The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Joe Doubt - Your Asthma treatment
You wrote "I have been able to help many who are Asthmatics to overcome their ailment with Nat Sulph 6c in the Split Dose which is made up as follows:Get a 500ml bottle of spring water
Pour out 100ml
Put in 3 globules or 1 drop if you have the liquid remedy.
Hit the bottle hard on your palm or a cushion and watch for the water to fizzle like when you open a bottle of soda. This is called succussion and it increases the potency of the remedy every time before a dose.
Mix a teaspoonful of the remedy after succussion in half a cup of water and sip it once daily.
Is it drink up the whole half cup or just one spoon of it. If just one spoon what about the rest of the half cup mixture?
new2town on 2005-11-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I have this Q'n because another post of yours seems to say 1 tsp of this 1/2 cup remedy.
"The mystery of this technique is further deepned when one uses a remedy for say Asthma for which ailment I use Nat Sulph 6c in the Split Dose where one tsp of the remedy is taken from the bottle and it is mixed with half cup of water from which a tsp is sipped. This usually makes the remedy more potent to help the Asthma which usually is cured in the case of chronic Asthmatics in about 2 weeks. The remedy however must be taken every other day for about 6 months after which it can be stopped and the curative aspect verified. I may mention here that I have many Chronic Asthmatics who were using 2 inhalers morning and 2 other inhalers in the evening who do not use any inhalers any more and only use the remedy every other day."
Please calrify asap. I got the remedy and have just started with my daughter.
"The mystery of this technique is further deepned when one uses a remedy for say Asthma for which ailment I use Nat Sulph 6c in the Split Dose where one tsp of the remedy is taken from the bottle and it is mixed with half cup of water from which a tsp is sipped. This usually makes the remedy more potent to help the Asthma which usually is cured in the case of chronic Asthmatics in about 2 weeks. The remedy however must be taken every other day for about 6 months after which it can be stopped and the curative aspect verified. I may mention here that I have many Chronic Asthmatics who were using 2 inhalers morning and 2 other inhalers in the evening who do not use any inhalers any more and only use the remedy every other day."
Please calrify asap. I got the remedy and have just started with my daughter.
new2town last decade
As for my girl, she still gets sporadic wheezing - still not completely gone. How much longer should I try before stopping? Its been a week.
new2town last decade
I am glad you brought this matter up as I had not clearly specified that all you have to give the patient is just 1 teaspoonful from the half cup of water.
It is fortunate that in homeopathy no harm will result even if the patient drinks all the water in the cup as this will then constitute the dose.
Please accept my apologies for the lack of precision in my prescription.
Asthma is usually not an ailment that can be cured instantly. I have many patients who were chronic Asthmatics for 25+ years who are now completely weaned from their inhalers which they used throughout their lives, some 4 times daily.
In the case of an emergency when the patient has an attack, this can be overcome in a few minutes, usually under 15 minutes with Ars Alb 200 dose 3 globules taken sublingually.
You are advised to use it for at least a month as I there is no doubt that it far safer than other drugs and inhalers all of which are laced with steroids.
It is fortunate that in homeopathy no harm will result even if the patient drinks all the water in the cup as this will then constitute the dose.
Please accept my apologies for the lack of precision in my prescription.
Asthma is usually not an ailment that can be cured instantly. I have many patients who were chronic Asthmatics for 25+ years who are now completely weaned from their inhalers which they used throughout their lives, some 4 times daily.
In the case of an emergency when the patient has an attack, this can be overcome in a few minutes, usually under 15 minutes with Ars Alb 200 dose 3 globules taken sublingually.
You are advised to use it for at least a month as I there is no doubt that it far safer than other drugs and inhalers all of which are laced with steroids.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
I am copying the last para of my post which can be misinterpreted below:
"You are advised to use it for at least a month as I there is no doubt that it far safer than other drugs and inhalers all of which are laced with steroids."
What I meant to convey was that it was the Nat Sulph 6c in the water dose that should be used for some time daily for your daughter's Asthma.
I did not mean that you should use the Ars Alb which was only to be used on a SOS basis.
"You are advised to use it for at least a month as I there is no doubt that it far safer than other drugs and inhalers all of which are laced with steroids."
What I meant to convey was that it was the Nat Sulph 6c in the water dose that should be used for some time daily for your daughter's Asthma.
I did not mean that you should use the Ars Alb which was only to be used on a SOS basis.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
how did the Nat Sulph 6c work out for you with regards to the asthma? Did you get satisfacory results with it?
Thank you
how did the Nat Sulph 6c work out for you with regards to the asthma? Did you get satisfacory results with it?
Thank you
Pat2006 last decade
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