The ABC Homeopathy Forum
tooth extraction and bone pain
I had two teeth extracted about a month ago, the bones in the gums are sore and ache, I have been back and there isnt a sign of infection, they also took a cat scan, it hurts to touch that area. Is there anything I can too to take away this ache, ibuprophen doesnt help, sometimes winte or alcohol does but it is painful the next day, just wondering what could cause this or remedy this? thankspegasus on 2004-06-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
ok--start with 1 dose "only" arnica 30c--
if subtle (not lasting ) 'good' respone then move up potency---1 dose "only" arnica 2ooc..
if no response at all --we go deeper..
if subtle (not lasting ) 'good' respone then move up potency---1 dose "only" arnica 2ooc..
if no response at all --we go deeper..
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
I went to the dentist yesterday, they did a tissue test and bone density test everything was perfect and by looking at this the oral surgeon and dentist said I am healing faster than usual, the tissue is filling in already, they are both puzzled why so much pain yet, I think when I got all those injections for this tooth prior to the extraction for a root canal then a retreatment because it didnt work, the gums are tramatized if thats at all possible, I just ache and inflamation is unreal, thanks for answering
pegasus 2 decades ago
I am new to this site, and not sure what to buy is it arnica montana? and then use one dose a day>? thanks
pegasus 2 decades ago
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
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