The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Frozen Shoulder, Mitral Valve Prolapse and Palpitations
I got so confused trying to figure what remedy to use with all of these problems any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.I am a 54 year old female, Frozen shoulder (left) since January 2014. All the classic textbook symptoms. I can't raise it overhead or behind my back. When I twist or stretch it the wrong way the pain is excruciating. X-rays didn't show anything abnormal. Taking NSAIDs.
Heart palpitations started in July of this year. They go on constantly all day. Sometimes fluttery, sometimes pounding. Was sent to the cardiologist and after a myriad of tests (Stress, Echo, Holter monitor) came back with a diagnoses of Mitral Valve Prolapse with regurgitation but not a serious case that would warrant surgery. The palpitations are PVCs and are benign but they are exhausting me and I need them to stop.
I am not diabetic. I am 50 lbs overweight and do not exercise. My thyroid is fine (although my hair is falling out too) and my hormones are still kicking.
Every time I go through the self-diagnosis I come up with different remedies.
Thanks so much for your time.
[message edited by kozyk on Fri, 12 Sep 2014 00:42:11 BST]
[message edited by kozyk on Fri, 12 Sep 2014 00:43:09 BST]
kozyk on 2014-09-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
shouse_nsk last decade
kozyk last decade
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