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penis erection problem getting married within a monthplease suggest medication : dr. mohla and other experts kindly respond. please help

i am 27 yrs old and was involved in masturbation during past many yrs. during first sexual act there was involuntary ejaculation two three times and penis could not get hard enough and there was continuous flow of semen and when intercourse happened first time after 4 or 5 strokes there was intense pain as my foreskin had not receded and second time after 4 or 5 stokes ejaculation occured. additionally, i am also suffering from blind pilesfor past 6 months. i am using selenium 200 and avena sativa - Q currently for impotency. kindly tell whether the medicines i am using is correct or not and also the right dose for these medicines. if its wrong please recommend medicines for my problem. kindly help.
[message edited by ss1727 on Sun, 02 Nov 2014 04:29:33 GMT]
[message edited by ss1727 on Mon, 03 Nov 2014 11:50:32 GMT]
  ss1727 on 2014-11-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
experts are requested to kindly respond soon. please.
ss1727 last decade
dr. mohla and other experts kindly respond. please help
ss1727 last decade
Stop selenium and continue with staphysagaria 30 twice daily for 7daya .pl also stop avena sativa .
akshaymohl last decade
dear dr. mohla
thanks a lot for responding. i will start taking staphysagaria 30 from today onwards. but, i must tell u that i have been taking these medicines and there is improvement in my position. the involuntary ejection of semen with sexual thoughts has decreased drastically. i am telling u this just to report u the progress till now. anyways i will take ur presciption from today onwards. thanks again and will keep telling u the progress.
ss1727 last decade
dear dr. mohla,
i must also imform u that i was taking AESCULUS HIPP 200 and ALOE SOC 200 for pilesbefore i discovered erection problem. i am free of all vices like smoking, drinking, etc. also, i think my penis has become slighty curved. kindly ask for any other details if u feel necessary for diagnosing. thanks a lot again and will keep giving u the feed back.
ss1727 last decade
also i may tell u sir, i think, in my view, i dont have any psychological problem or stress or shyness etc.
ss1727 last decade
Pl start treatment and report.pl take aesculus only and not aloe.
akshaymohl last decade
thanks. iwill start taking ur prescribed medicine from today
ss1727 last decade

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