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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Evocationer can you help? Brain Fag and Hair Loss-Remedy? Page 2 of 2

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Hi, well husband has continued feeling generally very tired after taking the dose, worse than normal needing more sleep and unwell all this week. Cold sore on tip of nose and cold symptoms, congestion and a cough. Possibly he has a cold. it is unusual for him to get sick at all, especially as neither the children or myself have any signs of colds or virus. We are usually the ones to get sick.
Should we continue to wait to see if the symptoms die down?
wwnaturo last decade
When did he begin to feel sick?
Evocationer last decade
The cold symptoms came on about 2 days after taking the dose so that would've been pretty much a week ago today.
wwnaturo last decade
It may be an extended aggravation, which is unusual but not unheard of. In fact there are specific reasons for that, which may be present here. Try to hold out for another week (2 weeks from the dose) and we can assess again.
Evocationer last decade
Ok thanks will do. Yes there is years of suppressed emotion, it wouldn't surprise me that he would have a strong reaction if it started to come out. When I was given Bach flowers for the first time it knocked me flat for a fortnight. He is starting to feel better though. He has some public speaking to do in 3 weeks which he does a couple of times a year. It requires a lot of preparation, reading, writing notes etc. he mentioned he doesn't feel as nervous or anxious about the thought of it as he usually does. So that's interesting.
wwnaturo last decade
That is interesting, and promising. Time will tell though.
Evocationer last decade
Hello again, well some more time has passed. Wondering whether to try another dose of staphysagria or not? Husband still feels the tiredness has been worse and no improvement. He continued to have flu symptoms. It continued for a long time for him. Has cleared somewhat but Now is still very congested.
He says he has been dreaming a lot since taking the medicine also.
My observation is he is sleeping more. He needs to nap nearly every afternoon at the moment but it seems to me his ability to read/study has improved slightly. Where should we proceed from here? Thanks in advance.
wwnaturo last decade
We need to do a proper assessment. Get him to write next to each symptom Better, Worse, or Same. If better or worse also write a percentage % to represent how much.

Mental exertion fatigues
Concentration difficult on attempting to concentrate
Aversion to concentrating
Concentration difficult, cannot fix attention
Concentration difficult while studying

Sexual desire, violent
Sexual desire, excessive
Suppression of sexual desire aggravates

Injustice, cannot support
Anger with indignation
Ailments from suppressed anger
Indignation at the misdeeds of others

Ailments from embarrassment
Ailments from being scorned
Sensitive to the opinion of others

Anxiety for others
Dwells on past disagreeable occurrences
Dwells on sexual matters
Ailments from disappointment
Ailments from being deceived
Reproaching oneself
Hiding himself
Delusion has neglected his duty (represented by the dream of the frog dying from not being fed)

Get him to add any symptoms I didn't include in that list as well.
Evocationer last decade
We need to do a proper assessment. Get him to write next to each symptom Better, Worse, or Same. If better or worse also write a percentage % to represent how much.

Mental exertion fatigues - same
Concentration difficult on attempting to concentrate- same
Aversion to concentrating-same
Concentration difficult, cannot fix attention- better 20%
Concentration difficult while studying-same

Sexual desire, violent - better 20%
Sexual desire, excessive- better 50%
Suppression of sexual desire aggravates- same

Injustice, cannot support- same
Anger with indignation- same
Ailments from suppressed anger
Indignation at the misdeeds of others-same

Ailments from embarrassment -better 20%
Ailments from being scorned - same
Sensitive to the opinion of others - better 20%

Anxiety for others - same
Dwells on past disagreeable occurrences - same
Dwells on sexual matters - worse 20%
Suspicious - not sure
Ailments from disappointment -same
Ailments from being deceived - same
Reproaching oneself - same
Hiding himself - worse 30%
Insecurity - same
Delusion has neglected his duty - same.
That's my husbands answers. He also wanted to mention the dreams that he's been having a lot and they are about lots if different people but he doesn't remember anything else in particular, nothing stands out.
wwnaturo last decade
Some improvement, some worsening, lot of things remain the same.

Ok get him to repeat the remedy again, but have him hit the bottle 10 times rather than 5.
Evocationer last decade
Thanks very much for your prompt reply. Ok he'll take that tonight and we'll report back in another week.
wwnaturo last decade
Hi did you want him to fill out the percentages again before proceeding?
wwnaturo last decade
When he took the last dose last friday night, the next morning he woke up with a sore throat and a worsening of the head congestion that he felt had improved.
He feels definate improvement with the concentration and sexual issues but he feels very unwell-tired/flulike. It is unusual for him to be so unwell for so long, he is usually the last to catch things and has them a short time if at all. He feels it is related to the remedy but that's not to say he feels its a bad thing just not sure if its a healing or sure should how long these symptoms might go on. what would you advise?
wwnaturo last decade
It sounds like his aggravations are too strong. If we do further doses we need to modify the way the doses are taken.
Evocationer last decade
Ok. So what do you recommend, would he wait til this dies down before taking another dose?
wwnaturo last decade
Hi, just wondering f you've had a chance to work out what dose/how etc my husband should take next? Many thanks.
wwnaturo last decade

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