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toxocariasis round worms from cats Page 3 of 4
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Good Evening David! I hope you are doing well.
I wanted to give you an update on my journey, today is 7 days from my last dose of Stramonium, my mind is a little calmer ,however my physical symptoms are off the chart, specially since we have a full moon and a lunar eclipse on Libra and I am a Libra, the parasites are extremely active, the eggs hatch in the full moon..I think that the remedy only really last me about 7 days and then my body feels very toxic my mind reacts with panic. I await for further instructions from you. Blessings, Idelma
I wanted to give you an update on my journey, today is 7 days from my last dose of Stramonium, my mind is a little calmer ,however my physical symptoms are off the chart, specially since we have a full moon and a lunar eclipse on Libra and I am a Libra, the parasites are extremely active, the eggs hatch in the full moon..I think that the remedy only really last me about 7 days and then my body feels very toxic my mind reacts with panic. I await for further instructions from you. Blessings, Idelma
idelma last decade
Good morning David!
just another update I was un able to sleep for the last 2 night the worms are very active. Blessings Idelma
just another update I was un able to sleep for the last 2 night the worms are very active. Blessings Idelma
idelma last decade
It is interesting that I have two similar cases of worm infestation, both of you showing the Full Moon sensitivity.
Go through the symptoms once more, giving me an idea of the improvement. When you do the % make sure it is compared to how you were prior to the remedy.
Sensation of being eaten up inside
Fatigue/Depleted feeling
Nasty taste in mouth
Swollen tongue
Film in the mouth
Fear of being choked at night
Feeling the problem has taken over your life
Sadness and guilt
Feeling time is running short
Too anxious to read
Feeling you are being killed
Feeling stuck with no way out
General level of fear
Questioning everything you do
Dreams of being attacked or in danger
Anxiety at night
Chill at night
Hot flashes at night
Itching ear at night
Heat in abdomen after eating
No menses
Dislike of cold
Fear of giving husband worms
Aggravation from smell of flowers
Aggravation from perfumes
Aggravation from gasoline
Go through the symptoms once more, giving me an idea of the improvement. When you do the % make sure it is compared to how you were prior to the remedy.
Sensation of being eaten up inside
Fatigue/Depleted feeling
Nasty taste in mouth
Swollen tongue
Film in the mouth
Fear of being choked at night
Feeling the problem has taken over your life
Sadness and guilt
Feeling time is running short
Too anxious to read
Feeling you are being killed
Feeling stuck with no way out
General level of fear
Questioning everything you do
Dreams of being attacked or in danger
Anxiety at night
Chill at night
Hot flashes at night
Itching ear at night
Heat in abdomen after eating
No menses
Dislike of cold
Fear of giving husband worms
Aggravation from smell of flowers
Aggravation from perfumes
Aggravation from gasoline
♡ Evocationer last decade
Good Evening David!!
Wow, two worm cases at the same time the Universe has a sense of humor :)YOU have your hands full! :).. here are the symptoms before the remedy:
Sensation of being eaten up inside:Better 25%
Fatigued Depletion feeling Better:15%
Nasty taste in the mouth: Worse
Nausea: same worse now specially in the mornings.
Swollen Tongue: worse
Salivation: the same
Film in the mouth: the same
Fear or being chocked at night: Better 25%
Feeling that the problem has taken over my life: 10% better
Sadness and Guilt:75% Better
Feeling that time is running short: 25% Better
Too anxious to read: 50% better
Feeling that I am being killed:50% Better
Feeling of being stuck with no way out: 25% better
General level of fear: 25%
Disorganized: 25% better
Impatience: Better 25%
Judgmental: Better 75%
Question everything I do: 75% Better
Dreams of being attacked or in danger: 50% Better
Anxiety at night: worst 10%
Chills at night and during the day: worse 10%
Hot flashes at night: worse 5%
Itching in the ears anytime: worse 25%
Heat in the abdomen and liver: worse 25%
No menses: the same
Dislike of cold: the same
Fear of giving husband worms: the same
Aggravation from smell of flowers: the same
Aggravation from perfumes: the same
Aggravation from gasoline: the same.
I have noticed that I feel my CHI more present, and I managed to organize my kitchen a little.
I hope this helps you. Thank YOU David! May the Universe always guide you.
Wow, two worm cases at the same time the Universe has a sense of humor :)YOU have your hands full! :).. here are the symptoms before the remedy:
Sensation of being eaten up inside:Better 25%
Fatigued Depletion feeling Better:15%
Nasty taste in the mouth: Worse
Nausea: same worse now specially in the mornings.
Swollen Tongue: worse
Salivation: the same
Film in the mouth: the same
Fear or being chocked at night: Better 25%
Feeling that the problem has taken over my life: 10% better
Sadness and Guilt:75% Better
Feeling that time is running short: 25% Better
Too anxious to read: 50% better
Feeling that I am being killed:50% Better
Feeling of being stuck with no way out: 25% better
General level of fear: 25%
Disorganized: 25% better
Impatience: Better 25%
Judgmental: Better 75%
Question everything I do: 75% Better
Dreams of being attacked or in danger: 50% Better
Anxiety at night: worst 10%
Chills at night and during the day: worse 10%
Hot flashes at night: worse 5%
Itching in the ears anytime: worse 25%
Heat in the abdomen and liver: worse 25%
No menses: the same
Dislike of cold: the same
Fear of giving husband worms: the same
Aggravation from smell of flowers: the same
Aggravation from perfumes: the same
Aggravation from gasoline: the same.
I have noticed that I feel my CHI more present, and I managed to organize my kitchen a little.
I hope this helps you. Thank YOU David! May the Universe always guide you.
idelma last decade
Alright if I look at all 3 reports, I see the following picture:
Symptoms which are significantly better:
Feeling of being killed
Sadness and guilt
Too anxious to read
Questioning everything you do
Dreams of being attacked or in danger
Symptoms which are somewhat better:
Being eaten up
Fear of being choked
Life being taken over
Feeling time is running short
Feeling of being stuck with no way out
General fearfulness
Anxiety at night
The symptoms that are worse are:
Nasty taste in the mouth
Hot flashes
Itching in the ears
Heat in the abdomen and liver
All other symptoms are the same.
The part of the case that is not being affected is the physical. The mental and emotional spheres are seeing very noticeable improvement. While this is the correct direction of cure, it is not moving much further despite repeating the dose.
So either we have an issue with too low a potency, under-dosing, or a remedy that is close but not quite right.
I have an inkling that perhaps the miasm is not correctly represented by Stramonium (Acute). I am thinking you might instead by Tubercular, which would lead me to consider Atropinum or Solanum tuberosum.
However, before abandoning a remedy that has had a marked positive effect, I need to see if we can squeeze any more from it. Obtain Stramonium 1M and take a single dose in exactly the same way you took the first dose of 200c.
Symptoms which are significantly better:
Feeling of being killed
Sadness and guilt
Too anxious to read
Questioning everything you do
Dreams of being attacked or in danger
Symptoms which are somewhat better:
Being eaten up
Fear of being choked
Life being taken over
Feeling time is running short
Feeling of being stuck with no way out
General fearfulness
Anxiety at night
The symptoms that are worse are:
Nasty taste in the mouth
Hot flashes
Itching in the ears
Heat in the abdomen and liver
All other symptoms are the same.
The part of the case that is not being affected is the physical. The mental and emotional spheres are seeing very noticeable improvement. While this is the correct direction of cure, it is not moving much further despite repeating the dose.
So either we have an issue with too low a potency, under-dosing, or a remedy that is close but not quite right.
I have an inkling that perhaps the miasm is not correctly represented by Stramonium (Acute). I am thinking you might instead by Tubercular, which would lead me to consider Atropinum or Solanum tuberosum.
However, before abandoning a remedy that has had a marked positive effect, I need to see if we can squeeze any more from it. Obtain Stramonium 1M and take a single dose in exactly the same way you took the first dose of 200c.
♡ Evocationer last decade
very well, I will have to order it. It will take me at least 14 days to get it, where I live it is not found over the counter because most homeopathic remedies are considered drugs, can you believe that??!!
I found it in pellets on line, now with what alcohol should I dilute this? because I also have to order that.
What should I do between now and then??
I have noticed that the Remedy effects only last in my body about 7 days and then I get really nervous again.. FYI only. Thank YOU
[message edited by idelma on Fri, 10 Oct 2014 04:07:01 BST]
I found it in pellets on line, now with what alcohol should I dilute this? because I also have to order that.
What should I do between now and then??
I have noticed that the Remedy effects only last in my body about 7 days and then I get really nervous again.. FYI only. Thank YOU
[message edited by idelma on Fri, 10 Oct 2014 04:07:01 BST]
idelma last decade
In that case, repeat the 200c in the meantime. Hit the bottle 20 times though, to try and increase the potency a little more.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Very good I will do that, in the meantime.
What alcohol can I use to dilute the pellets???
can I use vodka?? Please let me know so I can order it right away. I am new at diluting , Thank YOU David!
What alcohol can I use to dilute the pellets???
can I use vodka?? Please let me know so I can order it right away. I am new at diluting , Thank YOU David!
idelma last decade
What did you use for the Stram 200?
♡ Evocationer last decade
I bought the 200C in a liquid form.
I am unable to get the 1M in a liquid so I need to dilute it myself,... yikes!:?
I am unable to get the 1M in a liquid so I need to dilute it myself,... yikes!:?
idelma last decade
Ah I see. Ok vodka is fine. Obtain a small bottle with a dropper (15-25mls). Place 3 pillules/pellets in this and add 1 part alcohol to 5 parts water. Allow to dissolve. This will be your dosing bottle.
If possible use purified water or spring water rather than tap water.
If possible use purified water or spring water rather than tap water.
♡ Evocationer last decade
idelma last decade
Good Evening David!!!!!! I hope all is well with YOU.
I finally got the Remedy today!
I will prepare it tomorrow morning and take it, I am a little exited I have never mixed anything like this before it will be fun to try something new :)
I have one question the bottle says 'sucrose/lactose pills'... not pellet,... and the pills are really, really tiny, smaller than a pellet I would describe it more like coarse salt consistency? but round do I still use 3 of the tiny pills in the bottle or more?
I will wait for clarification. I am sorry for the question, I just want to make sure I follow your instructions correctly.
Thank YOU, and Have a blessed evening.
I finally got the Remedy today!
I will prepare it tomorrow morning and take it, I am a little exited I have never mixed anything like this before it will be fun to try something new :)
I have one question the bottle says 'sucrose/lactose pills'... not pellet,... and the pills are really, really tiny, smaller than a pellet I would describe it more like coarse salt consistency? but round do I still use 3 of the tiny pills in the bottle or more?
I will wait for clarification. I am sorry for the question, I just want to make sure I follow your instructions correctly.
Thank YOU, and Have a blessed evening.
idelma last decade
Ah ok the tiny pillules - the LM potencies often come like that. I would use double the amount - so 6.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Very well 6 it is I will keep you posted, I will take the remedy tomorrow first thing in the morning.
Thank YOU David!
Thank YOU David!
idelma last decade
Good Evening David! I hope you had a fantastic day!
You should have seen me in my kitchen this morning I was a chemist mixing and counting :)
I took the dose at 7:30 am. you suggested 3 drops to 100ml of water and then 2 tsp in the mouth I held it for 20 seconds and then I swallow it.
I felt very calm and centered after the dosage, however on the physical level it got worse and parasites became very active all over my body like I woke everybody up at the same time. The heat in my stomach and liver is out of control and the swelling in the mouth also, it has not stopped.. so I guess is a good thing?
Soon it will be the new moon and a solar eclipse so I pray I can handle them.
Please let me know what is the next step.
May the Universe always guide you.
Thank YOU
[message edited by idelma on Wed, 22 Oct 2014 01:50:30 BST]
You should have seen me in my kitchen this morning I was a chemist mixing and counting :)
I took the dose at 7:30 am. you suggested 3 drops to 100ml of water and then 2 tsp in the mouth I held it for 20 seconds and then I swallow it.
I felt very calm and centered after the dosage, however on the physical level it got worse and parasites became very active all over my body like I woke everybody up at the same time. The heat in my stomach and liver is out of control and the swelling in the mouth also, it has not stopped.. so I guess is a good thing?
Soon it will be the new moon and a solar eclipse so I pray I can handle them.
Please let me know what is the next step.
May the Universe always guide you.
Thank YOU
[message edited by idelma on Wed, 22 Oct 2014 01:50:30 BST]
idelma last decade
Hello David, I hope you are well.
Tomorrow it will be 7 days since my first dose of Stramonium 1M
and I still don't feel any different, the physical symptoms are the same and the worms are even more active in the muscles I feel them jumping all the time inside my muscles as well as my internal mouth and tongue are still swollen and very red and all the other symptoms are the same. Please let me know what is the next step.:)
Thank YOU
Tomorrow it will be 7 days since my first dose of Stramonium 1M
and I still don't feel any different, the physical symptoms are the same and the worms are even more active in the muscles I feel them jumping all the time inside my muscles as well as my internal mouth and tongue are still swollen and very red and all the other symptoms are the same. Please let me know what is the next step.:)
Thank YOU
idelma last decade
Can you go through the list of symptoms I gave you earlier, and do the same thing again (better, worse, percentages etc)?
♡ Evocationer last decade
ok here it goes:)
Sensation of being eaten up inside: 25% better but I still feel them it is hard not to think about them when I feel them...
Fatigued & Depletion feeling: Better 50%
Nasty taste in the mouth: the same
Nausea: The same
Swollen tongue: worse
Salivation: the same
Film in the mouth: the same
Fear of being chocked at night: 50% better
Feeling that the problem has taken over my life: 25% better
Sadness and guilt:75%
Feeling that time is running short: better 25%
Too anxious to read: 50% better
Feeling that I am being killed:25% better
Feeling that I am stuck with no way out: better 25%
General level of fear : 25% better
Disorganized: 25% better
impatient: 25% better
Judgmental: 75% better
question everything I do 50% better
Dreams of being attacked and in danger: better 50%
Anxiety at night:25% better
Chills at night and during the day: the same
Hot flashes at night: worse about 10% more
Itching in the ears anytime: the same
Heat in the abdomen and liver: the same
no menses: the same
dislike of cold: the same
fear of giving my husband worms: the same
aggravation from the smell of flowers: the same
aggravation from perfumes: the same
David I am wondering if maybe I am eating or drinking something that is causing the Remedy to become weak or cancel inside of me?
I don't do anything with mint I know that much, what other things should I avoid? I just want to exclude all possibilities of me doing something to the Remedy....
Thank YOU
Sensation of being eaten up inside: 25% better but I still feel them it is hard not to think about them when I feel them...
Fatigued & Depletion feeling: Better 50%
Nasty taste in the mouth: the same
Nausea: The same
Swollen tongue: worse
Salivation: the same
Film in the mouth: the same
Fear of being chocked at night: 50% better
Feeling that the problem has taken over my life: 25% better
Sadness and guilt:75%
Feeling that time is running short: better 25%
Too anxious to read: 50% better
Feeling that I am being killed:25% better
Feeling that I am stuck with no way out: better 25%
General level of fear : 25% better
Disorganized: 25% better
impatient: 25% better
Judgmental: 75% better
question everything I do 50% better
Dreams of being attacked and in danger: better 50%
Anxiety at night:25% better
Chills at night and during the day: the same
Hot flashes at night: worse about 10% more
Itching in the ears anytime: the same
Heat in the abdomen and liver: the same
no menses: the same
dislike of cold: the same
fear of giving my husband worms: the same
aggravation from the smell of flowers: the same
aggravation from perfumes: the same
David I am wondering if maybe I am eating or drinking something that is causing the Remedy to become weak or cancel inside of me?
I don't do anything with mint I know that much, what other things should I avoid? I just want to exclude all possibilities of me doing something to the Remedy....
Thank YOU
idelma last decade
Actually, looking at this report, there have been further improvements:
Fatigue up from 15% to 50%
Fear of being choked up 25% to 50%
Anxiety at night up from a worsening by 10% to better 25%
Feeling of problem taking over life up from 10% to 25%
Now I am not sure if I have correctly understood some parts of the report, so correct me if I am wrong, but some of the symptoms that had been worse seem to have returned to their previous level:
Nasty taste in mouth
Chills at night
Itching in the ears
Heat in the abdomen and liver
Three symptoms have degraded:
Feeling of being killed down from 50%better to 25%
Hot flushes down from worsen 5% to worse 10%
Questioning everything you do down from 75%better to 50%
So we have continued movement. Continue waiting for the moment. High potencies continue their action for weeks, even months after taking them.
Fatigue up from 15% to 50%
Fear of being choked up 25% to 50%
Anxiety at night up from a worsening by 10% to better 25%
Feeling of problem taking over life up from 10% to 25%
Now I am not sure if I have correctly understood some parts of the report, so correct me if I am wrong, but some of the symptoms that had been worse seem to have returned to their previous level:
Nasty taste in mouth
Chills at night
Itching in the ears
Heat in the abdomen and liver
Three symptoms have degraded:
Feeling of being killed down from 50%better to 25%
Hot flushes down from worsen 5% to worse 10%
Questioning everything you do down from 75%better to 50%
So we have continued movement. Continue waiting for the moment. High potencies continue their action for weeks, even months after taking them.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Very well David I will continue to wait.....
Yes I do feel more energetic.
You forgot to answer my question :)
Is there any food or drink I should avoid at this time not to weaken the Remedy??? I want to make sure that I do everything on my end not to interfere with the remedy.
Thank YOU
Yes I do feel more energetic.
You forgot to answer my question :)
Is there any food or drink I should avoid at this time not to weaken the Remedy??? I want to make sure that I do everything on my end not to interfere with the remedy.
Thank YOU
idelma last decade
Good morning David!!
should I avoid any food , fruit or any type of drinks while I am taking homeopathic Remedies.....??????? please, please, I know I ask too many questions I just want to know :)
Thank YOU
should I avoid any food , fruit or any type of drinks while I am taking homeopathic Remedies.....??????? please, please, I know I ask too many questions I just want to know :)
Thank YOU
idelma last decade
Time difference here may make it look like I am not answering your question, but it is just that you may ask it during my night and I don't see it till the next day :)
There is nothing you need to avoid EXCEPT things that specifically suppress your symptoms ie. herbs, drugs etc.
Food and drink do not undermine homoeopathy, which is much more powerful than that. Sensitive people sometimes have issues with being cured if they are in the habit of use foods which are actually drugs (coffee for example). Those people are normally strongly affected by the drug (often in what they think is a positive way) and may suffer from giving it up (addiction). If such a substance cannot (or will not) be stopped, then dosage and potency must be adjusted to compensate.
There is nothing you need to avoid EXCEPT things that specifically suppress your symptoms ie. herbs, drugs etc.
Food and drink do not undermine homoeopathy, which is much more powerful than that. Sensitive people sometimes have issues with being cured if they are in the habit of use foods which are actually drugs (coffee for example). Those people are normally strongly affected by the drug (often in what they think is a positive way) and may suffer from giving it up (addiction). If such a substance cannot (or will not) be stopped, then dosage and potency must be adjusted to compensate.
♡ Evocationer last decade
David, thank you, thank you thank you!!!!!
No coffee here, no herbs, no drugs and definitely no pharmaceuticals. No GMO's either:)I think GMO's are population control foods!! OK I think safe!! I will touch basis with you next week and give you and update on my journey!
Blessings to YOU!
No coffee here, no herbs, no drugs and definitely no pharmaceuticals. No GMO's either:)I think GMO's are population control foods!! OK I think safe!! I will touch basis with you next week and give you and update on my journey!
Blessings to YOU!
idelma last decade
Hi David! I hope you are well.
The full moon is here again and I feel out of control again, these worms are soooo active they began to hatch and the older ones have grown there is one under my left breast above my ribs that does not stop moving and its big because it moves with great force, again I am not sleeping at nights. It has now been 16 days since my first 1m dose of Stramonium, I don't know why they are resisting the Remedy they continue to grow and the eggs continue to hatch..:(
I am giving you the symptoms and percentage because I know that you want them, so he it goes from the beginning before any remedy:
Sensation of being eaten up inside worse 10%
Fatigued and depletion feeling: same
Nasty taste in the mouth: worse 10%
Nausea: Same
Swollen Tongue: the same
Salivation: worse 10%
Film in the mouth: same
Fear of being chocked at night: the same
Feeling that the problem has taken over my life: the same
Sadness and guilt: 50% ( I am now mad not sad)
Feeling that time is running short: same
Too anxious to read: better 10%
Feeling that I am being killed: the same ( I am now mad that they are still inside and that they refuse to go)
Feeling of being stuck with no way out: the same
General level of Fear: the same
Disorganized: Better 50%
Impatience: Better 50%
Judgmental: better 75%
Question everything I do: better 50%
Dreams of being attacked and in danger: Better 10%
Anxiety at night: worse 10%
Chills at night and during the day: worse 10%
Hot flashes at night: worse more often specially after I eat. 25%
Itching in the ears: the same
Heat in abdomen and liver: off the charts worse 25%
No menses: the same
Dislike Cold: the same
Fear of giving husband worms: the same
Aggravation from smell of flowers: the same
Aggravation from presumes: the same
Aggravation from gasoline: the same
I feel my life force more present, I am a little more confrontational and I have notice that I speak my mind more often now, before I just did not have the energy to argue with my husband, now I say what ever I feel and if he does not like it that too bad.
David I pray this information help you Thank YOU.
The full moon is here again and I feel out of control again, these worms are soooo active they began to hatch and the older ones have grown there is one under my left breast above my ribs that does not stop moving and its big because it moves with great force, again I am not sleeping at nights. It has now been 16 days since my first 1m dose of Stramonium, I don't know why they are resisting the Remedy they continue to grow and the eggs continue to hatch..:(
I am giving you the symptoms and percentage because I know that you want them, so he it goes from the beginning before any remedy:
Sensation of being eaten up inside worse 10%
Fatigued and depletion feeling: same
Nasty taste in the mouth: worse 10%
Nausea: Same
Swollen Tongue: the same
Salivation: worse 10%
Film in the mouth: same
Fear of being chocked at night: the same
Feeling that the problem has taken over my life: the same
Sadness and guilt: 50% ( I am now mad not sad)
Feeling that time is running short: same
Too anxious to read: better 10%
Feeling that I am being killed: the same ( I am now mad that they are still inside and that they refuse to go)
Feeling of being stuck with no way out: the same
General level of Fear: the same
Disorganized: Better 50%
Impatience: Better 50%
Judgmental: better 75%
Question everything I do: better 50%
Dreams of being attacked and in danger: Better 10%
Anxiety at night: worse 10%
Chills at night and during the day: worse 10%
Hot flashes at night: worse more often specially after I eat. 25%
Itching in the ears: the same
Heat in abdomen and liver: off the charts worse 25%
No menses: the same
Dislike Cold: the same
Fear of giving husband worms: the same
Aggravation from smell of flowers: the same
Aggravation from presumes: the same
Aggravation from gasoline: the same
I feel my life force more present, I am a little more confrontational and I have notice that I speak my mind more often now, before I just did not have the energy to argue with my husband, now I say what ever I feel and if he does not like it that too bad.
David I pray this information help you Thank YOU.
idelma last decade
Ok let me have a look at this ....
Some significant improvements on the mental/emotional level which is good.
Some worsening in various symptoms but mostly physical.
Some symptoms are unchanged - again mostly physical.
There does seem to be a definite improvement. It may be that the full moon, being a trigger, is aggravating the condition again. I would repeat the remedy to see if we can counter that stimulating force.
Some significant improvements on the mental/emotional level which is good.
Some worsening in various symptoms but mostly physical.
Some symptoms are unchanged - again mostly physical.
There does seem to be a definite improvement. It may be that the full moon, being a trigger, is aggravating the condition again. I would repeat the remedy to see if we can counter that stimulating force.
♡ Evocationer last decade
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