The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Question for Namaste, Astra
Hari Om!Just wondering whether you have come across a dog who will sit on the floor and drink from the bowl. Most of the dogs that I know will stand on fours to drink but another dog which I am fostering will sit and drink.
Is there a rubric to reflect this? Trying to work on this dog's constitution. I thought this might be a PQRS to a certain remedy which I am not sure of.
Very slim dog. Small size (poodle crossed with yorkie), black in colour with lovely white socks on her legs and white chest. Very nice face and eyes except her temper.
I don't really know how old is she (perhaps 6 or 7) as her 1st owner dumped her with a relative and migrated to Aust. I have heard that she was confined to a very small space (the size of a sofa) with her food and water bowls, newspapers for pee and poo. She was kept in this condition for 5 long years.
She was passed from one fosterer to the next cos she bit anyone who came into contact with her including kids. I was also bitten several times while caring for her.
I do notice that whenever I raised my hand, she would think I am trying to hit her when I am actually trying to pat her head. She would show her teeth - may or may not snap at that point of time. Reflecting this, she could have gone through some very harsh moments with her first owner ie she could have been hit many times over.
But now she is less aggressive, less snappish after a few doses of Chamomilla 30c. She has opened up a little and would sometimes play (sometimes domineering) with my other fostered dog. Still she is very food possessive (and greedy) and would often growl and bite my mop or broom when I am cleaning near her area.
She is very sensitive to touch and cannot bear the slightest pain. I could only carry her (which she loves sometimes)in my arms for 5 mins. More than that she will bite. She is not really a lap dog.
She is more active in the evening/night and less so in the day time. She loves going outdoors but can't exercise much. She has heart murmur.
After her short walk, she can become a monster again. She won't let me touch her. Sometimes I have to leave the leash and harness she is wearing until the next time she is prepared to have them taken off.
She is also a terrible tissue paper eater!
She has an odour coming from her body but more like from her ears. She wouldn't allow me to touch or clean her ears at all. A major problem for me.
Trimming her nails is also another problem. I have to watch her mood and in her happier moments, I would use a muzzle and play with her first than when she allows me to muzzle her, I would quickly clipped her nails. Most of the time I can only clip 2 nails at a time.
She loves to be bathed and groomed as long as there is no pain ie matted hair has to be cut rather than combed.
When she first came to me, I was very shocked with her eating habit. It seems that she will only eat once in 3 days. But now she is eating daily which pleases me. She just loves treats like porky slices which I assumed she never had them before.
She would often collect her treats from me and hide them under her towels. She will then take them out to eat once in a while.
By the way, she is one of the most intelligent dogs I have come across. She needed only one lesson and she will remember for life. That is why this dog is a real challenge as I have to keep coming up with ideas on how to trick her so that I can go about what I need to do with her (cleaning & bathing, giving her remedies etc). She doesn't like homeopathic medicines, perhaps of the alcohol taste. She now knows how to put her nose near her throat so that I can't drop the medicine on her nose. She refuses to take pills as well.
mersing on 2005-12-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Sitting and drinking is the least of this dog's problems. She probably sits because she did a lot of sitting in her confined area.
Look into Staphysagria for her past of abuse/neglect and pain from being touched or held. She is oversensitive because of what she has been through.
Look into Staphysagria for her past of abuse/neglect and pain from being touched or held. She is oversensitive because of what she has been through.
Namaste27 last decade
I have a dog that will not let me clean his ears due to a past of abuse. You may want your dog clean and manicured but you can only push them so far. Grooming to them feels like you are torturing them. Remember, they are oversensitive.
For the ears order Calendula Q and place 5 drops in 4oz. of water. Mix. Using an eyedropper or bulb syringe squeeze the mix into the ear. One at a time. Slowly. Don't push it. No Q-tips. Clean with a damp wash cloth if the dog lets you.
Rememdies are best given orally in pill form. No animal likes the taste of alcohol. Crush the pills inbetween two spoons or order the real small pills. Place remedy on the tip of the spoon. Place tip of spoon under dog's lip and move lip over spoon. Voila.
For very serious cases or feral animals, dilute the remedy in 8 oz of water. Mix until dissolved. Using a sprayer or your finger tips, flick or spray the water at the animals eyes,nose and mouth. Remedy will absorb through mucus membranes.
For the ears order Calendula Q and place 5 drops in 4oz. of water. Mix. Using an eyedropper or bulb syringe squeeze the mix into the ear. One at a time. Slowly. Don't push it. No Q-tips. Clean with a damp wash cloth if the dog lets you.
Rememdies are best given orally in pill form. No animal likes the taste of alcohol. Crush the pills inbetween two spoons or order the real small pills. Place remedy on the tip of the spoon. Place tip of spoon under dog's lip and move lip over spoon. Voila.
For very serious cases or feral animals, dilute the remedy in 8 oz of water. Mix until dissolved. Using a sprayer or your finger tips, flick or spray the water at the animals eyes,nose and mouth. Remedy will absorb through mucus membranes.
Namaste27 last decade
I never knew a dog who would eat sitting! That's peculiar-unfortuately I have only rep. for people (and here it's considered normal).
cham. seems good for her temper--it's hard to say what iis usual for heeeeer and what is a learned response from past abuse.
one of my dogs just licked pills (remedies) from her bowl and they worked fine! or a drop or two of water were there placed first so remedies wouldn't roll around.
I have to go now-come back later.
cham. seems good for her temper--it's hard to say what iis usual for heeeeer and what is a learned response from past abuse.
one of my dogs just licked pills (remedies) from her bowl and they worked fine! or a drop or two of water were there placed first so remedies wouldn't roll around.
I have to go now-come back later.
Astra2012 last decade
Thanks Namaste and Astra for your responses.
Namaste, I think you were right about this dog's sitting and drinking due to her confined area. So now it is now her habit to do so despite being given a free run at my place.
It didn't click when I am observing her. I thought it would have been a PQRS. I had once adopted a dog that had been used in a puppymill - been caged up all day and in poor hygiene condition but despite of this extensive caging, she still stood on all fours to eat and drink. So for this dog, I wouldn't have thought she would sit to eat or drink. Thought it was a bit peculiar.
Will read up on Staph.
Namaste, I can only use your method once cos this dog learns real fast. Something that she doesn't like, she will not let you come near her at all. She will see what you have brought to her. If you come empty handed, she has a bit more trust but if you come with a bottle or anything including spoon, she will start showing her teeth.
How I manage to give her Chamomilla 30c is a wonder myself. I have to actually bend over from a distance to try and squirt accurately onto her nose. It is an accuracy test for me. I am ever worried it might get into her eyes but with the divine help, somehow it landed on the tip of her nose. At easier times, I could just drop onto her nose without squirting. But now both ways are out. She has decided to lower her head totally.
Looks like one possible option open now is to wet her towels with the remedy and hopefully she can inhale some. I guess it won't be so effective ie it will take a longer time to see the effect but I guess I have to be patient to work with this dog.
I have tried to play with her and massage her a little here and there and then pretended to play with her ears so that I could take a peek inside. She allowed me twice to have a look inside like for less 5 seconds then she started shaking her head and walked away.
Take one step at a time, I certainly hope that she will forget her past and live a normal life so that she can be put up for adoption soon.
Namaste, I think you were right about this dog's sitting and drinking due to her confined area. So now it is now her habit to do so despite being given a free run at my place.
It didn't click when I am observing her. I thought it would have been a PQRS. I had once adopted a dog that had been used in a puppymill - been caged up all day and in poor hygiene condition but despite of this extensive caging, she still stood on all fours to eat and drink. So for this dog, I wouldn't have thought she would sit to eat or drink. Thought it was a bit peculiar.
Will read up on Staph.
Namaste, I can only use your method once cos this dog learns real fast. Something that she doesn't like, she will not let you come near her at all. She will see what you have brought to her. If you come empty handed, she has a bit more trust but if you come with a bottle or anything including spoon, she will start showing her teeth.
How I manage to give her Chamomilla 30c is a wonder myself. I have to actually bend over from a distance to try and squirt accurately onto her nose. It is an accuracy test for me. I am ever worried it might get into her eyes but with the divine help, somehow it landed on the tip of her nose. At easier times, I could just drop onto her nose without squirting. But now both ways are out. She has decided to lower her head totally.
Looks like one possible option open now is to wet her towels with the remedy and hopefully she can inhale some. I guess it won't be so effective ie it will take a longer time to see the effect but I guess I have to be patient to work with this dog.
I have tried to play with her and massage her a little here and there and then pretended to play with her ears so that I could take a peek inside. She allowed me twice to have a look inside like for less 5 seconds then she started shaking her head and walked away.
Take one step at a time, I certainly hope that she will forget her past and live a normal life so that she can be put up for adoption soon.
mersing last decade
A remedy can also be diluted into her water bowl. You can also dissolve it in a little chicken broth or goat's milk. She will associate medicine with a treat. Works for my one dog, he thinks it is the greatest thing, when I say, "medicine."
As long as the remedy is diluted do not worry about it going into the dog's eyes. Birds and reptiles are treated homeopathically through the eye, especially w/ first aid.
Teach yourself T-Touch. This dog will benefit greatly from this technique.
Make medicine or examination time fun. Train the dog to see the leash as going for a walk or time for a treat. The leash keeps the dog by you, so he can't run off. Best way to train a dog is on a leash. Walk the dog first or give him a treat. Once he has that down, then introduce giving medicine or examining, slowly. End with praise and a treat. Positive beginning and positive ending. I sense that when the previous owner approached this dog, it always lead to pain or some kind of trauma. So it is his nature to see you approaching and with any tool in hand as a threat.
Feed him treats from a spoon as well to get him used to the spoon. Always introduce anything to him below head level so he won't think you are striking him.
Get in the dogs heads. They are descendents of wolves. Retrain them to see everyday objects and the hand as loving. To know when to fear and who to fear and when to trust. Never pet this dog by raising your hand. Turn your hand palm side up and move it to under his chin, always staying below his head. he will NEVER get over having a hand raised. There is a child abuse test where the tester suddenly raises their hand in the air. Abused kids will flinch, always.
Talk to this dog subliminally. Always explain what you are doing before, during and after doing it. You approaching him is like a doctor going to examine an open wound that has not been numbed. Everything hurts.
Order the book The Well Adjusted Dog and teach yourself dog chiropractic moves. There are plenty of manipulation techniques you can do that will help your animals release past trauma and will help with misalignments. Take it slow, train your hands to feel the energy in the dog's body.
As long as the remedy is diluted do not worry about it going into the dog's eyes. Birds and reptiles are treated homeopathically through the eye, especially w/ first aid.
Teach yourself T-Touch. This dog will benefit greatly from this technique.
Make medicine or examination time fun. Train the dog to see the leash as going for a walk or time for a treat. The leash keeps the dog by you, so he can't run off. Best way to train a dog is on a leash. Walk the dog first or give him a treat. Once he has that down, then introduce giving medicine or examining, slowly. End with praise and a treat. Positive beginning and positive ending. I sense that when the previous owner approached this dog, it always lead to pain or some kind of trauma. So it is his nature to see you approaching and with any tool in hand as a threat.
Feed him treats from a spoon as well to get him used to the spoon. Always introduce anything to him below head level so he won't think you are striking him.
Get in the dogs heads. They are descendents of wolves. Retrain them to see everyday objects and the hand as loving. To know when to fear and who to fear and when to trust. Never pet this dog by raising your hand. Turn your hand palm side up and move it to under his chin, always staying below his head. he will NEVER get over having a hand raised. There is a child abuse test where the tester suddenly raises their hand in the air. Abused kids will flinch, always.
Talk to this dog subliminally. Always explain what you are doing before, during and after doing it. You approaching him is like a doctor going to examine an open wound that has not been numbed. Everything hurts.
Order the book The Well Adjusted Dog and teach yourself dog chiropractic moves. There are plenty of manipulation techniques you can do that will help your animals release past trauma and will help with misalignments. Take it slow, train your hands to feel the energy in the dog's body.
Namaste27 last decade
I second everything Namaste said.
just to eaxplain talking sublimaly to animals: when you talk your mind creates pictures -and that's what animals "read". Some people can communicate with animals without sayng a word-just via pictures in their minds.
in my last post i was in a hurry and left unedited words like "heeeer"- that reminds me of a saying:
"I used to have mad cow disease but I''m ok noooow".
just to eaxplain talking sublimaly to animals: when you talk your mind creates pictures -and that's what animals "read". Some people can communicate with animals without sayng a word-just via pictures in their minds.
in my last post i was in a hurry and left unedited words like "heeeer"- that reminds me of a saying:
"I used to have mad cow disease but I''m ok noooow".
Astra2012 last decade
This afternoon I had to rush this gal to see a vet cos she is having thick chocolate urine discharge. It started around 3pm and got worse while we were at the clinic. The normal urine is gone. It is replaced by this thick discharge which she frequently passed out.
Vet explained that the discharge is likely to be from her uterus (alot of mucus, maybe pus??). I'm worried it might be tumour.
Namaste, Astra, pls help and suggest some remedies. I will be going down tomorrow to pick them up cos I don't have a wide range at home. After tomorrow I have no access to the medicines cos the place will be closed for holidays for 2 weeks.
Vet explained that the discharge is likely to be from her uterus (alot of mucus, maybe pus??). I'm worried it might be tumour.
Namaste, Astra, pls help and suggest some remedies. I will be going down tomorrow to pick them up cos I don't have a wide range at home. After tomorrow I have no access to the medicines cos the place will be closed for holidays for 2 weeks.
mersing last decade
is it smelly?painful?
basically in emergencies like that it would be best if someone (homeopath) could see her as there are many remedies that have this symptom. is it better in warmth/cold/pen air when? When worse? when she moves? was she spayed? had puppies?We know nothing except that she has dark discharge from her uterus (right? it isn't her urine?)
basically in emergencies like that it would be best if someone (homeopath) could see her as there are many remedies that have this symptom. is it better in warmth/cold/pen air when? When worse? when she moves? was she spayed? had puppies?We know nothing except that she has dark discharge from her uterus (right? it isn't her urine?)
Astra2012 last decade
Hi Astra
Painful yes cos the discharge is thick and it must have been painful cos her vagina is now swollen or inflamed. Earlier it wasn't so. There is some smell but it is not totally offensive.
The vet wanted me to give her one quarter of Baytril 2x a day but I have not started to give her cos she doesn't want any kibbles other than treats (which I can't tuck in the pill). She drinks when she is thirsty.
Don't know whether it was the right decision, but I was so desperate that she should have something to ease her condition that I gave her one dose of Lycopodium 30. That was 7 pm.
She slept throughout until 11pm when she was 'rudely' awakened by nature's call that she had to rush to the newspaper to pee.
I followed her to see if there was any discharge - none that I can see. The urine is back to normal yellow colour. But she would keep licking her vagina after she had urinated. Then she went back to lie down. I gave her another dose of Lyco.
I suppose I can consider this dog a bit on the chilly side cos she likes to lie down on towels even during hot days. My floor is ceramic.
Her condition was worse during 3-7 pm.
I was told that she has been sterilized but the vet suspected that it wasn't done properly. We don't have much info on her background as her first owner has migrated to Australia.
When the vet examined her, he told me he could not feel any inflammation around the abdomen and pelvic areas. He was not keen to do any surgery as far as possible.
Painful yes cos the discharge is thick and it must have been painful cos her vagina is now swollen or inflamed. Earlier it wasn't so. There is some smell but it is not totally offensive.
The vet wanted me to give her one quarter of Baytril 2x a day but I have not started to give her cos she doesn't want any kibbles other than treats (which I can't tuck in the pill). She drinks when she is thirsty.
Don't know whether it was the right decision, but I was so desperate that she should have something to ease her condition that I gave her one dose of Lycopodium 30. That was 7 pm.
She slept throughout until 11pm when she was 'rudely' awakened by nature's call that she had to rush to the newspaper to pee.
I followed her to see if there was any discharge - none that I can see. The urine is back to normal yellow colour. But she would keep licking her vagina after she had urinated. Then she went back to lie down. I gave her another dose of Lyco.
I suppose I can consider this dog a bit on the chilly side cos she likes to lie down on towels even during hot days. My floor is ceramic.
Her condition was worse during 3-7 pm.
I was told that she has been sterilized but the vet suspected that it wasn't done properly. We don't have much info on her background as her first owner has migrated to Australia.
When the vet examined her, he told me he could not feel any inflammation around the abdomen and pelvic areas. He was not keen to do any surgery as far as possible.
mersing last decade
By the way, this girl likes the vet cos she didn't bite him at all. He was touching her here and there and holding on to her all the while.
It was just the opposite for me. She bit me 2x on my hand when I put on her harness and leash before putting her into the carrier!
It was just the opposite for me. She bit me 2x on my hand when I put on her harness and leash before putting her into the carrier!
mersing last decade
Another thing that came to mind. She has been having diarrhoea as well. Stools are dark brown in colour with alot of spluttering. The stool is quite offensive.
mersing last decade
did she have diarrhea before lyc? (I don't think she ate smth, did she?)
did the discharge stopped now?
She probably knows he is there to help her (is too smart to bite him now.maybe later).
did the discharge stopped now?
She probably knows he is there to help her (is too smart to bite him now.maybe later).
Astra2012 last decade
Podophyllum-Stools that gush from the anus particularly in the am and after eating. Watery, painless and putrid.
It sounds like Pyometra or infection of the uterus re: the chocolate color. Definition is inflammation of uterus with dark brown secretion and odor.
Remedies are as follows:
Caulophyllum 30C-Dose 3x daily for 5-7 days. This is for severe cases.
Less severe cases give Pulsatilla 4X or 6X.
If after 7 days of Caulophyllum discharge is bright red, give Secale Cornutum 30C-Dose 3 x daily for 5-7 days.
Homeopathic Echinacea may be given as well to help w/ infection.
I am limited to posting this weekend, so be brave and do your best.
It sounds like Pyometra or infection of the uterus re: the chocolate color. Definition is inflammation of uterus with dark brown secretion and odor.
Remedies are as follows:
Caulophyllum 30C-Dose 3x daily for 5-7 days. This is for severe cases.
Less severe cases give Pulsatilla 4X or 6X.
If after 7 days of Caulophyllum discharge is bright red, give Secale Cornutum 30C-Dose 3 x daily for 5-7 days.
Homeopathic Echinacea may be given as well to help w/ infection.
I am limited to posting this weekend, so be brave and do your best.
Namaste27 last decade
Dissolve remedies in a bit of water or goat milk for her. Even rice milk. NO cow's milk.
Medication can be hidden in a chunk of hot dog or a cream cheese ball or a piece of cheese. I have not met any animal, unless they are on death's doorstep that refuses these.
Diarrhea often means the body is purging itself so you don't want to suppress it. Make sure she stays hydrated. Pull up on her neck flesh to check for dehydration. If it snaps back, she is hydrated. If it slowly sinks down she needs fluids. If she goes on and on w/o drinking or eating, she will need IV fluids. Add a pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar or honey to her water bowl. This will give her electrolytes. Change water often and make a new batch daily until she is well.
You can feed her cooked rice with meat or baby food (no onion anything) to give her belly a rest.
Medication can be hidden in a chunk of hot dog or a cream cheese ball or a piece of cheese. I have not met any animal, unless they are on death's doorstep that refuses these.
Diarrhea often means the body is purging itself so you don't want to suppress it. Make sure she stays hydrated. Pull up on her neck flesh to check for dehydration. If it snaps back, she is hydrated. If it slowly sinks down she needs fluids. If she goes on and on w/o drinking or eating, she will need IV fluids. Add a pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar or honey to her water bowl. This will give her electrolytes. Change water often and make a new batch daily until she is well.
You can feed her cooked rice with meat or baby food (no onion anything) to give her belly a rest.
Namaste27 last decade
Yes, this diarrhea may actually be a good sign- (would lyc do that?)
but I never gave hom. remedy in food- in drinking water or just dry pills only. (never on the nose-not because it wouldn't work, but because it is difficult).
What are her symptoms now?
but I never gave hom. remedy in food- in drinking water or just dry pills only. (never on the nose-not because it wouldn't work, but because it is difficult).
What are her symptoms now?
Astra2012 last decade
Thanks Namaste and Astra for the great help. I will get the medicines this afternoon first. Whether I need it or not later is OK. I just need to get them standby when I need it.
Well this silly dog is an exception. She doesn't like any kind of milk nor cheese. Tried to give her milk/cheese had to throw them away.
I can't buy food that has to be stored in the fridge cos I don't have one at home. Food that I buy is normally consumed within that day itself or that one meal.
This dog is a very small eater. She doesn't you to watch her eat or when she is doing her business.
Fortunately for her she is not dehydrated. She is still drinking water.
This morning, I went to have a look at the area where she normally does her business. Jai Guru Dev! The discharges are not there anymore.
She accepted some treats from me and actually ate them instead of hiding them. She even wagged her tail to greet me this morning. Normally she is very grouchy in the morning.
Her diarrhoea started after I gave her steamed minced chicken. But 2 doses of Nux Vom solved that problem that day. After that she only had soft stools and then the problem started again with diarrhoea and the chocolate discharges.
Instead of remaining where they are in the uterus, it's good that these discharges are coming out even though it frightened the daylight out of me.
Thanks for your help and have a good weekend.
Well this silly dog is an exception. She doesn't like any kind of milk nor cheese. Tried to give her milk/cheese had to throw them away.
I can't buy food that has to be stored in the fridge cos I don't have one at home. Food that I buy is normally consumed within that day itself or that one meal.
This dog is a very small eater. She doesn't you to watch her eat or when she is doing her business.
Fortunately for her she is not dehydrated. She is still drinking water.
This morning, I went to have a look at the area where she normally does her business. Jai Guru Dev! The discharges are not there anymore.
She accepted some treats from me and actually ate them instead of hiding them. She even wagged her tail to greet me this morning. Normally she is very grouchy in the morning.
Her diarrhoea started after I gave her steamed minced chicken. But 2 doses of Nux Vom solved that problem that day. After that she only had soft stools and then the problem started again with diarrhoea and the chocolate discharges.
Instead of remaining where they are in the uterus, it's good that these discharges are coming out even though it frightened the daylight out of me.
Thanks for your help and have a good weekend.
mersing last decade
She has great help in you. And seems that everything turned best.
Discharges are scary but shouldn't be suppressed.
Discharges are scary but shouldn't be suppressed.
Astra2012 last decade
You are right about the non-suppression of the discharges, Astra.
The girl had another discharge yesterday but it was not thick as before. She was also straining real hard at stool and the feces got stuck at her anus. Difficult to remove the feces with the tissue so I carried her (with her permission :)) and gave her a thorough flushing and bathed her at the same time and trimmed some hair off the area so that it won't be so painful if I have to manually remove the feces for her again.
Her vagina is still swollen. The opening seems red and sore. But the frequency of running to pee has been cut down.
The girl had another discharge yesterday but it was not thick as before. She was also straining real hard at stool and the feces got stuck at her anus. Difficult to remove the feces with the tissue so I carried her (with her permission :)) and gave her a thorough flushing and bathed her at the same time and trimmed some hair off the area so that it won't be so painful if I have to manually remove the feces for her again.
Her vagina is still swollen. The opening seems red and sore. But the frequency of running to pee has been cut down.
mersing last decade
Dogs have this habit of licking themselves after using the bathroom esp if the place is irritated. Let's hope it will get ok soon.
That discharge must have been quite irritating!
It's wonderful that you take such a good care of her (better than good actually).
That discharge must have been quite irritating!
It's wonderful that you take such a good care of her (better than good actually).
Astra2012 last decade
Namaste27 last decade
Morning, Namaste and Astra
Been having good results with the dog.....
First thing first ... she decided to eat the sugar pills with the remedies in them on her own. :) That makes my life so much easier.
Secondly, her urine is normal and her vagina is not so red today. She has also just passed motion which came out without much straining and her stool is long and soft, a bit smelly.
Thirdly, she nicely asked (with soft barks) for her breakfast to be served in bed. She even asked for the 2nd time :)
Fourthly, she is almost back to normal now, running and barking at strangers who knocked at the door except that she would turn around quickly to lick her vagina.
Normally, she liked to be massaged but when I tried yesterday to massage along her lower spine, she turned and snapped. I supposed the area is still painful?
She is on daily dose of Caulophyllum, Echinacea and Pyrogenium. I forgot to collect Baptisia which I normally use together with Echinacea and Pyrogenium for any kind of infection.
Namaste, thanks for suggesting Echinacea which brought back the combination to my mind.
When I emailed a report on the dog's progress to her rescuer (who is really sceptical about homeopathy), she was surprised that I didn't even give a dose of the antibiotics that the vet has prescribed and that the dog is recovering.
Been having good results with the dog.....
First thing first ... she decided to eat the sugar pills with the remedies in them on her own. :) That makes my life so much easier.
Secondly, her urine is normal and her vagina is not so red today. She has also just passed motion which came out without much straining and her stool is long and soft, a bit smelly.
Thirdly, she nicely asked (with soft barks) for her breakfast to be served in bed. She even asked for the 2nd time :)
Fourthly, she is almost back to normal now, running and barking at strangers who knocked at the door except that she would turn around quickly to lick her vagina.
Normally, she liked to be massaged but when I tried yesterday to massage along her lower spine, she turned and snapped. I supposed the area is still painful?
She is on daily dose of Caulophyllum, Echinacea and Pyrogenium. I forgot to collect Baptisia which I normally use together with Echinacea and Pyrogenium for any kind of infection.
Namaste, thanks for suggesting Echinacea which brought back the combination to my mind.
When I emailed a report on the dog's progress to her rescuer (who is really sceptical about homeopathy), she was surprised that I didn't even give a dose of the antibiotics that the vet has prescribed and that the dog is recovering.
mersing last decade
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