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Probably prostate issues

I am a 34 year old male.

Here are the symptoms:

- discomfort (not really pain) above right testicle and above the penis area upon ejaculation
- now the discomfort persist afterwards
- discomfort around bladder zone
- the urine looks fine
- discomfort at night in bladder zone before and after urination
- the urine flow is fine but not perfect in my opinion
- I also have genital warts.

Ive been taking thuja and lycopidium 5ch since 2 days and I feel a little bit better.

The discomfort above right testicle still persist.(more to the right)
[message edited by cristtt6 on Fri, 17 Oct 2014 08:41:37 BST]
  cristtt6 on 2014-10-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
hello cristtt6,

take one single dose (5 pills) of medorrhinum 1000c (1m) & no other medicines for 10 clear days & let us know how you are feeling after that period.

drink lots of water & keep your system adequately hydrated.
daktersaab last decade
this would be 1M potency?
cristtt6 last decade
daktersaab last decade
Although I am sure it is not gonorrhoeae.

I am married.

No sex with other women.
cristtt6 last decade
But I'll start on Monday and update you in 10 days.
Thank you for your help.
cristtt6 last decade
Who said that it is so? Dont come to such unrealistic conclusions & worry your self.
daktersaab last decade
Mr daktersaab

I must tell you I am already amazed, its been a day since medorrhinum 1m and I can tell you that the discomfort in the right part is not as high as before and not as continuous as before. Although I still feel it from above right testicle toward right kidney.

Also urine test says no bacterium.

Quick question.

You said I cannot take other treatment during this one.

Just wondering can I still have Aconitum for my anxiety issues?

Thank you so much for your help.

[message edited by cristtt6 on Tue, 21 Oct 2014 13:26:58 BST]
cristtt6 last decade
No please no other medicine. Not even Aconite. If at all you want any medicine have a good large dose of patience:-))
daktersaab last decade
got it :))
cristtt6 last decade
An update:

There 3rd day of treatment.

- there is no more pain during ejaculation nor during urination

- but the pain persist In the right side beginning at the appendix and to the right and also up toward the right kidney. And sometimes toward the right buttock.

Ive been at hospital they said there is no infection also no appendicitis but they gave me Nospa and Piafen and sent me home.

Thank you
[message edited by cristtt6 on Thu, 23 Oct 2014 11:42:36 BST]
cristtt6 last decade
Wait for a few days.No medicines
daktersaab last decade
Everything is good now.

No discomfort upon ejaculation nor during urination.

When do I need to repeat another dose?

Aldo how do I get rid of genital condilomes?

Already tried low potency thuja and causticum for 5 days only(few months ago)With no effect.

[message edited by cristtt6 on Sun, 02 Nov 2014 16:43:54 GMT]
cristtt6 last decade
I was wondering when can I repeat the treatment?
cristtt6 last decade
No medicines at all. just be yourself & enjoy life.
daktersaab last decade
Thank you
cristtt6 last decade
Hello again,

It seems that symptoms returned, so I choose to have another dose of 1M around evening.

It been almost 4 month after first dose.

The problem is that on the same day after midnight it returned some old anxiety symptoms I had long ago:

Palpitations/high BP and tachycardia and extreme fear/anxiety and extreme nausea and chills on the back. My heart beats in abdomen.

(I had a nightmare and my life was at stake)

How could this be possible? But I feel so sick!!

I had a Ars. alb 9ch and half of Lexotan pill now to be a little bit ok.

[message edited by cristtt6 on Wed, 18 Feb 2015 07:05:40 GMT]
cristtt6 last decade

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