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Tear duct blockage in a toddler

My daughter is 22 months old and have been diagnosed with tear duct blockage for two months or so. She has a lot of discharge which is making her eyelashes stick together and hard for her to open her eyes. The discharge is countinously and very thick , sometimes yellow lolling and other times green and pus colored with accumulating at the inner corner of eye. She has minimal swelling and redness from two days . She also has cold and is having a cough . The cold has been ther about a month. She doesn't have a fever. She keeps saying eye coz it's hurting her ...overall she is a very happy healthy baby, gets constipated very easily and is very stout. Very active , happy healthy baby. Thx ...please help
  Malvika123 on 2014-08-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I suggest to give KALI BICHROMATUM 6X or 6c which ever is avaiable.two pills three times a day for 4-5 days & in case there is a little more discharge from nose or eyes please do not bother or worry & let it be out.

Kindly report after a week or so for further guidance.
[message edited by daktersaab on Sun, 17 Aug 2014 17:29:21 BST]
daktersaab last decade
So I got kali bichromicum . Is that the same thing . Thx . Please let me know.
Malvika123 last decade
Also, it's in little pellets and instruction says to give 5 pellets three times a day? What should I do? Thx
Malvika123 last decade
Hi Malvika,

Dr. Saab wants you to use 2 pellets-- not 5.

What is the Number next to the name Kali Bichromicum?

That number is the potency and then we can see how many
times to take it.

(You cannot go by instructions on remedies- they are required by
law to put instructions there-but the instructions are different
for everyone depending on the age and the condition.
simone717 last decade
Hi Simone!
So I gave my daughter 6c strength kali ...5 pellets for morning and afternoon dose. I will just give two pellets now. Thanks for clarifying...
And I also forgot to mention that while I was waiting for your reply I had researched and bought Calcarea carbonicum 30c and I had given her one dose of that 5 pellets again. It significantly decrease the discharge I noticed . But then I heard from u and gave her kali ...I am not seeing much improvement with kali...can I continue Calcarea or no?
Malvika123 last decade
Since Dr. Saab is prescribing for you, he can answer you on this
simone717 last decade
Your giving Calc carb might have given relief but may relapse the flow again as it might have suppressed it.

Kali Bich. would have drained the sinus cavities fully.
Now I do not understand how to go about so wait & watch for a while as calc carb is a long & deep acting remedy.

Pl do not change the medicine as & when you like it jumbles up the case.
daktersaab last decade
I will continue with kali ...that u prescribed. I didn't change the medicine, it was initially before I had started yours , and that was only two doses, which I had forgotten to mention. I will continue with kali and will follow up in one week .
Thx .
Malvika123 last decade
Can u also recommend something for my son to take . He is also the same age 22 month old . He has a lanky build, has a very good diet , is very prone to colds and especially if he plays with the water, still has difficulty sleeping thruout the night. His cold started out one month back with runny thick discharge from his nose and fever, and now the he only has a cough, and from last night he started having eye discharge which is green in color and accumulates at the corner of his eye. Thanks a bunch..
Malvika123 last decade
I suggest to give your son MERC SOL. 30c three pills twice in a day for JUST 3 days & forget any further treatment.
Cough will go within 2-3 days.

As a good preventive medicine please start giving both the kids an Ayurvedic medicine called SEPTILIN ( made by Himalayan Drugs).

It is a very age old tested remedy to build resistance towards respiratory infections & also to enhance body resistance.It is available in Syrup, drops & tablet forms. You may give which ever is ok with kids.
To start with give three times a day for 15 days & then reduce to twice a day for one mnoth.

It is a very safe medicine & can be given for a long time without any side effects.

I am using in my prescriptions since last 45 years with excellent results.
daktersaab last decade
So my daughter has a significant improvement in her eye, however ther is still some discharge that comes around her eye. So what should I do now?
And for my son, again significant improvement in his cough , but he still coughs and sounds congested a little . So what should I do.
Please recommend. Thanks a bunch.
Malvika123 last decade
Do not worry about your daughter. The resudial cough will go.

Have you started Septilin? you must do it for both of your kids. It will help a lot.
daktersaab last decade
Ok Sounds good. But for my daughter with tear duct issue, u had mentioned to give kali for one week and it has been one week already, so what I meant to ask was should I continue with kali or stop. We have ordered septillin but haven't got even it yet...thx
Malvika123 last decade
Yes Please continue for another 3-4 days & stop. Meanwhile septilin may arrive & you can start.
daktersaab last decade
My son who is also two yrs old and weighs about 30 lbs . Is having sleep issues. He has been a very light sleeper. He wakes up in the night crying., sometimes it's because of gas other times he is hungry or something else. Is there any meds I can give that wud make him sleep thruout the night. He is lanky build, fussy at times, stubborn may be, but most of the time he is happy. Please suggest.
Malvika123 last decade

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