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Eating Issues/Swallowing Page 2 of 2

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Thank you. I really appreciate that.

I just got it and took the first dose.

The only other thing that I want to add is the following.

All these symptoms, they seem to be related, even though they started a few years apart.

It seems like it is some kind of reflux because my dad definitely has acid reflux.

I read about a different type of reflux where there is mucous/phlegm and it is refluxing digestive enzymes, and other contents which non-acidic. That's why I never felt any burn.

But I'm thinking the mucous protected me from acid, but the other contents slowly messed up my esophagus over time. That's the point of mucous right is that your body produces it to protect you.

It seems to have gotten worse over time. So, that's why the swallowing issue started a few years after the phlegm/mucous/clearing of throat.

Let me know what you think.

Thank you.
tonybaloni33 9 years ago
ya. acid reflux can also be the cause,

in ayurveda this technique helps in reducing acid reflux effectively,

no water or anything 1 hour before meals,
not to drink much water just after meals, you can take very little amount, then to drink 1 glass water 90 minutes after meal, dnt take cold water, warm fresh foods to be taken in meals,

and SURYA NAMASKAR the best exercise in world for total health management,

but these are not like allopathic medicines that give instant relief, atleast 3 months patience is required to see any changes,

the same is the case with homeopathy its HIT AND TRAIL type magical science,

homeo.mzp 9 years ago
Ok. Well, I will definitely give that a try. I have cut down on water during meals a lot. Only sips but I will try to stop and follow that suggestion.

I think it is some kind of reflux. It make sense, because my dad has acid reflux and he got it at the same time as me, in his early 20s. Same age as me actually around 21.

Do not think it is a co-incidence or due to stress/anxiety as the root anymore. I'm sure that can make it worse, but it seems like it is a genetic thing that I have to fix and control. Like it's a physical thing related to food.

Anyway, today I am taking the final dose of Arsenic album. Will start Acupuncture tomorrow and if he gives any herbs, I will take it as well.

From what I know, nothing should really interfere with homeopathy right? I mean I can probably do all of this, including herbs, acupuncture, and even try other homeopathic remedies like Nux Vomica or whatever else for reflux at the same time.

Like you said, the remedy is probably working and it will just take time. In the mean time, I can just try whatever else to help.

Thank you sir.
tonybaloni33 9 years ago
yes you can take accupunture and herbs it will be best

BUT DONT take two homeopathic remedies at a same time, take one and wait to see its results.

homeo.mzp 9 years ago
Ok got it.

So, how long should I wait if I wanted to try another remedy?

I will update you later this week about how things are going. Took my final dose yesterday.

tonybaloni33 9 years ago
in my practice,
for 30c == 10 to 15 days
for 200c == 20 to 30 days
for 1M == after seeing the previous response of remedy,
homeo.mzp 9 years ago
How are things going so far?
Evocationer 9 years ago
Hi Evocationer,

thanks for checking up on me.

Things are going better, but I think it is because of what I have been doing. I have been following a strict diet of low acidic food, now I am a vegetarian for the month, and I take Pepcid medication everyday along with occasional Tums, and some Alkaline water once in a while.

All of this seems to be helping. I no longer have the difficulty swallowing and the burp vomits or coming up of food has decreased a lot.

The problems are not completely gone and I still cannot eat the quantity that I used to eat normally my whole life. And also I still have to eat slowly and take breaks in between bites, so I still cant eat at a normal pace.

Please let me know if you come up with any remedy for me. I do not want to continue taking meds and would like all the symptoms to go away and get back to normal.

Thanks. I appreciate you guys a lot.
tonybaloni33 9 years ago
One other thing that has really helped is eating Jasmine rice instead of the Basmati rice I would eat normally.I've eaten white rice almost every day of my life and it has always been Basmati, until recently when I tried Jasmin.

I read that Jasmin is much easier to digest and I have been eating that for the past month or so, and noticed the decrease in vomit burps. Also, eating Middle eastern flatbread.
tonybaloni33 9 years ago
ok yes it is good to follow proper diet plan as you are doing, keep it up, also i think arsenic album has made a deep healing effect on you, so dnt repeat it as you are in good condition,

ok then your case closed from myself, you can click on my username and visit my website for more information about me.

homeo.mzp 9 years ago
Hello Homeo.mzp

thanks again for everything. I am not so sure if the Arsenic album has been responsible, since I think that what I've been doing has helped.

However, it is possible of course that Arsenic album has helped.

My problems still continue and I am going to open up another post asking for another opinion. I hope you don't mind since I feel like my issues will continue until we find something else for me.

tonybaloni33 9 years ago
as ofcourse make another post, but dnt change your diet plan bcoz no remedy can be substitute to that.

homeo.mzp 9 years ago
Yes, I understand.

I have created another post.

I will continue the diet.

Thanks again
tonybaloni33 9 years ago

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