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1)Pulsatilla2)Calcarea Carb- Respected David, please suggest Page 3 of 4
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It would be extremely rare to need 10M so soon, or even at all. 10M is a rarely needed potency for most people.
The only reason to go higher is if the lower potency has ceased working, and there are clear signs of relapse, plus the symptoms clearly point to the same remedy. Otherwise the case must be retaken, and the symptoms examined closely to see what needs to be done to continue progress. It is not appropriate to just go straight up to the next potency, especially when the jump from 1M to 10M is so extreme.
If 10M is the wrong step, it may not only undo any progress you have had, but create new symptoms.
[message edited by Evocationer on Thu, 15 Jan 2015 01:59:28 GMT]
The only reason to go higher is if the lower potency has ceased working, and there are clear signs of relapse, plus the symptoms clearly point to the same remedy. Otherwise the case must be retaken, and the symptoms examined closely to see what needs to be done to continue progress. It is not appropriate to just go straight up to the next potency, especially when the jump from 1M to 10M is so extreme.
If 10M is the wrong step, it may not only undo any progress you have had, but create new symptoms.
[message edited by Evocationer on Thu, 15 Jan 2015 01:59:28 GMT]
♡ Evocationer last decade
I am very much sure, that pulsatilla is my remedy for life time.I have tried different remedies and also observed my behavioral changes with those remedies, most comfortable and real I am with pulsatilla.
With this remedy my originals were retained PLUS my defects were gone plus a few new features were introduced which might other wise have been defects and would have been never known.One among them is lack of confidence, open expression (i used to go on mute or readily agree to others idea rather than providing my view)
I do not see relapse but just thought 10 M might cure my disease for ever.
How ever a question, if pulsatilla is my remedy for life time, is there any harm in taking 10 M or what will be the outcome, if I take 10M?
With this remedy my originals were retained PLUS my defects were gone plus a few new features were introduced which might other wise have been defects and would have been never known.One among them is lack of confidence, open expression (i used to go on mute or readily agree to others idea rather than providing my view)
I do not see relapse but just thought 10 M might cure my disease for ever.
How ever a question, if pulsatilla is my remedy for life time, is there any harm in taking 10 M or what will be the outcome, if I take 10M?
HoneyKhanna last decade
There isn't such a thing as a remedy for life time. There is only the remedy you need now. As you take remedies, that remedy (your state) changes, and so new remedies are needed. How many you need depends on many things, one of which is the skill of the practitioner choosing the medicines. A proficient homoeopath typically needs fewer remedies to create a good outcome. Old states may come up which require treatment, or apparently new things (which may be in response to external events or traumas), acute illnesses, potential genetic issues which manifest - often a good initial remedy is really just the beginning, and without someone who is alert and knowledgeable the progress at the beginning can be lost.
Once Pulsatilla has done its work, it is likely you will never need it again, unless something happens to cause you to relapse. Usually this is orthodox medical treatment, although certain extreme traumatic events can also do this. This is not a hard and fast rule, some people seem to alternate between two or three remedies for awhile.
If a new symptoms has appeared, even it is an old one that has reappeared but not resolved, then something else needs to be done. Either the remedy is too strong or has been repeated too much and created that symptom, something has been suppressed (probably at a more surface level) and caused the new symptom to manifest deeper down, or the state is now changing to a new one.
If you take 10M and do not need it, it can completely reverse your progress, and create new symptoms. 10M is so powerful that new symptoms might last forever until cured with a new remedy. On the other hand, it might do nothing. Homoeopathy is always risky when you are prescribing without knowledge and experience.
[message edited by Evocationer on Fri, 16 Jan 2015 02:14:51 GMT]
Once Pulsatilla has done its work, it is likely you will never need it again, unless something happens to cause you to relapse. Usually this is orthodox medical treatment, although certain extreme traumatic events can also do this. This is not a hard and fast rule, some people seem to alternate between two or three remedies for awhile.
If a new symptoms has appeared, even it is an old one that has reappeared but not resolved, then something else needs to be done. Either the remedy is too strong or has been repeated too much and created that symptom, something has been suppressed (probably at a more surface level) and caused the new symptom to manifest deeper down, or the state is now changing to a new one.
If you take 10M and do not need it, it can completely reverse your progress, and create new symptoms. 10M is so powerful that new symptoms might last forever until cured with a new remedy. On the other hand, it might do nothing. Homoeopathy is always risky when you are prescribing without knowledge and experience.
[message edited by Evocationer on Fri, 16 Jan 2015 02:14:51 GMT]
♡ Evocationer last decade
"As you take remedies, that remedy (your state) changes, and so new remedies are needed."
But if the changed state, indicates complete health...i.e no disease then?
only thing I am not clear about is: if pulsatilla 1M has brought back health,will it continue for life time, OR i might need to repeat the dose 1M, if after few months same symptoms come back.
But if the changed state, indicates complete health...i.e no disease then?
only thing I am not clear about is: if pulsatilla 1M has brought back health,will it continue for life time, OR i might need to repeat the dose 1M, if after few months same symptoms come back.
HoneyKhanna last decade
Eventually your state should reach a point where further treatment isn't necessary, at least for a long while. However, this is only occasionally achieved with one remedy. More often it is multiple remedies, given at the right time, based on the symptoms that show up.
A remedy is definitely not going to give you health for a lifetime. Nothing can do that. When you need a new remedy, or the same remedy, or a new potency, or a different kind of therapy, is not predictable. The symptoms show the way - nobody can predict what the future will hold, or what your health will do in response to it.
A remedy is definitely not going to give you health for a lifetime. Nothing can do that. When you need a new remedy, or the same remedy, or a new potency, or a different kind of therapy, is not predictable. The symptoms show the way - nobody can predict what the future will hold, or what your health will do in response to it.
♡ Evocationer last decade
"Eventually your state should reach a point where further treatment isn't necessary,"
I feel pulsatilla has made me reach at that point as if now...i never had this feeling of being myself before....there was always one feeling may be dependency or being scared or suppressed that was more( with other remedies i tried).It makes me feel so complete and independent.
This is why i ask , if i am feeling I have attained complete health, shall i for for 10M, for me to have remedy working for a much long duration
I feel pulsatilla has made me reach at that point as if now...i never had this feeling of being myself before....there was always one feeling may be dependency or being scared or suppressed that was more( with other remedies i tried).It makes me feel so complete and independent.
This is why i ask , if i am feeling I have attained complete health, shall i for for 10M, for me to have remedy working for a much long duration
HoneyKhanna last decade
Here I am again with my status.
All is going perfect.Gained weight "reduced".
and body is functioning fine.
I am still on same dose of pulsa 1M.
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Wed, 21 Jan 2015 11:50:20 GMT]
Here I am again with my status.
All is going perfect.Gained weight "reduced".
and body is functioning fine.
I am still on same dose of pulsa 1M.
[message edited by HoneyKhanna on Wed, 21 Jan 2015 11:50:20 GMT]
HoneyKhanna last decade
Continuing waiting. Do not take a remedy when you feel well - this will almost certainly destroy that feeling.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Here are my observations about myself:
1) Motion wise OK,but I see I need a push to so some thing,I.e If I am sitting , ill keep sitting whole day.Probably I laziness is dominating me.
2)I still have eczema on chin with dark black spots, though they have dried
does this calls for a dose of Sulphur?
Here are my observations about myself:
1) Motion wise OK,but I see I need a push to so some thing,I.e If I am sitting , ill keep sitting whole day.Probably I laziness is dominating me.
2)I still have eczema on chin with dark black spots, though they have dried
does this calls for a dose of Sulphur?
HoneyKhanna last decade
Why would you use Sulphur - what are the Sulphur symptoms, and has the entire state changed to Sulphur (general/mental)?
♡ Evocationer last decade
I do not think so.But I have become very weepy, possessive and lazy.
Read from Paul Herscu's book, that Sulphur being antidote can cure the above mentioned symptoms.
Read from Paul Herscu's book, that Sulphur being antidote can cure the above mentioned symptoms.
HoneyKhanna last decade
Those are symptoms of many remedies. They are very typical Pulsatilla ones too. If Pulsatilla is your remedy, there is no reason to start taking another one so soon, unless the whole state has changed.
Are you sure you just haven't relapsed back into a Pulsatilla state? First rule of prescribing - Don't change a remedy that is working.
Are you sure you just haven't relapsed back into a Pulsatilla state? First rule of prescribing - Don't change a remedy that is working.
♡ Evocationer last decade
I am very sure, my system has not relapsed.When I had pulsatilla 30 for the very first time, I remember, I had dark days like this, and then suddenly there was a change in my system...starting from metabolism to sleep to my activity.I became active .Can this be aggravation time?
HoneyKhanna last decade
I don't know - I can't judge that without following the symptoms closely and in detail. It could be anything - aggravation, suppression, proving symptoms, new state appearing, old state appearing. Whole case needs to be taken again and reassessed, which would be normal procedure.
♡ Evocationer last decade
How long ago did you take the last dose of Pulsatilla? I assume that was the last remedy you took?
♡ Evocationer last decade
How are you doing.
Once we conclude constitutional remedy, how do we decide which potency suits us maximum.As for me,i am experiencing 30 suits me best out of 30, 200 and 1M.
pls help me in understanding
How are you doing.
Once we conclude constitutional remedy, how do we decide which potency suits us maximum.As for me,i am experiencing 30 suits me best out of 30, 200 and 1M.
pls help me in understanding
HoneyKhanna last decade
Aggravation happens within a few days of taking the remedy, often a few hours. Aggravation doesn't follow improvement if it is part of a curative process. It certainly doesn't happen weeks after the dose.
Potency is individual, decided by various factors in the person's history, how the symptoms present, what kind of complaints you are treating.
Potency is individual, decided by various factors in the person's history, how the symptoms present, what kind of complaints you are treating.
♡ Evocationer last decade
but why it happen's , that with potency 30 metabolism becomes v good, while not with 1M.
Is 30 potency for physical symptoms and 1M for mental?
Is 30 potency for physical symptoms and 1M for mental?
HoneyKhanna last decade
The lower the potency, the less precise the prescription has to be. Low potencies act more broadly, while higher potencies are more specific. This is why naturopaths and other poorly trained therapists can use low potencies and produce some kind of result. They are not aiming the remedy at the deepest most individual part of the case.
As you go up in potency, it tells you how accurate the prescription is. Many partial similars will work well enough at 12c, 30c, but as you move up to 200c, 1M etc. if the remedy is not exact enough those potencies will fail to act.
There are other considerations with potency as well - they must match the vital level of the patient. However with low vitality patients as you go higher you get more severe aggravations. With partial similars, you get no reaction (unless the person overdoses and produces proving symptoms).
The more characteristic, peculiar, rare, strange the symptoms covered by the remedy, the higher in potency you can go, keeping in mind the other factors that decide potency of course.
As you go up in potency, it tells you how accurate the prescription is. Many partial similars will work well enough at 12c, 30c, but as you move up to 200c, 1M etc. if the remedy is not exact enough those potencies will fail to act.
There are other considerations with potency as well - they must match the vital level of the patient. However with low vitality patients as you go higher you get more severe aggravations. With partial similars, you get no reaction (unless the person overdoses and produces proving symptoms).
The more characteristic, peculiar, rare, strange the symptoms covered by the remedy, the higher in potency you can go, keeping in mind the other factors that decide potency of course.
♡ Evocationer last decade
What does vital means and how this can be judged.Is this immune system... If yes...does this mean people with weak immune system will have bad aggravation with high potencies?
HoneyKhanna last decade
It's hard to give exact instructions on how to judge vitality. This is something you learn in clinic. Response to remedies is a sure indicator though, with high potencies causing a lot of trouble for low vitality patients. They might even kill such patients, or at least instigate the final decline (rather than literally kill like a poison will).
Weakness might also be a sign of low vitality, but that doesn't necessarily equate to a specific 'weak' system. Weakness can mean impaired, and impairment can come from various dysfunctions even in a high vitality patient.
Weakness might also be a sign of low vitality, but that doesn't necessarily equate to a specific 'weak' system. Weakness can mean impaired, and impairment can come from various dysfunctions even in a high vitality patient.
♡ Evocationer last decade
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