The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Head Sweats .Erika Please
Am very interested in your posts and replies.Can you advise
Son inlaw late 30,s suffers readfully from head sweats after excertion I.e walking with rucksack or carrying toddler. hair and top body sweats as though he has been in a shower of rain.
Stressed by daily work
slightly overweight
I was going to try
Calc Carb 30c three doses for two days to guage reaction
Any further adivice will be greatly appreciated.
drizzle on 2005-12-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
sounds good kate. Let me know if this helps, as I am sure it will!
my only other ? would be has he had an ecg to check all is ok with his heart?
my only other ? would be has he had an ecg to check all is ok with his heart?
erika last decade
Many thanks, good to have a second opinion.
Yes he has blood tests and thyroid tests as well,
Little grandson (his son) shows tendency to same with head sweats on sleeeping in non cotton (i.e. polyester )and has excema.
so I will wait and see reaction to Dad and wonder whaat dose /duration to give little one.
regards kate
Yes he has blood tests and thyroid tests as well,
Little grandson (his son) shows tendency to same with head sweats on sleeeping in non cotton (i.e. polyester )and has excema.
so I will wait and see reaction to Dad and wonder whaat dose /duration to give little one.
regards kate
drizzle last decade
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