because I could see it was close to unbearable for him. He will not ask for help nor complain how severe it is, his pain tolerance is incredible. He just continues on with his chores/duties because his motto is they must get done.

I have the rhus tox 1 M for the previous shoulder injury that was not to be taken at the same time as lauro... could I go ahead and use this now or choose a different remedy for this acute injury?

Any thoughts on the sleep apnea? Should I continue to monitor now that he is finished taking the Lauro?

thank you so much.

wendypape last decade

I am glad that apnoea is reined and suggest deoshlok handles that because it is his case.

You have given Arnica as the best remedy , in general, for the injury. I suggest you give Arnica in water as below. By this method you go on increasing the potency of each dose.

Mix Arnica in the ratio of 1 drop(or 3-5 pillules)of medicine in 1 ounce of distilled water/non-medicinal spring water(boiled)/rain water(collected after it has rained for a few minutes)/last choice,drinking water(boiled to drive out chlorine) and shake the mixtures vigorously at least 10 times. Out of this, use 1 tea-spoonful as a dose.

Shake the mixture every time, as before, to increase its potency, before taking the next dose.
Keep reducing the frequency of the dose as you feel better.

Use 30C potency if you can because it may have to be taken for some time.

Do not put strong smelling things, like smoke, raw onion,garlic,mint,strong tea/coffee/spices,tooth paste etc.,1 hour before and after taking medicine, in the mouth.

Tell how injury was caused and describe injury in detail to enable precise prescribing.
sahai last decade
....I gave rhus tox 1M this morning. This evening he says it was not as bad today as yesterday. (although I've noticed he's been pretty grumpy today ;-))

........I have done this just this evening and given him 1 tsp.

........how often should he take it? Can he carry it in his pocket in a small amber bottle?

.....I have used 30c potency. Will one 1 ounce bottle be enough?

I just checked with him. This most recent injury (not the chronic shoulder injury) was caused by slipping and falling on ice while working outside in a blizzard. Both feet up in the air and full 230lbs of him fell on his low left back.

The injury occurred on Wednesday (5 days ago) and the INTENSE pain did not come until 2 days later on the Friday- hit him hard. Pain is there in the morning but as the day progresses it gets really intense. Hurts to stand in one place. Walking makes it almost unbearable. Sitting helps to relieve and when lying down he feels no pain at all. Icing was delayed a few days. Chiropractic appt is tomorrow.

Thank you so much for your help.
wendypape last decade
Give Rhus Tox 1M once a week, Arnica30 2 hourly. Reduce Arnica frequency gradually as improvement sets in. One ounce Arnica will be less, prepare enough for a week. Let him carry in a bag ,if necessary.
sahai last decade
Apply Arnica ointment,available in tubes, otherwise soak thick cloth in a mixture of 1 dram Arnica Q(mother tincture) in 1 pint of water and keep it on the injured area as long as pssible. Keep the part warm.
sahai last decade

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