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Dr.Mehfuz/ Dr.David/Dr. Kadwa plz help me..Tuberculosis knots in neck during pregnancy

Dear sir,

My wife has TB knots on both side of neck since last 10 months. She was 2 months pregnant that time Firstly we were not known about TB. One alopathic physician give antibiotics 'amoxicillin & potassium calvulunate 625 tablets' which leads to miscarriage our child and go for abortion. Then 2 months after abortion one of homeopath friend gave following medicine on trial basis for 2-3 months:
Conium 200c
Calc carb. 200c
Baryta carb 200c
Calc Flour 30x.

The knots some decreased in size after 20 days but not disappear or dissolve even after 3 months. Then FNAC test which reports that the knots are of Tuberculosis. Now she is again pregnant of 2 months.
Please suggest us which medicines we should start for TB knots with safe pregnancy because she has 1 abortion history 7 months ago. We don't want to take any risk this time.
Is it possible treatment in homeopathy or we should take allopathic DOTS treatment for TB. We have heard that alopathic DOTS medicines are too much hard. Which will be safe among both?

The details are:

Age: 23 years
Height: 5'.2'
Weight:49 Kg.
Complexion: Fair
Body: Slim
Country: India (Delhi)
Pregnancy: 2months

Plz suggest us right medicines as soon as possible.

  ankit111 on 2014-09-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The medicine advised by your friend homoeopath are usually used for knots but in your case 'I think your wife must take One dose of Tuberclunium-1 (five drops once after every week for three consecutive weeks)'
also use Bryt.carb-30 three times a day.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
hi dr. mahfus,

I think you meant tuberculimun 1M.You may advice accordingly
daktersaab last decade
Very Very Thanks Dr. Mehfooz,

Please clear some queries regarding this-
(1) Is it Tuberclunium 1M or Tuberclunium Bovium 1M or Tuberclunium Kent 1M ?
(2) Sir, Are these medicine safe in pregnancy?,
(3) Most people says that homeopathy has no sure treatment for TB. Is it?
(4)After 3 weeks will we be able to see the effect and how long treatment it will take to remove TB? We are so already too late in treatment so is there any risk of increasing TB infection.
[message edited by ankit111 on Thu, 18 Sep 2014 08:33:14 BST]
ankit111 last decade
And another thing i want to tell you that we are giving

Five Phos 6X and
Calc Flour 6x
4 tablets 4 times daily as a tonic during pregnancy.

Are these OK or should we give some other also for health of baby and mother. Can we continue these with tubercunium?.
ankit111 last decade
Please reply me Dr. Mehfooz...Very Very Thanks Dr. Mehfooz,

Please clear some queries regarding this-
(1) Is it Tuberclunium Bovium 1M or Tuberclunium Koch 1M ?
(2) Sir, Are these medicine safe in pregnancy?,
(3) Most people says that homeopathy has no sure treatment for TB. Is it?
(4)After 3 weeks will we be able to see the effect and how long treatment it will take to remove TB? We are so already too late in treatment so is there any risk of increasing TB infection.

And another thing i want to tell you that we are giving

Five Phos 6X and
Calc Flour 6x
4 tablets 4 times daily as a tonic during pregnancy.

Are these OK or should we give some other also for health of baby and mother. Can we continue these with tubercunium?.
ankit111 last decade
I mean tuberclunium-1M
You can take five phoses and clc. flr.
These medicine are not dangerous as advised.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dr. Mehfooz,
i went market to take these medicines, but in the list of German medicines by Dr. Reckweg there are no only Tuberculinum 1M. They have-
tuberculinum bovium 1M or Tuberculinum Koch 1M

Which one should i pick... please reply as soon as possible..
[message edited by ankit111 on Mon, 22 Sep 2014 09:31:30 BST]
ankit111 last decade
'Dr. Koch extracted human tubercular bacilli in 1882. It is a glycerine extract of a pure cultivation of tubercle bacilli. Preparations have been made from Tubercular abscesses derived from the human body, though the infection was probably a bovine strain. (C.E. Wheeler)

Features of Tub Koch:
Weak thin children with flat chest
Always tired, nevertheless restless, nervous
Aversion to slightest physical and mental exertion
Easily axhausted
Tendency to perspiration
Sensitivity to cold and every change of weather
Mentallyy precocious
Desire for constant change

Tuberculinum Bovinum: prepared by Kent from the infected lymph glands of cattle and potentised by Boericke andTafel.
catches cold easily
symptoms constantly changing
love for travel
worse standing
likes refined cuisine, sweets, cold milk, ham, smoked meats, wine
worse from music
fear of dogs
palms of hands-damp
perspiration only on the nose(characteristic)
[message edited by simone717 on Mon, 22 Sep 2014 18:57:10 BST]
simone717 last decade
So, please tell me what should i buy tub bovium or tub. koch?
ankit111 last decade
So, please tell me Dr. Mehfooz what should i buy tub bovium or tub. koch?
ankit111 last decade
I suggest you just get the Bov- that is the one
most often used.
simone717 last decade
thanks simone
ankit111 last decade
yes simone717 is right.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
thanks Dr. Mehfooz, i start it by tomorrow and report you after 3 weeks.
ankit111 last decade
Thanks Dr.Mahfooz,

I have given Tuberculinum 1M once a week for 3 weeks and Bryta Carb 30 three time a day for 3 weeks as advised by you.

The result is that the size of knots reduced in starting 10 days to the half. In next 11 days the size remain canstant, i.e. no size decrement in last 11 days.
Now what to do now please tell me.
ankit111 last decade
Thanks Dr. Mahfooz,

I have given Tuberculinum 1M once a week for 3 weeks and Bryta Carb 30 three time a day for 3 weeks as advised by you.

The result is that the size of knots reduced in starting 10 days to the half. In next 11 days the size remain canstant, i.e. no size decrement in last 11 days.
Now what to do now please tell me.
ankit111 last decade
Dr. Mahfooz,

Please reply
ankit111 last decade
Dr. Mahfooz please reply
ankit111 last decade
Please help d. mehfooz,

please do not leave the treatment in mid way!! please..
ankit111 last decade

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