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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

22 years old and alopecia

My name is mathilde, im 22 and from denmark.
I have alopecia and have had it for about 5 years.. I had a spot when i was young but it grew back and didn't show til i was 16-17 years old.

Now it seems like my hair is beginning to grow back, quite a lot on the top of the head (were first attaced) and in the back a litle as well..

My question is what kinds off alternative treatment i could try to incourage my hair to grow back ??

I have not done any treatments..

  mlev1992 on 2014-08-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Mathilde,

It sounds like you are saying your hair is growing. Is that right?
simone717 last decade
Yes it is..
But only some places, not all over my head.
So i was woundering what i could do make it grow more evenly? (Sorry if i'm misspelling) :)
mlev1992 last decade
Hi- I have a link to a basic form on here- Please answer the question in detail-
do not use Yes or No. http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/188925

After your answers I will probably have a few more questions.

Please list your height and weight also.


Simone 717
simone717 last decade

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