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Mobile Phone Radiation headache

Hello, i am a student aged 18years and i am suffering from headache whenever i speak on calls from my mobile phone, the ache last for 10-15mins even after removing the device. are there any remedy for it?
  ankur112233 on 2014-11-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
People are advised to not put the phone up to the ear-
to put it on speaker phone, or use earbuds, etc. Also
to keep the phone off your person, in a backpack or
whatever you want and to turn the phone off when
you sleep and at other times.

There is a remedy called mobile phone- that you can
order from Helios Homeopathic in the UK. Dr. Saab
on here has had people use mobile phone 200c once
a month for these problems. He is mostly in India-
I don't know where you source this in India but you
could try this site -http://www.nuesthm.in/ and see if
they can get it for you.

Otherwise, you could give specific symptoms and try
a remedy that matches those symptoms-but the mobile
phone remedy is for sensitivity to these devices.
simone717 last decade
The symptoms of the headache would certainly be the best way to deal with it homoeopathically. Mobile phones mare obviously exploiting a weakness you have, so the best way to deal with that is to shore up the weakness.

Using the remedy made from mobile phone radiation may or may not help. Without symptoms you aren't practicing homoeopathy but isopathy (which can also be allopathy). There is an entire symptom picture associated with the remedy thought, and if it did suit you for more than the headache, you would stand a good chance of it having a positive effect (perhaps on more than the headache too).

Mental Picture:

Active, busy, hurried
Rushed as if they had to do something important
Impatient even over little things
Restless, paces back and forth
Time appears too short

Absent-minded, cannot fix the attention, cannot study or write
Confused, loses their way in well-known streets
Feels as if there are holes in the brain where memory falls through
Feels as if they have two brains which oppose each other
Feel like they are not themselves
Feels like mind and body are separated
Weak memory, for what they were about to do or write, where has placed objects, for words
Spaced out feeling

Desire to wear black
Estranged from society
Feels alone in the world
Feels isolated and forsaken
Wants to hide
Desires to remain in bed

Fear of saying something wrong
Fear they have neglected their duty
Aversion to responsibility
Postpones everything to the next day
Undertakes many things perseveres in nothing
Timidity to talk in public

Physical picture:

Head pain <(worse) before menses > (better) wine
Head pain as from a nail in the right temple
Sensation of a hairs -in the eye, on the cheek, on the nose
Tongue feels enlarged or heavy
Metallic or smoky taste in the mouth
Electric shocks in the teeth
Mucus difficult to detach in throat
Sensation of a stone in the stomach after eating
Craves chocolate, tobacco, coffee
Discharges are yellowish-orange (stool, leucorrhoea, urine)
Metallic odour of stools
Sensation as if the vertebrae are loose
Spine cracks on moving
Always dropping things from the hands
Craves open air
Intolerance for covers
Feels better while fasting

Evocationer last decade
hello can you send the link of the product?
ankur112233 last decade
It's not a product - it is a medicine, used when the entire picture of the person's disease (ill-health, vital imbalance etc) matches it.

It should only be used if someone has prescribed it for you on the basis of the kind of symptoms I have described. Those symptoms are just a small part of the whole picture, which is much more complex.
Evocationer last decade
There are 4 mobile phone remedies listed on Helios.

The proving symptoms that Evocationer listed are probably
for one of them.


Another proving that is on the net is this one-below- but
I cannot figure out if it is one of the Helios remedies.

http://www.provings.info/pruefungen/mobile%20phone%20en.pdf ....

You could write Helios or the Homeopathic college that did
the proving above and ask them how it is listed. This was
a good proving done in a very regulated manner.

The 'mast' mobile phone remedy is what is called a meditation
proving-many people don't think they are reliable. You can
look up that one on the web and read a partial pdf on it-

But what stands out on all this- is the mast proving was
prompted by a person whose family became unwell after
a 'mast' was put in near their home- I assume mast means
cell tower as we call them in usa. There is a story of one
woman who was in hospital with unexplained scar tissue
on her right side- when she was released, her husband gave
her, her coat- Putting that on she realized her phone was
in a pocket always there on her right side. And another
story of a fireman who took a picture of a friend who
had been on the cell for a half hour- his picture showed
a hot spot in the person's brain- like what they look for
in places on fire.
simone717 last decade

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