The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Rash and White patches Page 3 of 4
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
stop phosphorus .
wait for a week.
after that give her a dose of Calcarea Carbonica 200c and after three days dose of taking medicine report back.
take care.
[message edited by gaintrox on Thu, 08 Jan 2015 20:01:38 GMT]
wait for a week.
after that give her a dose of Calcarea Carbonica 200c and after three days dose of taking medicine report back.
take care.
[message edited by gaintrox on Thu, 08 Jan 2015 20:01:38 GMT]
gaintrox last decade
ok,u can use 30c. After one week let me know how is the rashes depending on which i will tell u the dose Calcarea Carbonica 30c .
[message edited by gaintrox on Fri, 09 Jan 2015 09:42:55 GMT]
[message edited by gaintrox on Fri, 09 Jan 2015 09:42:55 GMT]
gaintrox last decade
sunflower99 last decade
yes .it is possible use "at" instead of shift +2(that symbol is not allow in this forum ) in e mail address.
gaintrox last decade
It will be a week tomorrow,and no change since last phosphorus
sunflower99 last decade
so,then give two dose of Calcarea Carbonica 30c per day at interval of 12 hour in empty stomach.After 4 days of taking medicine let me know how she is doing
gaintrox last decade
4th day on Calcarea Carbonica 30, rash is good, is now very itchy and feeling happy
sunflower99 last decade
gaintrox last decade
use 30c,give two dose of it per day at interval of 12 hour in empty stomach.After 4 days of taking medicine let me know how she is doing .
gaintrox last decade
sunflower99 last decade
If nothing change it to MD he will do some test and find out the cause of it.I was prescribing
according to the symptoms but i think it is not enough.
take care.
according to the symptoms but i think it is not enough.
take care.
gaintrox last decade
she has, one MD said psoriasis, the other did not know
sunflower99 last decade
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