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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sleep Disorder

Dear Doctors I' m 20 years old boy.I have sleep disorder for 1 year.I can't sleep for 8 hours.I sleep in parts.1 hour and woke up then 1.5 hours and woke up again sllep in 20-30 minutes again and then woke up after 2 hours and in morning I sleep in minutes 20 minutes 30,40 or 50.Please give me some medicine to cure sleep disorder so that I cal sleep atleat 8-9 hours daily.Whole day I was lazy.
  Mushtaq.Ahmed 123 on 2014-09-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Passiflora Inc.Q 50 drops in little water at night and report after two weeks.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Thanks sir for replying.
Will I take it just before sleep??
Mushtaq.Ahmed 123 last decade
Dr Mahfooz-

Can you advise your patient what to


You may not be getting email alert-
but you have no email listed so there
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are not working well on here)

I saw you were just on- so am posting.
simone717 last decade
Sir there is 70% alcohol in the medicine you suggested.I'm Muslim and I'm not allowed to drink alcohol is it OK to takeit
Mushtaq.Ahmed 123 last decade
Yes it is ok bc you are taking a mother
tincture ( potency is called Q) and there
is no way to have a mother tincture stay
fresh without this. Dr. Mahfooz is Muslim

He responds infrequently on here which
is why I am posting.
simone717 last decade
Thanks for replyingsir
Mushtaq.Ahmed 123 last decade
Sit just last thing
I'm taking surbex Z vitamins tablets daily at 3 PM.Is it safe to take along with passiflora Q??
I have found that I have zinc deficiency so thats why I have too much hair loss thats why I m taking vitamins
Mushtaq.Ahmed 123 last decade

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